How to freeze porcini mushrooms? How to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter in the freezer.

Freezing for the winter - recipes with photos

Mushrooms subject to all necessary measures precautions will help you please your loved ones and surprise your guests. How to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter in the freezer...

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Frozen porcini mushrooms can be bought today both in the supermarket and at the market. Why does home freezing remain relevant? For me, as a housewife, the answer to this question is very simple. Mushrooms are not the most harmless product, I want a 100% guarantee that my loved ones will not end up with low-quality, overgrown or poisonous mushrooms, and only I myself can provide a 100% guarantee.

The main rule: caution

IN last years Poisonous mushrooms are increasingly disguised as edible ones. This also applies to porcini mushrooms. They have “doubles” in the forest, which only a real mushroom picker can recognize. And if you look in an amateur’s basket: what’s not there, God forbid it all ends up in a saucepan or frying pan! Without false modesty, I consider myself an experienced mushroom picker; I had not yet gone to school, but with a small basket in my hands I accompanied my mother into the forest.

In addition, as a housewife, I am inherently cautious: if I have even the slightest doubt about the quality of a mushroom, I will throw it away without the slightest regret. Health is more valuable.

Freezing, unfortunately, does not make bad mushrooms safer than they actually are, but it can get confusing if, for example, the seller offers the stems separately from the caps. You won't always understand what they are selling you. That’s why the best porcini mushrooms for freezing are gifts from the forest, collected with your own hands.

And another tip: freeze young, strong, fresh mushrooms. Fortunately, you won’t have to bother with them for a long time. Brought from the forest - immediately processed.

Not “wholesale”, but “retail”: why you need to freeze mushrooms in small bags

Freezing mushrooms couldn't be easier. What you need to have on hand for this:

  • White mushrooms;
  • food bags (preferably especially for freezing);
  • colander;
  • plastic containers or trays.

I never freeze mushrooms in large portions. The contents of the bag should be enough for one mycelium, or for one julienne (this is why small bags or containers will be required). I know the “consumption norm” of my family, I think that any, even a novice housewife, will solve this issue without difficulty.

You will need a colander to immediately load the quickly washed mushrooms into it so that the water can drain: there is no place for excess moisture in the freezer. If you collected the mushrooms yourself, you can do without water procedures - scrape the soil from the root part with a knife, remove the blades of grass and leaves from the cap of the porcini mushroom. This is often enough.

Three popular freezing recipes

There are several types of freezing when they are sent to the refrigerator: raw mushrooms, boiled, fried.

  1. How are raw mushrooms frozen? Small ones - whole. Large ones - cut into not very small pieces. If the mushroom has large greenish-yellow pores, and the pulp itself is of good quality, it is advisable to cut off the pores - otherwise, after defrosting, in a soup, for example, they will become limp and ruin your entire dish. Don’t be greedy at all: in my many years of experience, you need much less frozen mushrooms for soup than fresh ones - their aroma becomes stronger, more concentrated or something. In addition, it is customary to cook “winter mushroom mushroom” using noodles, which means that less forest products will be needed.
  2. Boiled mushrooms, as is generally clear from the name, they cook before freezing, but not until fully cooked, but for about five minutes, no more. Then put it in a colander to drain the water. Then they are frozen.
  3. With fried mushrooms everything is also clear: they are fried on vegetable oil, until fully prepared, and then laid out in small containers.

From the “north pole” to the hot “south”: unwinding

Of the three methods, I prefer freezing raw mushrooms (quick and convenient) and fried ones (take them out of the freezer and put them in a frying pan where the potatoes are already simmering). In addition, from fried mushrooms A friend taught me how to cook caviar by grinding them (still frozen) through a meat grinder, and then lightly frying them and adding finely chopped onions and grated boiled carrots. The dish must be seasoned with vegetable oil.

I don’t really like the option with boiled mushrooms - I don’t want to waste time on cooking, if later, during use, I still have to cook, and not until half-cooked, but until fully cooked.

You can defrost mushrooms in different ways. I do this by dousing them cold water from the tap: it comes off quickly, five to ten minutes, and the mushrooms can already be chopped. My aunt does this “according to science”, having read advice in some book: she transfers mushrooms from the freezer to one of the refrigerator shelves, and there they go away without experiencing a shock temperature change. My aunt claims that mushrooms retain their natural flavor better this way.

Be careful with your neighbors

Frozen mushrooms belong in the freezer. It’s good if, in addition to a refrigerator, you also have a freezer, like I do: I look into it less often, which means I don’t disturb the mushrooms, letting warm air in, albeit for seconds.

Storage bags must be durable so that porcini mushrooms do not absorb the odors of surrounding products. I had a similar mistake with bell pepper, which I saved for winter stuffing. His strong smell soaked all its neighbors, especially mushrooms, because they absorb different flavors like a sponge.

Who needs supplements?

Frozen mushrooms for me I like it best in soup, or rather, in a mushroom picker (it sounds more appetizing and very summery). You can also make julienne with mushrooms, use them as a filling for pies. In general, I often add a little frozen porcini when I cook meat in pots in the oven or some meat or vegetable dish in a slow cooker. Don’t be afraid to experiment: if your family loves mushrooms, then you won’t ruin the dish with them, that’s for sure.

Frozen mushrooms, if all necessary precautions are taken during their preparation, will help make your table more varied - please loved ones and surprise guests. By the way, they are also good in terms of saving: just imagine how much money you will need to spend to fry a frying pan of champignons (let’s be honest, not the most aromatic mushrooms), how you will give yourself an order: next fall I will collect and freeze the mushrooms myself!

In contact with

Freezing porcini mushrooms is in the best possible way their preparations for consumption throughout the winter. Recipes for freezing porcini mushrooms allow boiled or raw porcini mushrooms to be sent to the freezer.

Proper freezing of porcini mushrooms allows you not only to get quality product, but also save precious space in the freezer. Therefore, it is better to boil boletus mushrooms first.

You can read about how porcini mushrooms are frozen according to all the rules on this page. Here we talk about how to freeze porcini mushrooms with preliminary preparation and without her.

You can also learn how to properly freeze porcini mushrooms so that they do not become bitter later.

Freezing porcini mushrooms is one of the most popular types canning this product. Frozen porcini mushrooms retain their taste, color, smell and nutritional value. The only drawback of this method of harvesting is that after heat treatment, frozen mushrooms lose most its volume.

In order to reduce the volume of mushrooms before freezing, it is recommended to pre-fry or boil them. Before freezing fresh mushrooms You need to clean them thoroughly, trim the stems and wash them in cold running water.

At the same time, keep in mind that one package should contain as many mushrooms as you are going to use at one time, so as not to subject them to secondary freezing.

Mushrooms prepared in this way can be stored for more than 6 months. Before eating, you should not defrost them - place the mushrooms directly in a saucepan or frying pan.

You can also freeze mushrooms boiled in water or own juice.

In order for the mushrooms to retain their taste and smell, do not add to the water when cooking. a large number of salt.

Place the mushrooms in boiling water and cook for about 10-20 minutes. Mushrooms boiled in their own juice retain more nutritional qualities.

This process is more like frying: prepared mushrooms are placed in a deep frying pan or saucepan and heated over low heat until the original volume is reduced by 3-5 times. When the dishes are heated to 70–80 °C, the mushrooms begin to release juice and are fried in it.

Mushrooms that are fried without adding salt or spices are often used for freezing. They should be transferred to plastic bags only after they have cooled completely.

How to prepare porcini mushrooms for freezing


  • lemon acid

Before preparing porcini mushrooms for freezing, they are washed in water, cut into pieces, poured into boiling salted and slightly acidified water and boiled for about 5 minutes. The strained mushrooms are cooled in a saucepan with cold water.

Then the well-dried mushrooms are laid out in one layer on foil and frozen at -20 °C.

Frozen mushrooms are placed in plastic bags in portions (about 200–300 g) for single use and the air is squeezed out of the bags.

Dry or freeze porcini mushroom

Dry or freeze White mushroom– each housewife decides for herself, depending on her options for subsequent storage of harvested boletus mushrooms. Mushrooms are stored in the freezer; before use, frozen mushrooms are not defrosted, but immediately immersed in boiling water.

This method of processing mushrooms does not require re-freezing after thawing. This should be remembered, otherwise poisoning may occur. If you need to defrost the freezer, you should transfer the mushrooms to another.

This method of processing mushrooms, of course, is not applicable in cases of power outages.

Do fried porcini mushrooms freeze?


  • freshly picked young porcini mushrooms
  • vegetable oil

Do fried porcini mushrooms freeze? This is a very interesting question. Yes, fried mushrooms can be frozen. Peeled mushrooms are washed in water, cut into pieces, poured into boiling salted water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Then the strained mushrooms are fried for 30 minutes in vegetable oil, after which the mushrooms are allowed to cool and placed in plastic bags in small portions (about 200–300 g) for one-time use; The air is squeezed out of the bags.

Store mushrooms in the freezer.

Why do porcini mushrooms taste bitter after freezing?

Many inexperienced housewives ask why porcini mushrooms taste bitter after freezing and how they can get rid of this unpleasant taste. Before use, the contents of the packages (frozen mushrooms) are cut into several parts and placed on a heated frying pan.

Frozen fried mushrooms will take up significantly less space in the freezer compared to frozen boiled mushrooms. This method of processing mushrooms, like the previous one, does not require re-freezing, as poisoning is possible. If you need to defrost the freezer, you should transfer the mushrooms to another.

This method of processing mushrooms is not applicable in cases of power outages.

Frozen white mushroom recipe

According to this recipe for frozen porcini mushrooms, thoroughly clean fresh boletus mushrooms from forest debris: twigs, soil, leaves, wash them several times. cold water with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar essence, dry with a napkin.

Then place the mushrooms in a dry, clean plastic bag, tie it with an elastic band and place it in the freezer.

If you use plastic boxes, wash them first. hot water with soap and hold over steam for 1-2 minutes.

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms – 3–5 kg
  • lemon juice or vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.

Processing porcini mushrooms before freezing

Treated and washed fresh mushrooms dry on a towel, sprinkle lemon juice and place in a dry plastic bag.

Processing porcini mushrooms before freezing involves peeling, rinsing and boiling in salted water for 30 minutes.

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms – 1 kg
  • lemon juice – 1/2 tbsp. l.

Freezing boiled white mushrooms

To freeze boiled porcini mushrooms, dry fresh boletus mushrooms, peeled and washed in cold water, and cut into cubes. average size. Boil them in water with added salt. Finely chop the parsley and dill, mix with ground allspice and mushrooms. Place in a plastic box. Store in the freezer at 18–20 degrees.

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms – 3 kg
  • parsley and dill - 3–5 tbsp. l.
  • ground allspice– 1/2 tsp.

How to cook porcini mushroom for freezing

Before preparing porcini mushrooms for freezing, wash small boletus mushrooms thoroughly several times in cold water, mix with finely chopped garlic, place in a plastic bag or plastic box and place in the freezer.

You will need:

  • small mushrooms – 1 kg
  • finely chopped garlic - 3 heads

Frozen fried porcini mushrooms

Wash fresh young mushrooms, dry them, mix with salt and fry in vegetable oil for 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Then remove from heat, cool, place in a clean glass jar or a small enamel saucepan and place in the freezer. Frozen fried mushrooms can be served with gravy.

To do this, peel the onion and chop finely. Cut the peeled carrots into strips. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry onions and carrots. When the onion turns golden, add sour cream, salt and simmer the roots for 10 minutes under a closed lid over low heat. Pour the finished gravy over the thawed mushrooms.

Serve with side dish.

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms – 3 kg
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • medium-sized carrots – 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil – 3–5 tbsp. l.
  • sour cream – 1–1.5 tbsp.
  • salt to taste

Frozen stewed porcini mushrooms

Peel fresh mushrooms, rinse in cold water and finely chop. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Then pour in white wine, add salt, finely chopped parsley, ground black pepper, cloves and simmer until the mushrooms become soft.

Cool the finished mushrooms, place them in a plastic bag or plastic box and freeze.

Stewed frozen mushrooms are used to prepare both first and second courses.

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms – 1 kg
  • vegetable oil – 2–3 tbsp. l.
  • white wine – 1/2 tbsp.
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • parsley - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • cloves – 1/3 tsp.

Frozen fried porcini mushrooms with onion sauce

Old Russian cookbooks contain a recipe for fried mushrooms with onion gravy. With minor modifications, this recipe can still be used today.

Wash a kilogram of fresh young porcini mushrooms, dry the caps, add salt and fry for 15 minutes in dissolved oil (not vegetable!), stirring frequently. Remove from heat, cool, place in glass, or preferably enamel, container and freeze. Defrost mushrooms at room temperature.

Prepare gravy for them: put chopped onion in heated oil and simmer until soft, then add a glass of sour cream and boil. The gravy is poured over the heated mushrooms.

Frozen stewed porcini mushrooms in winter

750 g of fresh mushrooms are cleaned, washed, chopped, placed in a pan and stewed in 3 tbsp. spoons of oil. When the mushrooms become soft, add a little dry white wine, an incomplete spoon of black pepper and a bunch of finely chopped parsley.

After cooling, freeze. Defrost the mushrooms at room temperature, then reheat them and season with lemon juice when serving.

Mushrooms frozen at minus 18 °C (three stars on the refrigerator freezer door) will last up to a year, fried and stewed semi-finished products – no more than three months.


How to properly freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter

Today, quick freezing is one of the first places in organizing product storage. Let's look at how to freeze porcini mushrooms. Housewives often choose this method, since long-term frozen storage allows the natural taste to be preserved, and all useful substances and microelements remain almost unchanged.

Preparatory stage

Purchased or collected boletus mushrooms are carefully cleaned of forest debris with a soft brush or dishwasher. It is not recommended to collect them near the highway, as the mushrooms absorb harmful substances from car exhaust.

It is advisable not to wash the gifts of the forest. You should resort to this procedure if there is too much dirt: the mushrooms are lightly rinsed under the tap or washed in water acidified with vinegar.

Do not soak on long time, since their structure resembles a sponge that quickly absorbs moisture.

To freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter, the presence of liquid is extremely undesirable, so the product must be dry before freezing.

Fresh frozen storage

You can freeze porcini mushrooms in fresh. Preliminary sorting is carried out, large specimens are cut into several small slices. Small ones can be used to prepare interesting holiday dishes, and when divided into parts, add them to goulash or cook soup.

Ready boletus mushrooms are placed in special containers or bags for freezing food. Plastic containers are thoroughly washed and kept over a steaming pan for 2 - 3 minutes.

If in progress preparatory work The mushrooms were rinsed; it was better to place them at some distance from each other, otherwise they would freeze. It is advisable to spray them citric acid so that the boletus mushrooms do not lose color.

After 12 hours of cooling in the refrigerator, they can be transferred into bags of approximately 200 - 300 g, after squeezing out the air, and in this form placed in freezers for storage. Before preparing a dish with mushrooms, there is no need to defrost them: the preparation is placed directly from the bag in a frying pan or in a saucepan with soup.

Frozen boletus mushrooms are not recommended to be re-frozen. This not only reduces their taste, but in some cases leads to poisoning. If you need to defrost one refrigerator, the packages must be transferred to another one at this time. You should not freeze raw mushrooms if there are frequent power outages.

Small specimens can be washed thoroughly, the garlic cut into small pieces, put everything in a plastic bag and put in the freezer.

Methods for freezing boiled specimens

In response to the question of how to properly freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter, it is often advised to prepare them in a boiled form.

This method has an advantage over storing fresh frozen ones - such preparation takes up less space. This is especially true for families who have a small refrigerator.

In addition, specimens after cutting out wormholes and those that have lost their attractive appearance are also suitable for this option.

Mushrooms are cut into large slices and boiled for 5 - 10 minutes in lightly salted boiling water. Cooking longer is not recommended. After that, they are thrown into a colander to drain the liquid. The total volume should decrease by about 3 times.

After complete cooling, you can fill special containers or plastic bags. Mushrooms frozen in this way are added to soups or gravies.

Freezing the broth

The water in which boletus mushrooms are boiled is used for cooking. It is pre-boiled to thicken the liquid and then frozen in ice cube trays.

After cooking, the mushrooms are placed in jars and filled with broth. In this form, frozen porcini mushrooms can be stored for about 1 year. When necessary, you can put the contents into the pan, and in 10 minutes the broth will be almost ready.

Cooking in own juice

Even more useful substances mushrooms are preserved when they are boiled in their own juice. To do this, place them in a thick-bottomed saucepan or deep frying pan and cover with a lid. When heated over low heat, after a few minutes the process of evaporation of the liquid will begin. It is recommended to heat the dishes not too much, just up to +70 degrees.

Gradually, the volume of mushrooms will decrease by three times, which will be a signal of readiness. After cooling, the contents of the pan along with the liquid are poured into special plastic bags. You can also add chopped herbs and ground allspice there, and then close the containers tightly.

To avoid problems, when freezing, it is better to put in a bag the amount of mushrooms that will be needed to prepare one dish, so that you do not have to re-freeze them.

Fried mushrooms

Before freezing porcini mushrooms for the winter, you can pre-fry them in a frying pan. Peeled mushrooms are cut into cubes and placed in a frying pan without a lid. Gradually they begin to release liquid, and after about 20 - 30 minutes the water should completely evaporate. After this, you can add vegetable oil.

Frying is carried out until a golden crust forms. Then they are placed in a colander and allowed to drain excess fat. Place in bags only after complete cooling. Packaged in portions, in quantities sufficient to prepare the dish. Store in the freezer of a regular refrigerator.

Frozen boletus mushrooms will not lose their taste for 1 year. The temperature at which they should be placed for long-term storage, should be about -18 – 20 degrees .

Frozen porcini mushrooms usually do not require pre-thawing to cook. But if necessary, they are first kept for 5 - 6 hours in the refrigerator, and then placed for further defrosting in a room with a temperature of +20 - 23 degrees.

How to use

Recipes for preparing freshly frozen boletus mushrooms recommend boiling them before frying. Those specimens that were boiled before being placed in the freezer can be immediately thrown into a frying pan or pan for preparing soups.

If the mushrooms were fried before freezing, they can be served with gravy. If you cook with vegetables, fry the onion and carrots, cut into strips.

Then add sour cream to the pan and simmer the vegetables until almost done, only then add the mushrooms. After a few minutes of simmering, the mushroom gravy will be ready.


How to properly freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter and use them after freezing

Find out how to freeze porcini mushrooms, what freezing methods exist. Freezing and defrosting boletus mushrooms, using mushrooms after freezing.

What could be tastier and healthier than mushrooms in winter? The king of the mushroom kingdom, the boletus, is especially valued. Freezing will help to prepare it from summer to autumn, which will ensure the safety of all of it. beneficial properties. Find out how to freeze porcini mushrooms and how to use them correctly?

Preparing mushrooms for freezing

Freezing is a process that can preserve vitamins, nutrients and real taste in various products. This is also true for boletus mushrooms. But the process of freezing porcini mushrooms must occur correctly in order for the product to be of the highest quality.

Freezing whites begins with cleaning them - all debris is removed from the fruiting bodies, including leaves, soil, needles - it is advisable to do this right in the forest, so that harvested no forest debris got in. Already at home they are sorted through, throwing out rotten or completely wormy ones, cutting off the edges of the stem or trimming off the damaged parts. Then the whites are washed well in cool water.

You should not soak boletus mushrooms like, for example, milk mushrooms - this will only make them saturated with moisture, which can affect the quality of freezing and taste.

After washing, the mushrooms must be dried - they are laid out on paper towels, and also don’t forget to get wet on top. Some people do not recommend washing them at all before freezing, but only clean the mushrooms with a knife to remove debris.

Freezing rules

It’s easy to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter, but you still need to follow some rules. In this case, the harvesting process will be somewhat different depending on the form in which the fruiting bodies will be placed in the freezer.

The shelf life of the frozen product will be a maximum of one year (do not forget to include a piece of paper with the date of freezing).

Note: remember that it is very important to choose a well-closed container for freezing porcini mushrooms. The fruiting bodies of forest dwellers are capable of absorbing odors like a sponge, and therefore must be stored either separately from others food products, or be well isolated from them.

Raw mushrooms

In case of freezing raw fruiting bodies, only freshly picked boletus mushrooms are used - only a few hours should pass from the moment the fruiting bodies are cut. Otherwise, they will lose their taste or begin to deteriorate.

Mushrooms should be sorted and small ones selected that will be frozen whole. At the same time, they will not lose their appearance. And larger ones, after processing, are cut into cubes or bars - the smaller, the faster they will freeze.

Before small porcini mushrooms or cut into small pieces go into the freezer for for a long time, they are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer and placed in it for a couple of hours.

After this procedure, even fruiting bodies tightly packed into bags will not stick together into one large lump.

Slightly hardened mushrooms are placed tightly in small containers or bags at the rate of 1 container per 1 meal and put back in the freezer.

Boiled mushrooms

Freezing boiled porcini mushrooms is not particularly different from the above process. Before placing them in the freezer, they are cut into slices and boiled for about 10-15 minutes in lightly salted water, not forgetting to remove any foam that has formed from the surface. Using a slotted spoon, remove the finished mushrooms from the pan into a colander to drain the broth, then dry the mushrooms on a towel.

Note: the decoction resulting from cooking whites can be boiled until it thickens somewhat, cooled and also frozen. It is an excellent base for soups and sauces.

The mushroom mass, cooled to room temperature, is placed in containers and placed in the freezer.

It is recommended to cook mushrooms before harvesting if you purchased them at the market and do not know where they were collected. This will help get rid of any toxins that may be in the pulp. This will also reduce the volume occupied by the products in the freezer.

Fried mushrooms

White mushrooms prepared for processing, peeled and chopped, are fried without salt over moderate heat in vegetable oil until the mushroom juice has completely boiled away. Then they wait until they cool down, and, placing them in bags or containers, put them in the freezer.

How to defrost correctly

Frozen porcini mushrooms should be thawed before use.

It is advisable to do this according to the rules: move the bag with the preparation to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and let them melt in a slightly cool environment. To speed up the process, they can be placed under cold water.

In some cases, white ones can also be used frozen - for example, to cook soup, they are simply poured from the bag into boiling water.

Remember that mushrooms cannot be placed in the freezer a second time after defrosting.

Cooking time for frozen boletus

Frozen fried porcini mushrooms are a ready-made dish that just needs to be defrosted and reheated before use. They are also used as a filling for pies.

Many people are also interested in the question of how long to cook frozen boletus fruiting bodies. Before using freshly frozen white ones, they need to be boiled in water with added salt for 15-20 minutes. And you only need to fry them for about 15 minutes.

Cooking boiled ones is even easier - they are either thawed or used as fillings, ingredients for soups and salads.

Porcini mushrooms are a source of vitamins, nutrients, useful microelements. They can become a real highlight of culinary skills and decorate both everyday dinner and festive table. Therefore, freezing them for the winter - great option pamper yourself and your loved ones with this delicacy.


How to freeze porcini mushrooms?

How nice it is to remember warm days, a shady forest in winter, while eating delicious porcini mushroom soup. Freezing them will help preserve them. This type of preparation allows you to preserve the nutritional value, taste and aromatic benefits of fresh mushrooms.

  • - White mushrooms,
  • - water,
  • - salt,
  • - bags or containers for freezing,
  • - labels.


  1. Inspect the porcini mushrooms after collecting, rinse, and thoroughly clean the damaged areas of dirt. Sort the young ones from the old ones - it is advisable to process them separately. If there are a lot of mushrooms, separate the caps from the stems and prepare them separately for freezing.

    Cut the well-cleaned mushrooms with a sharp knife into 3-4 mm thick plates - the sections should not turn pink. If the mushrooms are young, strong, but slightly wormy, then soak them for 30 minutes. in salted water and then rinse - the worms will remain in the salt solution.

  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add a little salt.

    Boil the mushrooms for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. This operation will reduce their volume and save space in the freezer. Pour the mushrooms into a colander, wait until the water in which they were boiled is completely drained and place them tightly in bags, dividing them into the portions necessary for further cooking. Seal the bags tightly.

    You can also use containers for freezing, but remember that mushrooms increase in size when frozen, and the container should be filled no more than three-quarters full.

  3. Place a label with the date of harvest on bags or containers with mushrooms prepared for freezing, and place them in the freezer.

    Mushrooms should be frozen quickly; if possible, reduce the temperature to a minimum for the time required for freezing. Store at minus 18°C.


It is advisable to process mushrooms immediately after collection. Taste each mushroom; if it is bitter, then it should not be used. Severely wormy mushrooms should not be harvested.

Place young and old mushrooms in separate bags for freezing - old ones are great for frying or stewing, and young ones are great for soup.

Use the liquid remaining after cooking mushrooms to make soups or sauces.
Mushrooms can be stored frozen for 8-12 months.

You can defrost it once - just before cooking. You can cook food only from completely defrosted mushrooms.

How to freeze porcini mushrooms

Freezing porcini mushrooms is an excellent type of preparation, which allows you to preserve their nutritional, taste and aromatic values. In winter, you can enjoy a delicious dish made from mushrooms and remember the warm summer days.


  1. Having collected white mushrooms, inspect them carefully, rinse them in cold water, clean them of dirt and wash them again. Old and young mushrooms process separately from each other. The former are great for frying or stewing, and the latter are great for making soup. If desired, separate the caps from the stems and freeze separately.
  2. Well cleaned mushrooms fold on cutting board and cut with a sharp knife into slices approximately 3-4 millimeters thick. Taste each mushroom; if it is bitter, do not use it.
  3. If mushrooms young and strong, but a little wormy, soak them for 30-40 minutes in slightly salted water, and then wash in cold water.

    The worms will remain in the salty solution. Very wormy mushrooms do not use for freezing.

  4. Pour into the pan required amount water, add salt, put on fire and bring to a boil. Drop it there mushrooms and cook, stirring constantly for 5-7 minutes.

    This procedure will reduce the volume of mushrooms, which will save space in the freezer. Post it mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain.

  5. Lay out mushrooms in packages in the quantity required for you.

    You can also use plastic containers to freeze mushrooms, but in this case remember that mushrooms They expand in volume when frozen, so do not fill containers more than three-quarters full.

  6. Label each bag or container with the date of preparation and place it in the freezer.

    Freeze mushrooms needs to be done quickly, so reduce the freezer temperature to low for a while.

  7. Store white mushrooms at a temperature of -18 degrees.
  8. The shelf life of frozen porcini mushrooms is 8-12 months.

Helpful advice

Do not throw away the water in which the mushrooms were cooked, but use it to prepare soup or sauce.
Do not refreeze mushrooms and prepare food only from completely thawed mushrooms.


How to freeze porcini mushrooms

The porcini mushroom is valued for its excellent taste qualities and wonderful aroma. In addition, this mushroom is extremely nutritious and healthy.

For connoisseurs of this mushroom, it is not enough to eat it only in the fall, because all year round, and especially in winter, you want to eat tasty and nutritious food.

And for fasting people, this is an extraordinary find, allowing them to maintain strength during fasting and please their household.

Porcini mushrooms contain vitamins A, B, C and D, riboflavin, sulfur and polysaccharides, lecithin, ergothioneine, hertzedine, proteins, antioxidants and enzymes. Boletus has tonic, wound-healing, anti-infective, and antitumor properties. Improves metabolism, prevents the occurrence of cancer, is used for tuberculosis and loss of strength, as a medicine.

There are many ways to prepare porcini mushrooms for the winter, including pickling, drying, freezing, and putting various mushroom salads in jars. But the most in the best ways Preparations are considered to be drying and freezing mushrooms for the winter, because this is how they retain their original taste and aroma, which is valued in the preparation of various dishes.

Freezing is the fastest and most easy way, but it also has its drawbacks:

  • they can turn off the light, and the mushrooms will melt, and the next time they freeze, they will lose their taste and aroma;
  • frozen mushrooms are inconvenient to transport, which cannot be said about dried ones;
  • The size of the freezer limits the quantity of food.

Methods for freezing porcini mushrooms

  1. The simplest and practical way– freeze the mushrooms raw. This will take the least time and will also give you the opportunity to diversify dishes with mushrooms. To do this, the mushrooms need to be peeled, washed and chopped.
  2. Freezing boiled mushrooms - wash and cut the peeled mushrooms, boil for 5 minutes without salt.

    Then drain the water, let it cool and dry, put it in bags and put it in the freezer.

  3. Freezing Fried Mushrooms – Peel, wash and chop the mushrooms. Fry in vegetable oil until all the moisture has evaporated. The mushrooms should be browned. No need to add salt and pepper.

    The finished mushrooms need to be cooled, packaged and placed in the freezer.

Subtleties and tricks of freezing porcini mushrooms

  1. It is better to freeze young mushrooms - they will retain their attractive appearance and will not absorb a lot of moisture when washed.
  2. Mushrooms must be dried before freezing to prevent them from sticking together.
  3. When freezing raw mushrooms, you need to cut them into 5-7mm slices, and if you decide to freeze them boiled or fried, then you need to cut them thicker, because during heat treatment they will become much smaller.
  4. Cook the mushrooms for no more than 5 minutes; Make sure they are completely drained and cool before putting them in the freezer.
  5. It is most convenient to place mushrooms in bags, as they take the desired shape and it is easy to expel excess air from them.
  6. You need to put mushrooms in a bag based on one serving of cooking, since when defrosted and re-frozen, they lose their taste and aroma.
  7. It is advisable to store separately from fish and meat.

How to defrost mushrooms correctly

  • Boiled and fried mushrooms are best defrosted in the refrigerator, then they will retain their appearance as much as possible.
  • You can defrost them at room temperature, but you should not use additional methods to defrost them.
  • It is better to defrost in a colander to drain excess water.
  • You can defrost it in the microwave using the “defrost” mode, but then the mushrooms will lose their beneficial properties.
  • It is better to immediately boil or fry raw mushrooms without defrosting them.

You can prepare any dish from frozen porcini mushrooms.

Thanks to freezing, you can transfer autumn preparations to the winter, for example, prepare mushroom caviar or mushroom pate not in the fall, but in the winter from frozen mushrooms, thereby leaving time for other important matters.

With mushrooms you can cook aromatic soups, bake a variety of pastries, prepare side dishes and bake in the oven with meat and potatoes, fry mushroom cutlets. There are many options for delicious and flavorful dishes.


Here are some recipes for frozen porcini mushrooms.

Turkey with mushrooms

  1. Slice the turkey, fry on all sides in hot butter, place in a saucepan, leave in a warm place with the lid ajar.
  2. Take 5-6 tomatoes, peel and grate or grind through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix tomatoes with 3 tbsp. tomato paste and heat in butter.
  4. Add chopped celery and parsley root and add 1 tbsp. flour, mix, add pre-stewed mushrooms.
  5. Add 1-2 chopped onions, pour 2 cups of broth, add 2 tbsp. sour cream, boil for 15-20 minutes, throw in 2 grated cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Add meat, cover and simmer until done.

Pancakes with porcini mushrooms and chicken

  1. Fry pancakes.
  2. Defrost boletus mushrooms, fry them with onions and spices, add chopped chicken fillet, fry.
  3. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  4. Spread the filling among the pancakes, wrap the envelopes, and you can fry the envelopes in a frying pan again.

Porcini mushrooms frozen for the winter will allow you to prepare delicious and healthy dishes until next summer!

How prepare porcini mushrooms for the winter? Probably every housewife knows an incredible number of mushroom dishes; they are fried, boiled, steamed, dried, and wrapped in jars for the winter. After all, what could be better on cold winter evenings than hot mushroom soup... In this article we will tell you how to freeze porcini mushrooms correctly . Well, what shall we do?

Freezing. Freezing raw mushrooms.

To do this, the mushrooms should be peeled, washed and cut into pieces about 7 mm thick. After this procedure, be sure to dry the mushrooms in a colander or using a strainer. Otherwise, the porcini mushrooms will stick together and lose their smell, aroma and appetizing appearance. After you have completed these procedures, arrange the porcini mushrooms into portions. Namely, put in a plastic bag the amount of porcini mushrooms that will be sufficient to prepare one dish. After all these manipulations, remove all the air from the bag. If you are using a container with a lid or a plastic tray, then you should fill the dish with as many porcini mushrooms as possible and leave minimal space for excess air.

Freezing boiled white mushrooms.

Peel, wash the mushrooms and put them in boiling water without salt. Boil porcini mushrooms for no more than 5 minutes, after which the mushrooms should cool and dry in a colander or sieve. Then, as in case 1, the mushrooms are distributed into bags proportionally and placed in the freezer.

Freezing Fried White Mushrooms.

The procedure differs from freezing boiled porcini mushrooms only in that, as you might guess, instead of boiling, the mushrooms will need to be fried. This is not at all difficult to do; fry the porcini mushrooms in vegetable oil until all the moisture has evaporated and the mushroom itself gets a beautiful blush. There is no need to pepper and salt porcini mushrooms; you can do these procedures already when you prepare a dish of porcini mushrooms. Hot porcini mushrooms should be laid out on a tray or board to cool, then repeat the procedure as in the first two cases, package them in food bags or place them in a tray.

Also read: Growing mushrooms at home

What can you use frozen mushrooms for? Yes for any dish to which you add fresh ones. We hope our tips will be useful to you, and in winter your dishes will be varied, tasty and delicious. And finally, we invite you to familiarize yourself with a rather interesting dish with porcini mushrooms, and also watch a couple video about freezing mushrooms, hope you enjoy

Boletus is the real king of the forest, which is welcome guest in the basket of any mushroom picker. You can make so many wonderful dishes out of it – it can easily be baked, fried or stewed! You can make soup or flavorful broth, freeze or dry it for longer storage, and much more. We will tell you how to cook porcini mushrooms according to all the rules so that they retain their taste and give each dish an indescribable smell!

Processing technology is a very important process that cannot be neglected, and today we will look at all its intricacies.

How to cook porcini mushrooms correctly

First of all, we must thoroughly sort out our catch, clean it of leaves, branches, soil, and then leave it in salted water so that everything foreign, including insects, comes out. This is the most important thing in how to cook porcini mushrooms, because otherwise household members or guests may get unpleasant “surprises” in the dish.

We do not cut small boletus mushrooms, but divide large ones into several parts so that they are better cooked and do not remain raw inside.

To cook mushrooms, be sure to use salted water: 45 minutes after the start of processing, the boletus mushrooms will be completely ready! To be on the safe side, you can leave them on the stove, turning off the burner for a few more minutes, so we can be sure that the dish will turn out exactly as needed.

By the way, you don’t have to cook the boletus mushrooms in advance before frying, but only if you are completely confident in their quality.

Representatives of this fungal kingdom have the unpleasant property of absorbing all harmful substances, for example, from the soil and air, and they are also a favorite treat for worms, so it is better to treat them.

How to cook porcini mushroom before frying or baking? It’s very simple: boil it for 20 minutes. It will not lose its shape, but this will rid the product of all “extra” substances.

Broth is not only what is left after cooking a product, but also the basis for soup or sauce. The broth is especially tasty from boletus mushrooms, which must first be washed well and cut into pieces. Calculation of a good broth: for 1 liter of water - 200 g of fresh boletus.

We gradually bring everything to a boil and cook for about half an hour. We remove the foam as we go so that it does not spoil the appearance (plus it accumulates all the harmful substances that have no place in the soup), and before using, strain the liquid through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

If you need to save the broth for future use, you should freeze it in containers lined with plastic bags. This is done very simply: take a bucket of mayonnaise or any other product, place a bag in it, and be sure to have no holes.

After this, pour the mushroom base for the soup into it, but not to the top, because it will expand when frozen. We leave a small margin of the bag and tie it at the top.

After some time, when the liquid has hardened, it needs to be removed from the bucket along with the bag: we have a compact briquette that can be taken out and cooked from at any time tasty soup or sauce.

One more point: for freezing, it is better to prepare a concentrated broth so that it does not take up so much space in the refrigerator. To do this, for every 200 g of whites we take not a liter of water, but 500 ml. During the cooking process, we just need to dilute the liquid with water to the desired consistency!

Preparing porcini mushrooms for freezing

In addition to drying, boletus mushrooms are a very suitable product for subsequent freezing. To preserve them for a long time, they should be boiled first. After this procedure, we simply take the product out of the refrigerator at any time and add it to vegetables, soup or stew, without worrying about whether it is completely cooked.

This is a very popular method of preparation, because not everyone likes to bother with dried boletus mushrooms, which need to be cooked properly, otherwise they will taste like rubber, and fresh ones, unfortunately, are available only for a short period of time in the fall and at the very end of summer.

How to properly cook porcini mushrooms for subsequent freezing so that they do not lose their properties? To do this, it is important to know some secrets of this process so that the result is excellent!

  1. As before regular cooking, boletus mushrooms should be carefully sorted, washed, and cut off excess parts and damaged areas.
  2. Next, you need to separate young mushrooms from old and slightly overripe individuals, and cook them separately from each other, since they have different properties and culinary value. You can cut off the caps from the legs, but, in principle, this is not necessary.
  3. We must first soak the wormy mushrooms in salt water to get rid of insects (this must be done before preparing the mushrooms). The used solution will contain all the “excess” and dirt, as well as some harmful substances. We won’t save it for soup or broth in the future, it’s just waste.
  4. Boil salted water in a saucepan, then put the mushrooms in it for 5 minutes, trying to stir from time to time, but not constantly. This will reduce their volume and save as much space as possible in the freezer.

In principle, the operation of preparing boletus mushrooms for further storage can be completed at this point, but if you wish, if you want to freeze boiled boletus mushrooms, you can keep them in a saucepan on the fire for up to 45 minutes.

It is best to divide the entire volume into several bags of 100-200 grams each, so that you can remove them from the freezer if necessary. required quantity and not have to worry about splitting a whole piece.

How can you prepare porcini mushrooms for freezing in containers? Everything here is a little different than with packages.

Only 75% of its volume should be filled with boletus mushrooms. When exposed to cold, the mushrooms will slightly increase in size and expand, and if there is no room for such “growth”, the container may simply break under the pressure from the inside. For these purposes, we take buckets of ice cream, mayonnaise, pickles or any other plastic container found on the farm.

How to cook porcini mushroom for storage in the freezer: little secrets

We must put a label on each package or container with the date of packaging. This will allow you to use the earliest blanks and prevent individual packages from being stored for too long.

If you don’t want to bother with stickers, you can use a regular marker to write the number on the bag or container itself. We erase the numbers with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and the container can be used again!

You shouldn’t rely on your memory, because it’s so easy to forget in which part of the chamber the old boletus mushrooms are located, where the slightly fresh ones are, and where the ones that were frozen most recently are.

Another important point, which should not be forgotten is temperature. While cooking porcini mushrooms does not have any special secrets, freezing has a number of nuances.

  • First of all, we ensure rapid cooling of the boletus mushrooms, so it is worth moving the thermostat to the lowest possible temperature.
  • After an hour, when the whites are completely frozen, you can return the temperature to -18 degrees.

If you keep the mushrooms for a very long time in an “intermediate” state, when they are no longer soft and have not set completely, then their taste may suffer. Even if everything is done correctly, the product should never be stored for more than a year.

In addition, you need to know not only how to properly cook or cook porcini mushrooms, but also when. You should not keep them in the refrigerator after bringing them home from the forest.

If we store them in the refrigerator until we have a free moment, this may negatively affect their quality and taste. That is, we sort out the boletus mushrooms, wash them and boil them for cooking or subsequent storage immediately, while they are still fresh and fragrant.

We definitely try every white one: if there is bitterness on the tongue, we throw out the whole mushroom without unnecessary regrets - it will spoil any dish.

Using our recommendations on how to properly cook porcini mushrooms, including all the culinary subtleties of this process, you will never be disappointed with the result! Young boletus mushrooms are ideal for aromatic soup, and mature representatives of the kingdom are ideal for stewing, baking or frying.
Be sure to remember: we defrost it only before cooking, and you can’t put it in the refrigerator again, as this will ruin the structure of the product and completely “kill” the taste!

Could there be anything tastier than a light, aromatic soup made from fresh porcini mushrooms? Many people are simply delighted with this dish and cannot imagine their life without it. If you live in an area where porcini mushrooms grow, then be sure to take the opportunity to collect them. This will have to be done in the fall, during the rains. Everyone who has ever been present during the collection is surprised at the size of the mushroom and its meatiness.

Frozen porcini mushrooms

They make very tasty and aromatic dishes, as well as original snacks. But if you want to enjoy real mushrooms collected from the forest, whole year, then why not store them in the refrigerator? How to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter? We will find out the answer to this question from this article.

Mushroom is a very healthy and nutritious product. It not only contains a lot of vitamins, but also valuable microelements and dietary fiber. Vegetarians often substitute meat dishes mushrooms, since they contain valuable protein, so necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Before freezing mushrooms, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations:

  • The mushrooms that you are going to store in the freezer must be freshly picked. Never freeze old or spoiled food.
  • It is better to choose whole, healthy and strong mushrooms. They will look much more impressive after defrosting and will not lose their attractiveness.
  • If you decide to fill the freezer immediately after going to the forest, then washing the mushrooms is not at all necessary. It is enough to remove leaves, twigs and any debris.

How long can frozen mushrooms be stored? Experts recommend using the product within one year. Excessive storage can lead to mushroom spoilage and toxicity. Danger can also lurk immediately after thawing. A large number of bacteria can live in the melted product, because mushrooms are the most suitable environment for their reproduction.

Frozen porcini mushroom - recipes

In order to preserve the freshness of the product, it must be frozen as quickly as possible. If the mushrooms are too dirty, then they need to be washed and cleaned. Afterwards it is better to cut it into pieces, spread it on the surface and let it dry. If this is not done, the mushroom will lose its aroma and color, and will also stick together. To make it easier to use mushrooms in winter, try to immediately arrange them small portions, tightly closing the lid of the plastic tray or plastic bag. The less air there is in the container, the better the product will be preserved.

The advantage of boiled mushrooms is that they will last much longer and even after defrosting they will not become a favorable environment for bacteria. To repel mushrooms, they also need to be washed, peeled, and then thrown into boiling, lightly salted water. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and let dry. Divide into portions and place in the refrigerator.

Freezing fried mushrooms. The process of preparing fried mushrooms is not at all complicated. To do this, they need to be thoroughly washed, finely chopped and fried. sunflower oil until golden brown appears. As for salt and pepper, it is better not to use seasonings right away, but leave it to prepare the main dish in winter. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, they need to be spread out on a baking sheet and allowed to cool. Then divide into portions and hide in special containers.

So now you know how to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter? We hope that our tips will help you enjoy delicious and aromatic dishes even in severe frosts.