Drops appeared on the Chinese rose. Causes of sticky plaque

There are several diseases that affect different parts of the flower:

Differences from pest damage

Possible consequences

Consequences of diseases for Chinese rose directly depend on what disease struck and at what stage the damage occurred. If the disease was detected on time, the plant can still be saved by taking urgent measures. The main consequences of the disease remain:

  • loss of decorativeness;
  • growth retardation;
  • death.

When is resuscitation possible and when not?

Resuscitation for a plant is emergency measures that will save the flower from death. It makes sense to carry out such events if the rose’s condition is not neglected. Then stressful situation will allow him to intensify the processes of growth and development. If the disease is advanced, then it is useless to carry out resuscitation measures.

Instructions on what to do at home

If the Chinese rose dries out, then the first thing to do is to normalize its watering. From spring to autumn, the flower needs moisture. Use settled water for irrigation room temperature.

The next cause of plant drying is mites.. To combat them, you can try the following drugs:

These products are toxic, so before using them, be sure to open the window, wear gloves and a respirator.

The processing looks like this:

  1. To begin, thoroughly water the flower and treat the stems and leaves with soapy water.
  2. Now you can proceed to spraying, and use several drugs in turn.
  3. Repeat treatment after 7-10 days.

As for folk remedies, they are effective only for early stage infection. Popular recipes:

  • Onion infusion. For 20 g of peel, 1 liter of water. Leave for 5 days, spray the bush with infusion, wipe the leaves and branches.
  • Garlic infusion. Pour in 2 large and chopped heads of garlic, add 1 liter of water and leave for 5 days. Before use, dilute the infusion with water in equal proportions and spray the bush.

Hibiscus withers

If the plant begins to wither, it can be very difficult to cure it. But you can try if you use the following recommendations:

  1. Remove all dried parts of the plant, lightly touching its healthy fragments.
  2. Treat the rose with antifungal drugs: Fundazol, Topsin, Dezavid. You can use a folk remedy - Trichopolum solution (2 tablets per 1 liter of water).
  3. To further stimulate the rose, treat with the following preparations: Epin, Zircon, Domotsvet.

IMPORTANT: If it was not possible to cure the hibiscus at the initial stage, and it still withers, then you will have to get rid of it.

Curling of azalea leaves is caused by whitefly activity.. To combat it, drugs are used:

When working with drugs, use gloves and ventilate the room well!

The leaves are falling

  1. Shchitovka. Performed mechanical cleaning leaves using a soapy sponge. Next, treat with 0.155 Actellik solution (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water).
  2. Aphid. To combat it, spraying with Dirris, Fitoverm, Decis, and Actellik is used. If the lesion is severe, repeat the treatment after 10 days.

Turns yellow

To prevent the appearance of yellowness on the leaves or get rid of it, you will need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Watering should be moderate, avoiding standing water.
  • No draft.
  • Timely subcortex.
  • Lack of direct sun rays.
  • Leaf processing by special means for prevention.

ADVICE: If the infection is of viral origin, there is no point in carrying out treatment; remove the diseased flower immediately so that the rest of the plants do not become infected.

Doesn't bloom

If the hibiscus does not bloom, it needs to be stimulated:

  1. To stimulate flowering, it is necessary to trim old branches in a timely manner.
  2. Replace old soil with new one.
  3. Place the plant in a sunny place.
  4. Don’t forget to fertilize to stimulate new shoots and buds. But reduce nitrogen-containing compounds.

Watch the video about the reasons for the lack of flowering of hibiscus and how to fix it:

If the Chinese rose is on the verge of death, then urgent resuscitation is necessary. It includes the following procedure:

At high humidity And good lighting dormant buds will awaken and begin to develop root system. Treat with Zircon every day, as it restores turgor.


To prevent the development of recurrent disease, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • Temperatures should not go beyond the normal range - 18-22 degrees Celsius. Drying and waterlogging are unacceptable.
  • Timely treatment against pests. They lead to leaf deformation and the development of diseases. For processing use Peretrum, Actofit.
  • It is best to use mineral complex fertilizers to regularly apply nutritional compounds.
  • The air in the room should be moderately humid, but not dry.


  1. Temperature. Chinese rose - heat-loving plant. In spring and summer, temperatures will be 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter – 15-20 degrees. If the winter temperature is below 10 degrees, the leaves will fall off. In summer, place the flower on the balcony, protecting it from rain and wind.
  2. Lighting. Hibiscus is a light-loving crop. Diffused light is important for him. If direct sunlight hits the flower in summer, this can lead to the development of a burn. Grow the plant on east or west windows.
  3. Watering. In spring and summer, Chinese roses need abundant watering. Use settled water at room temperature. Avoid overmoistening. In winter, watering is moderate. Before the next irrigation, wait until the soil is completely dry. Be sure to provide good drainage.
  4. Air humidity. In summer, hibiscus needs high humidity. It is useful for him to carry out frequent spraying. Just don’t let water get on the flowers, otherwise they may fall off. In winter, less moisture is required. But they carried it central heating, then spraying should be carried out every other day.
  5. Top dressing. From spring until autumn, add complex nutritional compositions intended for flowering indoor plants. Do this once every 2 weeks. Starting from August, reduce nitrogen-containing fertilizing.
  6. Trimming. Heavily prune your Chinese rose every spring. This will allow the bush to acquire a compact shape with a large number of buds. If the plant begins to stretch too much, then prune it during the growth period. Thanks to pruning, the flower can take the form of a bush or tree.


Chinese rose, like others ornamental crops, is affected by certain diseases. The main task of the florist is to detect the problem in time, understand the reason for its development and move on to effective treatment at home. Only quick and well-coordinated actions will help save both the flower itself and its decorative appearance.

One of the reasons why indoor plant The leaves begin to curl, these are pests. For example, a flower infected with whitefly (whiteflies are one of the most dangerous pests), has yellow leaves covered sticky drops over their entire surface. In addition to whiteflies, other hibiscus pests threaten the plant: aphids, gall midges and spider mites.

Spider mite

Aphids are another scourge familiar to people who are interested in floriculture. Aphids are usually attracted to the fleshy shoots of the plant, so they quickly attack it and drink the juices from it. One of the characteristic signs of the appearance of this pest is that the plant curls its leaves, and subsequently sticky droplets quickly appear on the leaves.

The following methods are used to control aphids: first, they should be removed from the leaf and stem using a cotton pad, and then treated soap solution or special drugs (“Aktara”, “Iskra”).


Another reason why the leaf blade curls and falls off is the gall midge, which poses a threat to both the leaves and the root system of the plant. Typically, pest eggs can be found in the buds of a plant - this is where worms hatch from the eggs, gnaw the buds, and then fall into the soil, closer to the roots of the plant.

Diseases and their causes

In addition to insect infestations, your flowers may also be susceptible to diseases. Hibiscus diseases, if left to chance, can cause the death of the plant. Rotten roots, leaves beginning to dry out - all this obvious signs that the hibiscus needs help. It's not about various types rot, when the plant has rotted or its roots have dried out, but about diseases that affect the condition of the foliage of the flower. So, let's look at the main leaf diseases and their treatment.


Chlorosis is nothing more than the loss of color by leaves. Leaves affected by the disease rapidly lose color and become very pale, even slightly yellowish. The disease is most dangerous because the leaves may not only lose their color, but over time may begin to fall off. Thus, if you do not take any measures, your hibiscus may soon remain completely bare.


Another misfortune that poses a significant danger, but is not essentially a disease, is sunburn. Everything is simple here: sunburn occurs as a result of violation of the conditions of detention. Hibiscus, like the vast majority of plants, does not tolerate direct sunlight. So if you forget about this and place it in a place where it will be directly exposed to them, be prepared to suffer the consequences of sunburn.

Also, this misfortune can appear if you kept your plant in the shade for a long time, and then suddenly put it in a bright place. In this case, it is not even necessary for it to be exposed to direct sunlight - a simple change of environment will be enough. In addition, sunburn can occur even if the leaf seems to stick to the glass.

A sunburn looks like a small reddish or yellowish dry spot on the surface sheet plate. It is better to take measures to save hibiscus immediately, because the longer you delay, the more rehabilitation the flower will need later.

Treatment and prevention

In order to eliminate the problems, you will need to cure the plant, saving it either from insect attack or disease. If in the case of insects it will be enough to use any effective insecticide or acaricide (and for those who like to use folk remedies, a soap solution), then with diseases you need to act somewhat differently.

In case of chlorosis, it is necessary to treat the hibiscus with iron chelate and add the necessary fertilizers (since the disease itself is often caused by a lack of nutrients). Except by improving the conditions of detention, you will not help the plant in any way.

In order to eliminate the effects of sunburn, you need to remove all damaged hibiscus leaves, as well as optimize the conditions of maintenance - for example, place them in a darker place.

Hibiscus diseases occur when the plant is not taken care of, is not grown properly, or is infected with pathogenic viruses, fungi, or pests. The article describes in detail the problems of cultivating hibiscus, its diseases and methods of treating them.

Main diseases of hibiscus

The plant is quite unpretentious, so even serious mistakes, if they occur in single quantities, cannot cause significant harm to it. But systematic violation conditions of agricultural technology will definitely provoke troubles, the plant will begin to wither, feel unwell, and get sick. All known hibiscus diseases can occur due to the following phenomena:

  • Staying in a hot, dry room.
  • Lack of spraying, especially in the summer.
  • Being exposed to wind, drafts, or direct sunlight.
  • Dusty, dirty hibiscus.
  • Excessive watering, which caused root rot.
  • Watering a Chinese rose bad water(not settled, containing a lot of harmful impurities).
  • Infection by pests as a result of contact with diseased plants.
  • No replanting or fertilizing.
  • “Overfeeding” hibiscus with nutritious fertilizers.
  • Poor lighting, or turning the flower over with the other side facing the sun.

If the living conditions of the Chinese rose are favorable, then it grows for a very long time, and blooms from March to October and even longer. But the disorders described above, if they are regularly exposed, can provoke various diseases. Below are the most common ones.

Name of the disease Cause of occurrence Description of symptoms
Non-infectious chlorosis A plant’s nutritional disorder is a lack of nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium, or starvation of one of these elements due to an excess of another. Thinning branches, weak color of flowers, lack of flowering (potassium deficiency), leaf spotting (magnesium, nitrogen deficiency), falling, yellowing of leaves (iron deficiency)
Infectious chlorosis Infection of hibiscus by viruses, fungi, microbes and pests Falling, yellowing of leaves, lack of flowering, general weakness of the plant
Sunburn Exposure of the flower to direct sunlight, unexpected changes in lighting The appearance of white burn spots on the leaves of the plant
Vascular (tracheomycosis) wilting Infection of Chinese roses with fungi of the genus Verticillium or Fusarium, development of Fusarium or Verticillium diseases, as well as infection with certain types of viruses Drying, wrinkling of branches at the ends, rapid transfer of the process to the trunk, death of the plant

Leaf diseases

Separately, I would like to dwell on the problems and symptoms that arise when the vital functions and development of a flower are disrupted. Leaf diseases in most cases are caused by chlorosis - a decrease in the production of chlorophyll in the green part of the plant. Below are the main symptoms of trouble in the state of hibiscus, as well as their possible causes:

  1. Yellowing of leaves – pest infestation, plant root diseases, leaf chlorosis, poor indoor air humidification.
  2. Falling leaves of hibiscus - low humidity, lack of spraying, sudden changes in lighting, drafts, and other types of stress for the flower.
  3. Yellowing coupled with falling leaves means waterlogging of the root system in winter, stress, low humidity in the room.
  4. Curling of leaves into tubes means damage from aphids or some other pests.
  5. Wilting of leaf tips - lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. nutrients, complete lack of complementary feeding of hibiscus.
  6. General wilting of the leaves and the entire flower - the temperature in the room exceeds the norm, the humidity decreases to low levels.
  7. Dropping of leaves and buds by the plant - absence required quantity potassium in the soil, damage to leaves by gall midge, heat in the room.

Treatment of diseases

Most plant problems can be solved by normalizing its contents. To do this, it is important to ensure the following conditions:

  • Do not water the flower too often, but do not forget to do it regularly, without drying out the earthen clod
  • Remove the flower from direct sunlight, place it in partial shade
  • Feed hibiscus with fertilizers once a week until about mid-August, then once a month
  • The amount of watering in autumn and winter should be reduced, and the plant itself should be placed at a temperature of up to 15 degrees
  • Spraying the flower should be daily, regardless of the time of year.
  • Provide good drainage, replant a Chinese rose

Treatment of hibiscus diseases is carried out depending on the existing problems. To avoid sunburn, plants grown in greenhouses should be exposed to the sun for an hour and a half a day, and only then begin to leave them for a longer period. Leaves that have already become covered with burn spots will fall off and new ones will grow to replace them.

Regular feeding of the plant with fertilizers, which can be found in any gardening store, helps greatly against non-infectious chlorosis. Before watering, water in case of iron deficiency should be flavored with iron chelate. Timely replanting, avoiding contact with diseased plants, cleaning from dirt and dust, and applying fertilizers will help prevent infectious chlorosis. Periodically, the flower should be washed in the shower, covering the ground with cellophane. Temporary quarantine is required for all new plants.

It is very difficult to treat vascular wilt of hibiscus; it is not always possible to cure it. Many plants die quickly, sometimes their leaves do not even have time to fall. You can try to get rid of the problem in the following ways:

  • Cut off all dried areas, slightly capturing healthy parts of the flower
  • Treat the entire plant with special antifungal drugs (Dezavid, Grom-2, Domotsvet, Tsitovit, Alirin-B, etc.)
  • Sprinkle the Chinese rose with Trichopolum solution (2 tablets per liter of water) - folk method


Plant pests settle on it after contact with diseased flowers, or when transplanted into contaminated soil. The most common pests found on Chinese roses are:

  1. Aphid. small insect, settling on buds and young shoots. It multiplies quickly, creates colonies, destroying young leaves and unopened flowers, which initially become sticky.
  2. Spider mite(red spider). Invisible without a magnifying glass, it lives at the bottom of the leaf, enveloping it with a shell similar to a cobweb. It reproduces best in warm, dry air.
  3. Greenhouse whitefly. Causes yellowing of leaves and covering them with sticky secretions. The insects themselves or their yellow larvae can be seen from the bottom of the leaf.
  4. Scaleworms. They manifest themselves as waxy white secretions on cuttings and in the axils of leaves.
  5. Scale insects, false scale insects. After their colonization, brown tubercles are observed on the stems.
  6. Gall midge. This midge causes falling, yellowing of leaves and buds that do not have time to bloom. Inside the buds you can find small midge eggs, from which worms emerge. They eat the buds from the inside, which fall to the ground along with them.

What to process

The question of how to treat hibiscus against diseases in the presence of pests is very relevant. If prevention of diseases caused by pests turns out to be ineffective, then the following treatment methods are carried out:

  • For aphids - treatment of the flower with Anabasine, Nicotine sulfate. It is recommended to change the drug more often - to Decis, Fitoverm, Intra-vir, Tobacco dust. For single leaf infestations by aphids, treatment with a soap solution helps.
  • For scale insects - spraying with a solution of Actellik or other insecticides.
  • For scale insects, treat the leaves with mineral oil, which is done only when the plant is in the shade.
  • For whiteflies - treatment with Aktara, Karbofos, Iskra, Tanrek, Biotlin, Bison, application of potassium soap.
  • From spider mite– washing the plant with soapy water, treating with Molniya, Vertimek, Akarin, Fitoverm.
  • For gall midges – collecting affected buds, preventing them from falling to the ground. The soil itself must be treated with any medicine against soil pests.

Among the folk remedies that can be used to combat plant pests, the following are popular:

  • Pour dry red pepper with water (1:2), cook for an hour, strain. 10 gr. Dilute the resulting solution in a liter of soapy water and treat the plant. This method works well against ticks and aphids
  • Boil dry mustard (50 g) in a liter of water for 15 minutes, let cool. Dilute the product in 20 liters of water, rinse the leaves of the flower from aphids and scale insects

If you comply with all the conditions for growing a plant, then it is unlikely to have problems in the form of diseases and pest infestation. A healthy hibiscus will bloom for a long time and delight its owner.

Hibiscus often decorates not only our homes, but also offices, shops, and public service premises. This plant is, in principle, unpretentious, but it has small enemies: pests and diseases, which sometimes seriously annoy the Chinese rose. Knowing what hibiscus diseases are and analyzing their causes, you can prevent diseases and avoid problems by caring for the plant correctly. If troubles could not be avoided, immediate action must be taken.

Hibiscus diseases: some causes

The most common mistakes in caring for Chinese roses that novice gardeners sometimes make are the following:

  • Excessive watering, which caused partial rotting of the root;
  • The hibiscus is exposed to the wind, in a draft, or in direct sunlight;
  • The plant is in a hot room, and the air is dry;
  • The hibiscus was not transplanted on time;
  • Hibiscus leaves are covered with dust;
  • Complete or partial lack of spraying (especially in summer);
  • Irrigation water is of low quality, unsettled and with impurities;
  • Poor lighting, the plant is in a dark place;
  • Excessive feeding;
  • Lack of feeding.

In addition to the above, you need to take into account that you cannot place hibiscus next to diseased plants, such contact will lead to pest damage and various diseases.

Hibiscus leaves: why they get sick

If the leaves of a Chinese rose are affected, this is mainly due to the appearance of chlorosis.

This disease occurs due to the fact that the production of chlorophyll in the green parts of the plant decreases. The leaves lose their natural color, become pale, sometimes almost yellow.

Timely replanting, lack of contact with already sick pets, regular cleansing of layers of dust, as well as regular application of suitable fertilizers can help prevent further development of chlorosis. Sometimes the plant needs to be bathed under an indirect shower stream, carefully covering the ground with a piece of polyethylene. The new plant needs to be quarantined for a short time.

Iron deficiency

Hibiscus sometimes completely sheds its leaves. This phenomenon is a sign of iron deficiency. Most affordable way help the plant, if the hibiscus has completely fallen off, spray it with an iron chelate preparation. The cause of the disease may also be that the fertilizer for the pet was chosen incorrectly: it contains little or none of what hibiscus needs. useful substances and microelements.


As a rule, all hibiscus tolerate direct sunlight, but if the Chinese rose lived long time V shady place, and then it was very suddenly placed on a sunny windowsill (without an adaptation period), then sunburn may occur on the leaves. Outwardly, it looks like slightly yellowish or even red dry spots. All burnt leaves will have to be removed, and the plant should not be so harshly accustomed to the bright sun.

Sometimes it happens that the leaves are accidentally pressed against the surface of the glass, in which case a burn may also occur. Sunburn is the main reason why hibiscus leaves curl. In order to prevent this phenomenon, all plants grown in greenhouses should be exposed to daytime sun for a couple of hours every day. If the hibiscus was in the shade at home, then you should also place it in the sun, in a short time, and then clean up. Gradually, instead of the burned leaves, new, completely healthy ones will grow.

Adverse symptoms

  • If hibiscus leaves fall, then most likely the room is too dry, and spraying is either not carried out or there is clearly not enough of it. Drafts, changes in lighting (sharp), or other stress may also be the cause.
  • Sharp yellowing large quantity Leaves can mean infection by some pests, diseases of the root system, chlorosis, or insufficient air humidity in the room.
  • If the tips of the leaves wither or dry, then there is a lack of microelements (for example, nitrogen or phosphorus), other nutrients, and insufficient feeding of the hibiscus.
  • When the leaves become very lethargic, this means that the temperature permissible for keeping the plant has been exceeded, which is clearly higher than the norm.
  • Sharp yellowing in combination with regularly falling leaves can often mean excessive moisture in the roots winter period or vice versa, a low level of humidity in the room.
  • The so-called vascular wilt of hibiscus also deserves close attention. The rapidity of development of the disease sometimes makes it impossible to take timely necessary measures and save the plant. It is necessary to very quickly cut off (partially capturing healthy branches) the diseased parts of the hibiscus, then treat the entire plant with any antifungal drugs.

Lack of microelements

It is worth mentioning the lack of nutrients and poor feeding of the plant. So, what to do if hibiscus clearly lacks potassium or magnesium or zinc? When do hibiscus appear? yellow spots, you just need to replace the soil or use special preparations that will make up for the deficiency minerals. For example, if a plant lacks zinc, the leaves become too small and small specks soon appear on the leaves.

If a hibiscus lacks sulfur, the edges of the leaves will appear brown, and if there is not enough magnesium, the plant may develop chlorosis, which occurs between the veins. The leaf becomes like marble, partly white, dark spots may appear here and there. The lack of potassium is most clearly expressed in the partial or complete death of the leaf edges; this phenomenon is very similar in appearance to the burn mentioned above.

Aphids, gall midges and other pests on hibiscus

Some inexperienced gardeners do not know why hibiscus leaves curl. Often this phenomenon means damage to the plant by aphids or some other pests dangerous to the plant. For this reason, it is extremely important not to wait for their appearance, but to periodically carry out preventive measures, this is especially important to do before taking a pet to the balcony or outside in the warm season, and before bringing plants into the room in the fall.

If aphids appear on the hibiscus, which are attracted to young and succulent shoots, then this will be immediately noticeable, as the leaves become a little sticky, then begin to curl or bend. In this case, first remove all insects in the usual way. mechanical method(using a tampon and laundry soap). After this procedure, the hibiscus must be carefully treated with special aphid preparations that are commercially available. You can also remember about folk methods, but they are not always reliable and effective.

If conventional remedies and prevention of diseases caused by pests were ineffective, and the hibiscus leaf curls or is damaged in another way, additional methods of treatment should be carried out. For example, when affected by aphids, you can spray with insecticides (for example, the drug Actellik). After two treatments, carried out at intervals of a couple of weeks, as a rule, the plant returns to normal.

Other pests of hibiscus are:

  • The gall midge, which causes partial falling off and sharp yellowing of the leaves and buds of indoor hibiscus, sometimes they don’t even have time to fully bloom. Upon careful examination of the plant, you can notice the smallest eggs of this midge in the buds; worms will then appear from them, which eat the bud inside.
  • If a plant is infested with whiteflies, the leaves turn yellow, become sticky and sticky, and the insects themselves can be found on the undersides of the leaves. Whiteflies are removed using potassium soap, as well as special preparations (Aktara or Karbofos, as well as Iskra and Tanrek).
  • If a tea rose has a waxy white discharge (on the cuttings, on the leaves), then the plant is affected by a mealybug; the leaves can be treated with mineral oil. During the procedures, the plant should stand in a shady place.
  • If brownish bumps are noticeable on the leaves, then it may be a scale insect.

Good to remember folk remedies, which our grandmothers used to wash the leaves of domestic plants from pests, aphids and scale insects. For example, red pepper (dry) is poured with water in a ratio of one to two, boiled for an hour and filtered. Ten grams of solution is diluted in one liter of water with laundry soap, which is used to treat the entire plant. You can also boil fifty grams of dry mustard in one liter of water for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is diluted in 20 liters of water and sprayed on the affected plant.

More about pests: spider mites on hibiscus

If the air in the room is dry and spraying is not carried out regularly, then there may be good conditions For the development of mites on hibiscus, their colonies multiply quickly, feeding on the juice from the leaves. The appearance of a spider mite can very quickly completely destroy a plant, so you need to know characteristic features his presence. First of all, these are spots on the leaves; they can be brown or black; in fact, they represent the excrement of the pest.

The upper parts of the leaves are completely covered with small yellowish spots, the affected leaf loses its natural color, then becomes covered with a network of cobwebs, then falls off. Mites migrate along the web and destroy the entire plant.

For prevention, you need to monitor the air humidity in the room, spray the hibiscus regularly, avoiding dryness.

So, if you carefully follow everything the necessary conditions to grow a healthy plant, it is unlikely that diseases and pests will bother your hibiscus that much. Proper care- this is the key to attractive appearance, rich flowering, as well as strong immunity, which will help the plant independently cope even with the invasion of pests.