Thermal protective film. Is the use of heat-saving film on windows justified? How does thermal film work at home?

In search of energy savings, consumers are looking for new Construction Materials, which will help save heat in a house or apartment. A special place in this series is occupied by heat-reflecting film for windows, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 30 percent.

How advisable is it to use this material and what properties, besides heat conservation, does the film have?

What is the film made of and how does it work?

The production of heat-saving film for windows is based on the polymer polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Its thickness, which affects operational characteristics products, can be 80-200 microns. The film has high elasticity, so it can increase the strength of window glass. That is, in case of accidental impacts, the window glass will not shatter into different sides fragments, they will remain firmly “stuck” to the film. But this property is not the main thing when using heat-saving film.

A thin layer of gold, silver or chromium-nickel alloy is applied to it using the method of plasma evaporation and subsequent deposition of metal vapors in an argon environment. Film production is based on the physical properties of these metals, which allow filtering solar radiation. The film does not transmit infrared and ultraviolet waves, but is an excellent conductor of visible light. Therefore, the room remains light. The fact is that infrared rays are responsible for heat transfer. The film refracts them and returns them back into the room, retaining the heat accumulated in the room. At the same time, the UV parts of the solar spectrum do not penetrate into the room.

For reference. The UV rays of the sun have ionizing properties and are vital for humans, contributing to the production of D vitamins in the body. UV rays purify the air in the room from harmful microbes and participate in the process of plant photosynthesis.

The price of energy-saving film directly depends on the level of its thermal conductivity and installation method. Basically, the film is produced in rolls and can be different sizes. For a standard apartment window, it is convenient to take a three-meter one, so as not to make a mistake. The excess can be cut off.

When is the use of film justified?

Manufacturers of thermal insulation films for windows recommend using them for gluing to the glass of windows, houses, apartments in the autumn- winter time, that is, from October to March. During this period, protecting windows from heat leakage is justified. The sun's rays that tend to enter the room have almost no heat, so the reflection of the UV part of the solar spectrum is not significant. The film is completely transparent and does not tint the windows. Infrared (warm) rays that come from heating devices, are reflected from the windows back into the room, retaining heat.

The effectiveness of the film depends on the method of gluing it to the glass.

Films come in the following types:

  1. Heat shrink. They have the ability to stretch when they are heated with a warm air stream. Since the film is glued to double sided tape, it plays the role of additional glass, enhancing the thermal insulation properties of the double-glazed window.
  2. A film that is glued to glass using a soap mixture.
  3. Self-adhesive film.

For reference. Energy-saving film is available in various colors: bronze, gold, blue, silver. Therefore, it is easy to match it to the interior of the room.

Negative aspects of using film that you need to know about

Since the film almost completely reflects UV rays, they begin to suffer because of this. houseplants, whose growth directly depends on the Sun. To prevent the plants from dying, they have to be additionally illuminated with photo lamps. That is, this problem is solvable. However, where is the energy saving? The photo lamp must be turned on at least 12 hours a day to ensure normal plant growth and compensate for lost sunlight. Even the most economical lamps will not save you.

What happens to the heat energy if the film is used in spring and autumn, when the heating is already turned off? Since the film does not allow natural solar heat from the street to penetrate, dampness will settle in the apartment and it will be cold.

Few people know about another property of film - they reflect radio waves. That is, radio signals that go to an indoor antenna or mobile phone will be reflected by the coating of the film. And, vice versa: the signal from the mobile phone will be reflected back into the room. Conclusion: cellular communication in buildings where the film is pasted will be very poor.

You should not use film for greenhouses and greenhouses, because plants need the whole spectrum sun rays.

There is no point in sticking the film if there are modern windows, with high-quality thick double-glazed windows. But when restoring old windows, it, on the contrary, will serve as a good help. You also need to take into account the fact that the film needs to be changed annually.

Tip: When purchasing film, it is advisable to inquire about the quality certificate, since it is impossible to visually determine it.

Installation rules

In order for the film to adhere well to the windows, it must be glued correctly. This can be done without any special skill.

Procedure for the usual way gluing film:

  • windows must be thoroughly washed, degreased if necessary and wait until they dry;
  • dilute the soap solution (you can use colorless shampoo or dishwashing liquid);
  • cut the film to the size of the window;
  • Using a household spray bottle, apply a soap solution to the entire surface of the glass;
  • carefully apply the film to the glass;
  • straighten the film with a rubber roller, gradually removing excess soap solution and large air bubbles.

Small bubbles and wrinkles when drying soap solution will disappear.

The shrink film is glued together:

  • prepare the glass (wash, dry);
  • cut the film to a size 2 cm larger than the area of ​​the glass;
  • double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the window glass;
  • begin gluing from above, smoothing out folds and wrinkles;
  • then blow hot air onto the surface of the glued film using a hairdryer.

Shrink film is often used on a balcony or loggia, as it acts as a second or third glass.

To apply self-adhesive film, the main thing is to do it slowly. The protective layer is removed gradually, smoothing the film from top to bottom with a soft rag. Here you also need an assistant who will help tighten the protective layer.

Advice. It is desirable that the window glass be room temperature. This will greatly facilitate and improve the installation process.

Conclusions and questions that ultimately arise

Knowing about the shortcomings of the film, we can say that its use is justified in cases where it is necessary to save heat, but it is not possible to carry out work on capital insulation of a building or structure.

Many consumers value the quality of the film as protecting the room from prying eyes. At the same time, visibility from the room to the street remains one hundred percent. Heavy curtains or blinds are not always appropriate for windows. The film fits well into any interior without disturbing it.

However, the film does not radically affect energy saving. Therefore, before gluing it, you need to decide what is more important: the effect it gives by reflecting heat back into the room, or the vital UV rays that the film does not let into the apartment? Maybe it’s worth considering other ways of insulation, for example, installing heat-saving windows, or strengthening the walls with heat-insulating materials? What if you use it in the summer months to protect yourself from the hot rays of the sun?

To be objective, it must be said that the properties of heat-saving film are improving every year. Manufacturers are trying to take into account all the nuances of its use, increasing the energy-saving performance of the product several times.

Due to rising energy costs, many people are thinking about window insulation. Why is it necessary to insulate windows? Because heat loss through windows is as much as thirty percent, and winter period this value can reach up to seventy.

You can keep warm by using various methods. The most common method of retaining heat is to seal window cracks using polyurethane foam. This helps reduce heat loss by as much as ninety percent. Or you can insulate the walls from the outside and inside.

A modern method is energy-saving films for insulating windows and their use. This material can cope with the task better than other products. Window insulation heat-saving film – great option thermal insulation.

Features of heat-saving film

Monanolic film is made from a number of layers and components. The thickness of each such layer is several millimeters. The surface of the thermal film has a coating consisting of an ultra-thin metal layer. It can be gold, silver or it can be made of nickel.

Due to the fact that the thickness of the film is only a few millimeters, light can easily pass into the interior of the room. You can save your cash on energy, and heat loss will be significantly reduced.

Also, due to its small thickness, heat-shrinkable heat-reflective film for windows has a refractive effect, and the low-emissivity membrane becomes excellent insulation. Thanks to the unique structure of the material, heat loss is significantly reduced in winter, the best temperature inside the room is also maintained, and summer period This product does not allow warm air flow to penetrate. Therefore, the room will always maintain comfort and coziness.

Thermal film production process

The production of this thermal insulation material is carried out on the basis of knowledge about the properties of the spectrum of sunlight. It consists of three parts:

  • infrared radiation;
  • visible radiation;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

The second part of the solar spectrum, visible, is the light necessary for the occurrence of biological processes in the human body. These physical properties are fundamental in the production of heat-saving film, which has only positive reviews.

Let's consider the pros and cons of this insulation product.

Advantages of using thermal film

Let's consider the advantages:

  • Energy-saving window film has a unique functionality. It filters solar radiation, while preserving two parts of the solar spectrum (infrared and ultraviolet). But the appearance remains, because throughput remains at a high level.
  • Thanks to the above physical characteristics, energy-saving thermal insulation film is an obstacle to the escape of heat energy from the room. At the same time, a comfortable and cozy temperature is maintained.
  • The use of thermal film can be purchased without problems. It is sold on the construction market.
  • You can save your money on heating in winter season and on air conditioning in the summer.
  • After you have applied the heat-saving film, the initial appearance the interior will not change, because this material filters radiation ultraviolet rays, which cause interior burnout.
  • This product does not have a mirror image. The window remains transparent even after using the film.
  • From the outside, there is just a mirror effect. The window has only one-way visibility. The insulating film looks aesthetically pleasing.

These are all the main advantages of this thermal insulation product.

Disadvantages of using thermal film

Main disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantage is that this thermal insulation product cannot function normally in the spring season, because during this period it turns off central heating, and the building no longer receives the necessary heat in cool weather.
  • The instructions for installing thermal film indicate that it cannot be used in the construction of greenhouses, because plants require electromagnetic radiation to promote uniform growth and development. Therefore, if you use heat-reducing window film in a room where plants are located, it may negatively affect them. You won't have to put them on the windowsill.
  • You can achieve the desired result only by strictly following the rules and nuances. Therefore, this work can only be done by professionals. They will perform the application procedure efficiently.

Thermal insulation of PVC windows with thermal film

PVC windows, which have an additional thermal insulation layer as a heat-saving film, are the most durable. Even if it is applied swipe, the glass will not shatter into small pieces, but will only be deformed. This ensures maximum safety. Insulation plastic windows is also carried out in some cases.

Although the windows have plastic frames that are additionally insulated with rubber seals, the glass still allows cold air flow into the room. Even the owners double-glazed windows will not be able to obtain ideal thermal insulation. Therefore, in this case, it is most appropriate to use film as a “third glass”.

Installation instructions for thermal film


  • Most thermal films have a self-adhesive backing, but some products will stick to the glass due to certain adhesive conditions.
  • Before installation, the glass surface must be prepared. Preparation includes thorough window cleaning. After you have washed them, do not forget to dry them. Additionally, use a degreasing solution for treatment.
  • After this, the installation procedure for the heat-saving film begins. Apply it carefully; when wrinkles appear, you need to smooth them out using a soft rag. Or you can use special tool, which is similar to a car windshield wiper.
  • Once you have smoothed out the wrinkles on the surface of the glass, the remaining material must be removed. This can be done using a knife designed for installation.

What is third glass film?

Installation of the “third glass”

To install the “third glass” you need to prepare the following tools: scissors, a household hair dryer, a utility knife.

Thermal film for windows can be applied with your own hands. Heat-protective membrane - detailed instructions:

  • The surface must be treated in advance using degreasing compounds.
  • After the processing procedure, the entire perimeter of the window frame must be sealed special remedy- Double-sided tape.
  • The two layers of thermal film must be separated. To do this, you need to blow into it or carefully pry it off using a stationery knife.
  • The material must be cut according to the window parameters. You should also take into account the reinforcement with adhesive tape, which is 2-3 centimeters. Next, check the cutting is correct. To do this, part of the film product must be applied to the window.
  • Then the strip of paper must be removed from the layer, which is double-sided.
  • Next, the product must be carefully glued to the tape. This procedure must be carried out together with someone. If wrinkles form, then you should not pay attention to them. It is better to glue the membrane evenly to double-sided tape around the perimeter window frame.
  • Since the thermally insulating membrane has thermal shrinkage, it must be smoothed upon completion of its installation. To do this, use an ordinary household hair dryer. Start slowly blowing on the surface of the film. But you don’t need to try too hard, because after some time the material will become required type. This happens due to exposure to sunlight, while all the original technical characteristics of the product remain the same.

The insulating membrane must be replaced every year. Usually installation is carried out in the middle of the autumn period (October). It is removed at the end of the spring period (May).

If the energy-saving thermal insulation film is torn during use, it can be repaired. this work carried out using transparent tape. The repairs are carried out carefully. You can simply replace the film. The third glass film will help you insulate the room.

Today, energy-saving film for window insulation is actively used in schools, kindergartens, and factories. Energy-saving thermal insulation film has gained immense popularity not so long ago.

It is better to entrust the fastening to real professionals who will do the job efficiently and without problems. If you do the mounting yourself, you must strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Thanks to the use of a heat-saving membrane, you can significantly save your money on heating. Your “teremok” will become comfortable and cozy. Window insulation with film is an excellent insulator. Thermal insulation film achieves maximum thermal insulation. Today, heat-saving films for windows are sold in almost every construction market.

In winter, heating a home requires a lot of thermal energy from various sources, which leads to large monetary costs. The main wasters of heat are windows.

About 30-40% of it escapes through the glass; it is because of this that the windows need careful sealing. As a rule, all cracks are sealed with silicone or mastic, but this is not always enough. New way to eliminate high degree heat transfer - insulation of windows with a special film.

On appearance- This is a piece of polyethylene, but the main material is polyester. Thanks to a special production technology, it has a high-molecular structure, which allows it to simultaneously transmit light and retain heat inside the room. It is quite thin, but serves as additional glass, creating an almost invisible thermos effect.

Properties and characteristics:

  1. The transparent surface allows it to be practically invisible on the window.
  2. She has practically no mirror reflection(glares are not visible).
  3. The thickness of the material can be 0.10-0.14 mm and at the same time the indicators can withstand a tensile force within 25 kgf/cm².
  4. Does not react with household chemicals.
  5. It is an electrostatic inert material (does not attract dust).
  6. Prevents the penetration of ultraviolet and infrared radiation into the home.
  7. The material is completely environmentally friendly.
  8. It is lightweight and can be subject to thermal shrinkage.
  9. Produced various sizes. The most popular are 600×1000 mm, 1200×2000 mm, 1500×2500 mm and 3000×6000 mm.

Scope of application and operating principle

Main material– polyester, used in creating not only heat-saving films, but also for reflective, anti-glare, tinting, energy-saving and sun protection materials.

Excellent technical indicators allow it to be used in other areas:

  1. Thermal insulation material for glass facades.
  2. Additional insulation for greenhouses and greenhouses.
  3. Finishing natural solariums and light transparent roofs.
  4. Insulation of loggias and balconies.
  5. In rare cases, to create thermal insulation for walls during renovation work.

After internal window covering, another barrier is formed to prevent heat loss. The surface of the film, to some extent, is an auxiliary element for creating a sealed space between it and the glass.

It is due to the air “vacuum” that heat cannot quickly turn into a cold state. Thanks to her, they save money Natural resources for heating and, of course, cash.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the material:

  1. Thin and invisible material.
  2. It is possible to paste both plastic and wooden windows.
  3. Simplicity and speed of installation - no auxiliary labor or special tools are required.
  4. Low cost.
  5. Environmentally friendly material.
  6. The film does not burn, but melts from high temperatures.

Some disadvantages:

  1. The material may tear (burst) upon strong physical contact.
  2. The service life is not long - 1-2 years.

Do-it-yourself window insulation

There is nothing complicated in the process of finishing a window with film - not only qualified specialist, but the owner of the house. No special skills or tools are needed, but some rules must be followed.

Required materials and tools:

  • film;
  • special colorless double-sided tape;
  • roulette;
  • long ruler;
  • pencil or marker;
  • construction knife or scissors;
  • cotton gloves;
  • regular hair dryer;

Step by step guide:

Initially, you need to make sure that there are no cracks in the window frame. In plastic windows this unpleasant nuance practically does not occur, but in wooden windows it may be present.

Wooden windows contain frames in their design, which entails the presence of many joints through which cold air can pass through. For high-quality sealing of seams and other cracks, transparent sealant or silicone is used.

Proceed to further actions It is possible only after they have completely dried:

  1. Before completely sealing the window with film– It is necessary to wash the glass thoroughly.
  2. So that no traces remain on the canvas(fingerprints or other contaminants), work must be carried out with cotton gloves.
  3. If folds appear on the surface of the material during the process– this can be fixed with a regular hairdryer. To do this, it is necessary to spray the film with a stream of hot air escaping from it - which causes shrinkage.
  4. During the film gluing process– it is not recommended to pull it too hard, because the surface may burst. And it is almost impossible to repair it, unless you stick a strip of tape, but over time the defect will become noticeable.
  5. If the window is big enoughbetter job carry out together.
  6. Do not allow the film to sag or touch the glass.– this will not result in good heat conservation.

Cost and reviews

  1. Manufacturer's mark (brand).
  2. Thickness.
  3. Size of canvas (the larger the area purchased, the cheaper).
  4. Possible delivery services.
  5. Call a specialized worker who can correct some of the nuances.

Preliminary cost by size:

  • 1200×2000 mm – 150-200 rubles;
  • 1200×3000 mm – 230-300 rubles;
  • 1500×2500 mm – 220-310 rubles;
  • 2000×3000 mm – 350 rubles;
  • 3000×6000 mm – 650-700 rubles;

Examples of prices.

  1. Window size 900x1200 mm - will require material in the size of 940x1240 mm and also colorless adhesive tape about 2.4 meters long.
  2. The size of a large window is 1500x2000 mm - you need 1520x2020 mm of film, and about 7.3 meters of adhesive tape.

A nuance: all calculations are preliminary, because sometimes trimming of materials is necessary. It is better to leave them a little larger in order to avoid moments of joining with additional sections, which aggravate the situation and contribute to unnecessary seams.

Surely many people know about the ways in which heat can leave our homes. Windows are considered the main sources of warm air loss in apartment buildings. We are not talking about metal-plastic double-glazed windows with triple glass, but about more. Unfortunately, they have gaps that are invisible to the eye, through which warm air currents so easily leak through and leave your home or office. What to do in such a situation? Will it really need to be replaced? natural material on plastic to seal off any heat escaping as much as possible? Many people know that thanks to wooden frames, a favorable atmosphere is maintained in the interior. The room seems to “breathe”, it constantly circulates Fresh air. And even when the windows are tightly closed, air exchange occurs between the room and outer side. If you leave plastic windows tightly closed, stale air soon appears in the room, and in some cases the humidity level may even increase and condensation may appear. But don’t rush to get upset, because energy-saving film on windows will help solve the current problem!

Energy-saving film is becoming increasingly popular among consumers

What is heat-saving film for windows?

Over the past few years, this material has been gaining increasing popularity. After all, almost all consumers are trying to save on utilities and at the same time provide your home with such necessary warmth. And the most are used different methods. One of the most affordable and popular is window insulation. Heat-saving film allows you to very effectively retain heat in any room where it is used.

The film consists of very thin layers, each of which is coated with the finest metal alloy. Its thickness is literally a few micrometers, making it very difficult to distinguish visually. This means that after covering your window with such material, visibility will in no way be impaired. Nickel, gold or silver can be used as a metal alloy.

Heat-saving window film is produced under the strictest control conditions and in compliance with all standards and requirements. During the manufacturing process, it is exposed to high temperatures and a certain pressure. Only under such conditions will it have thermal insulation properties. It is also important that such a film can not only retain heat in the room, but also maintain it optimal temperature in any season. Even in extreme heat, it will not allow excess heat to accumulate inside the room, but will.

Heat-saving film “third glass”: properties

As we have already written, this material consists of several layers, although visually this is not at all visible. The film remains quite transparent and will not cause you any discomfort after installing it on the windows. Each of these layers is designed to conserve heat or, conversely, coolness in the room all year round. It is very important to note such a property of the film as versatility. After all, in essence, she is universal remedy, maintaining optimal room temperature at any time of the year. In winter it helps warm air to accumulate indoors, while in summer it acts as a light reflector.

Speaking about the advantages of the “third window”, the following should be mentioned:

However, with all the advantages, there are also several disadvantages that you should know about in advance before installing film on windows:

  • Since it does not transmit ultraviolet rays, indoor plants will not receive required amount light and warmth. Therefore, in the room where the film will be glued to the windows, you will not be able to grow them.
  • The film also does not contribute to the accumulation of heat from nowhere, it only retains it in the room. As a rule, during the off-season, when it is quite cool outside, but not critically, the central heating in the apartments is turned off. Required quantity no heat will pass through the film, so the room can be quite cool.
  • The “third window” is produced according to the most modern technologies, which is why the cost of such products still remains quite high. But compared to others, just as effective means In terms of room insulation, it is completely inexpensive.


Of course, the manufacturers of such film will claim that its installation requires almost the most qualified craftsmen and the possession of extraordinary skills and abilities. But this is absolutely not true. You just need to follow the instructions exactly and you will definitely succeed!

Eat different types films - and the one that is held in place by tension. In this article we will look at installing the first option. First you need to wash the glass well and degrease it with any alcohol-containing product. It could even be rubbing alcohol. The main thing is not to touch the surface with your bare hands after this procedure. If this happens, do not forget to carry out the degreasing procedure again. After this, you need to carefully roll out the film, lift the protective layer and attach it to the very top of the glass. Gradually remove the “protection” while simultaneously leveling the already glued film with a soft cloth or rubberized scraper to remove air bubbles. This way you need to stick the entire film.

Advice: try to glue the film, which has the room temperature. If you perform this operation on a cold surface, the film may be unevenly distributed and soon peel off.

Where to buy heat-saving film for windows?

Since such material is not cheap, it would be very disappointing to run into a fake. In addition, the film should be stored in the right conditions so as not to lose its performance properties. It is unlikely that underground shops or second-hand traders will adhere to such recommendations. And the risk of running into a fake is quite high. We recommend purchasing such film only in specialized large construction stores or hypermarkets, where you can ask for all the relevant documentation and certificates. Only in this case you are guaranteed to receive a real film designed to keep your home or office warm!

Have you had any experience working with this kind of film? Is it really effective in different time of the year? Share your experience with us and our readers!

Window film for heat preservation is a thin film material that reflects infrared radiation. Reflectivity is achieved through metal spraying. The base for the film is polyethylene terephthalate. This is a fairly durable plastic that resists tearing well. Thanks to this it provides additional protection for glazing.

Special phytolamps will help compensate for the lack of any part of the spectrum - make sure that they are equipped with ultraviolet LEDs. Without them you won't get the full spectrum.

The metal coating applied to the heat-saving film reflects infrared radiation in reverse side. If it comes from outside, it is reflected outward, if from inside, then inward. In the winter season, IR rays created by heating devices will be reflected from the glazing and remain indoors. In summer we will observe the process of reflection of solar IR rays towards the street. The rooms will be warm in winter and cool in summer.

At the same time, the heat-saving film prevents the penetration of solar ultraviolet radiation. There is nothing critical for a person in this regard, although his skin is accustomed to perceiving the entire solar spectrum. As for plants, they may react by wilting. They need the full spectrum to stay green and produce offspring. If you are engaged in plant growing, select a window without film for green spaces.

Film behavior in the off-season

The summer heat is gone, the sun is weak, but the heating is not working yet. People want comfort - they need to turn on the heating, although it is still very early. And in this situation, heat-reflecting film on windows becomes a disadvantage. The thing is that it does not transmit infrared radiation, which could provide a little free heat. And in the spring and autumn periods it would be useful.

There are two ways out of the situation:

  • Turn on full heating at least at a minimum so that the house is not damp and cold.
  • You can use electric heaters, but in this case you need to be prepared for high energy costs.

What to do is up to you to decide.

How does thermal film work at home?

Due to the polyester that underlies the window insulation and the presence of an argon mixture in the structure of the film, in winter it prevents the passage of cold and wind into the room, and in summer it keeps it cool and limits the entry of ultraviolet sunlight into the room.

If your house has multi-leaf windows, then it is better to glue thermal film to the outer frame or both frames at once.

Single-layer films are much cheaper than those with a thicker structure. Even when using the first option, the glass of the window frame becomes stronger, and therefore it will be more difficult to subject it to mechanical stress.

Good to know! With the film installed and the usual heating method, the room temperature rises by 5°C.

Do-it-yourself window insulation

There is nothing complicated in the process of finishing a window with film - not only a qualified specialist, but also the owner of the house can handle this task. No special skills or tools are needed, but some rules must be followed.

Required materials and tools:

  • film;
  • special colorless double-sided tape;
  • roulette;
  • long ruler;
  • pencil or marker;
  • construction knife or scissors;
  • cotton gloves;
  • regular hair dryer;

Step by step guide:

Initially, you need to make sure that there are no cracks in the window frame. In plastic windows this unpleasant nuance practically does not occur, but in wooden windows it may be present.

Wooden windows contain frames in their design, which entails the presence of many joints through which cold air can pass through. For high-quality sealing of seams and other cracks, transparent sealant or silicone is used.

You can proceed with further actions only after they have completely dried:

  1. The inside of the window frame needs to be washed. To do this, you can use household chemicals or soap solution.
  2. Afterwards, the frame is treated with degreasers (preferably ethyl alcohol 96%).
  3. Double-sided tape is glued along the edge of the frame (along the perimeter).
  4. Next, the film is unrolled to big table. If it is folded in half, it needs to be stratified. To do this, it is advisable to blow on the joints. Holding the two edges, it gradually separates.
  5. It is necessary to measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the glass unit in advance with a tape measure.
  6. The recorded indicators are transferred to film, with a tolerance of 1.5-2 cm for attaching it to tape.
  7. You can cut the material with a knife or scissors, because it is very pliable to cut.
  8. The protective paper layer is removed from the adhesive tape attached to the frame.
  9. First, the cut out area must be leaned against the upper horizontal plane of the tape and pressed carefully.
  10. Next, you need to pull it a little and press the edges of the film against the vertical strips of tape.
  11. In the lower part, the fastening process is identical to the previous ones. Thus, the film is fixed in the desired position and is ready to serve for a long time.
  1. Before completely sealing the window with film– It is necessary to wash the glass thoroughly.
  2. So that no traces remain on the canvas(fingerprints or other contaminants), work must be carried out with cotton gloves.
  3. If folds appear on the surface of the material during the process– this can be fixed with a regular hairdryer. To do this, it is necessary to spray the film with a stream of hot air escaping from it - which causes shrinkage.
  4. During the film gluing process– it is not recommended to pull it too hard, because the surface may burst. And it is almost impossible to repair it, unless you stick a strip of tape, but over time the defect will become noticeable.
  5. If the window is big enough– It’s better to do the work together.
  6. Do not allow the film to sag or touch the glass.– this will not result in good heat conservation.

How to save heat in a room or prevent it from overheating

To make the temperature of an apartment or office comfortable for a person, the following measures are usually used:

  • install modern double-glazed windows;
  • equip the premises with adjustable radiators;
  • connect additional electric heaters;
  • seal window cracks with polyurethane foam;
  • insulate external and internal walls;
  • In hot weather, air conditioning is installed.

These measures are expensive and require a lot of energy. Is there an alternative? You can go by increasing the amount of heat, or you can take measures to keep it inside. Research shows that indoors is the most a large number of heat is lost through window glass, and the larger the area of ​​the window openings, the greater the loss. In winter, these losses amount to up to 70%. In order to avoid heat loss through glass windows and doors, measures must be taken to increase the thermal insulation of glass panels. Heat-saving film for windows will help us with this.

Photo through a thermal imager

Features of heat-saving film

Monanolic film is made from a number of layers and components. The thickness of each such layer is several millimeters. The surface of the thermal film has a coating consisting of an ultra-thin metal layer. It can be gold, silver or it can be made of nickel.

Due to the fact that the thickness of the film is only a few millimeters, light can easily pass into the interior of the room. You can save money on energy, and heat loss will be significantly reduced.

Also, due to its small thickness, heat-shrinkable heat-reflecting film for windows has a refractive effect, and the low-emissivity membrane becomes an excellent insulation material. Thanks to the unique structure of the material, heat loss is significantly reduced in winter, the best temperature inside the room is also maintained, and in summer this product does not allow warm air flow to penetrate. Therefore, the room will always maintain comfort and coziness.

Which manufacturers offer heat-saving film and what are their prices?

When choosing heat-saving films, you need to consider that inexpensive types this product is created only air gap(third glass effect), and expensive types, for example South Korean Ultra Solar Block, - in addition to thermal insulation, they prevent infrared rays from penetrating into the room, which helps reduce cold in winter and heat in summer. Various types of heat-saving films are produced in Germany, Poland, South Korea, China, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine. Online stores offer the following brands: “Thermo Tap”, “NANOFILM”, “Ultra Solar Block”, “ESB Technologies” (Russia), “Heat Technologies” (Poland). German and Polish brands are usually more expensive than domestic goods. How larger size canvas, the cheaper the product will cost. The film is sold in rolls or in sheets folded in half. Films can have a self-adhesive base or be glued to a soap solution. For a window measuring 1400 by 1300 mm, you need to purchase approximately 1.82 m2 of film and 5.5 m of tape. As a result, Polish film will cost 150 rubles for 1 window.

Experts believe that even a thin gap the size of the eye of a needle can cool a room in just a day in the absence of regular heating. To prevent this from happening, use “third glass” thermal film, and we offer a few tips for this.

  1. Carefully inspect the window frame for damage. When trying to insulate glass embedded in a wooden frame, the question often arises as to why the film does not retain heat. Most likely, the problem is not in the glass, but in the lack of tightness of the frame itself. Therefore, this point must be taken into account immediately.
  2. You can also insulate doors with a heat-resistant layer of glass. window openings. They fit perfectly in the middle of the frame. Even if the bags are plastic, they need to be prepared. If the door is installed in the kitchen or dining room, it is recommended to degrease it first.
  3. It is necessary to achieve a perfect fit of the thermal film to the glass in order to prevent the formation of an air cushion. To do this, remove the glazing beads from the frame, place the insulation and put the fittings back in place.

The insulating agent is successfully used as additional insulation for greenhouses

The proposed tips have been successfully applied in practice; accordingly, the effectiveness of the “third glass” as insulation has been fully proven. Dear users, if you still have questions, ask them in the comments - we will be happy to discuss all points of interest.

The film is used in rooms where double-glazed windows are not installed. It forms a special bag. It is in some way analogous to the space located between the panes of a window. Double-glazed windows provide protection against cold air entering the room. The technology is based on the fact that the internal warm air will not contact the outside. Heat-saving film should be used in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to increase the heat level without energy consumption;
  • There are huge windows in the room, occupying most walls;
  • sudden changes in temperature must be avoided.

The use of thermal film, which is glued to glass, is advisable only for double-glazed windows

Installing thermal film on a window opening creates a similar chamber if the window has only one glass. At the same time, if there are serious cracks in the frames, then the film will not bring any benefit at all and heat leakage will continue.

In addition, you need to remember that at least some effect can be expected only when correct installation films. If the recommendations for its installation were not followed, and there are serious flaws in the window frames, then it is unlikely that there will be much benefit from using this product. Before installing thermal film or using any other means, it is best to consult with a specialist to ensure everything is done correctly.


When glued to plastic windows, such a film increases the strength of glass to an average of 8 kilograms per square centimeter.

Wherein broken glass does not shatter into small fragments, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.

In addition, such a film allows you to save money, since by gluing the film onto a single-chamber double-glazed window, the effectiveness of such a package is equal to that of a double-chamber one.

Additional advantages of heat-saving films include:

  • making it difficult for intruders to penetrate;
  • protection of interior items from exposure to direct sunlight;
  • Blocks 99 percent of ultraviolet rays, which often cause burnout;
  • blocking infrared radiation within 30-99%;
  • imparting confidentiality (protects against information leakage through electromagnetic and vibroacoustic channels);
  • giving the glass one-way visibility.

A very important point in using films is their correct and competent installation, which should only be done by professionals, since this process is very painstaking. At incorrect installation all the advantages of the film are lost.

What is thermal film and how it works

Production technology heat-insulating material is based on the physical characteristics of sunlight, consisting of UV and IR rays. Thermal film is complex design, consisting of several layers of polyethylene terephthalate, the thickness of which reaches 80-200 microns. Each layer has a thin metal coating applied using a plasma discharge method in an argon atmosphere. Silver, gold, as well as nickel and chromium alloys can be used for coating.

Thanks to a special application technology, the metallized layer does not interfere with the entry of visible spectrum rays into the room and changes the light transmittance of the film due to their refraction. Infrared rays carry out heat transfer, and the thermal insulation material, by refracting, reflects them inside the house or apartment, resulting in a heat-saving effect. The material reflects UV rays, which make up a significant range of the spectrum of sunlight, preventing them from penetrating into the room.

The high ductility of the thermal insulation film glued to the surface of window glass significantly increases its strength. In addition, if it is broken, it will not crumble into small fragments, but will remain on the film. However, the protective properties are more likely by-effect, since it is designed to save energy.

Operating principle of energy-saving coating

Low-emission energy-saving film

When installed on a window energy saving film the room becomes much warmer. It prevents wave radiation from cooling the interior through the glass and thus retains up to 42% of additional heat.

In the spring-summer period, a window on which a heat-saving film is installed does not allow the room to overheat. This coating on the glass blocks the penetrating thermal rays of the sun. These qualities of the film make the window a real heat insulator throughout the year.

This effect is achieved due to physical properties refraction of sunlight. Thermal reflective films are produced using special technology only by manufacturers from the USA (4 are produced in the world).

Low-emission films have a main characteristic - emission coefficient, i.e. the ability to re-emit energy. The lower the value of this coefficient, the more effectively it retains heat in the room.

According to our measurements, not a single film, except Ecolux70, provides a noticeable heat-saving effect on double-glazed windows. A slight effect is visible with a thermal imager only on single glass.

Only 3 films in the world give an effect on a double-glazed window: Ecolux70 from SolarGard, Enerlogic from LLumar and Thinsulate from 3M.

Energy-saving film is an effective heat insulator in winter and summer.

When is heat-saving material used?

Many manufacturers advise installing thermal insulation material only during the heating season - from October to March. At this time, the effectiveness of such protection is felt. Sunlight penetrating through the windows does not carry heat with it in winter, so the reflection of ultraviolet rays will not cause discomfort, since thermal films are completely transparent and do not have a tinting effect. At the same time, IR radiation from heating devices, on the contrary, is reflected from the film and remains inside the apartment or house. This is precisely the heat-saving properties of thermal film.

Heat-saving material comes in two types: heat-shrinkable (the most common option), which stretches under the influence of warm air from a regular hair dryer, and installed using soap solutions. Thermal protection of the first type, glued to the window frame using a special tape that has an adhesive layer on both sides, also serves as a “third glass”. In this case, an air “pocket” appears between the heat-saving material and the glass, similar to what is inside the double-glazed window, and this creates good protection from heat loss.

Operating principle of thermal film

Visually, thermal film looks like simple polyethylene, but in fact it is polyester, which has a very thin coating of metal or ceramics. To deposit this layer, a flame discharge in an argon atmosphere is used. Thanks to this, the film can trap warm air in the room in winter, and in hot weather it will reduce the heating of the room.

Experts believe that thermal insulation film can increase the temperature in a home by approximately 3-5°C.

Thermal film price may differ significantly, and the difference will lie in its properties. The cheapest options will operate on the principle of a thermos, and serve as a third glass, but will not protect against infrared radiation.

Expensive film can not only reduce heat loss, but also protect against ultraviolet. It will also protect the glass from mechanical stress - break the glass it will be much more difficult.

Thermal insulation of PVC windows with thermal film

PVC windows, which have an additional thermal insulation layer as a heat-saving film, are the most durable. Even if there is a strong blow, the glass will not shatter into small pieces, but will only be deformed. This ensures maximum safety. Insulation of plastic windows is also carried out in some cases.

Although the windows have plastic frames that are additionally insulated with rubber seals, the glass still allows cold air flow into the room. Even owners of double-glazed windows will not be able to obtain ideal thermal insulation. Therefore, in this case, it is most appropriate to use film as a “third glass”.

Installation instructions for thermal film


  • Most thermal films have a self-adhesive backing, but some products will stick to the glass due to certain adhesive conditions.
  • Before installation, the glass surface must be prepared. Preparation includes thorough window cleaning. After you have washed them, do not forget to dry them. Additionally, use a degreasing solution for treatment.
  • After this, the installation procedure for the heat-saving film begins. Apply it carefully; when wrinkles appear, you need to smooth them out using a soft rag. Or you can use a special tool that looks like a car window brush.
  • Once you have smoothed out the wrinkles on the surface of the glass, the remaining material must be removed. This can be done using a knife designed for installation.

What is third glass film?

Correct installation of thermal film

There are several ways of gluing heat-saving material, depending on the type (heat-shrinkable, adhesive-based, or mounted using a soap solution). Thermal film is sold in rolls or sheets. Regardless of the installation method, you will still need an assistant.

Soap solution

First of all, you need to wash the glass cleanly and wipe it dry. Next, use a household sprayer to apply a soap solution to the surface, which can be prepared from colorless baby shampoo or dishwashing liquid. Apply a film pre-cut according to the well-moistened glass required sizes. First, the upper edge is glued, and then, using a soft scraper for washing windows or a rubber roller, the excess soap solution is squeezed out from under the film (first of all in the middle - from top to bottom, and then from the middle to the sides). Try to avoid the formation of large air bubbles, since the film does not adhere to these areas. Small defects will disappear on their own and the material will straighten out completely.

Wash the window and apply soapy water

Installation of self-adhesive film

The self-adhesive film is installed in almost the same way as in the previous version, but with some minor differences. The protective layer is not removed immediately, but a small strip is peeled off from above. Having glued the top of the canvas, you need to smooth the film with a soft, clean cloth, avoiding the formation of bubbles and wrinkles. At the same time, an assistant should slowly remove the protective layer. You need to act slowly, since it will not be possible to re-glue the film without defects.

It is better to stick heat-saving material together with a partner

Gluing shrink film

Installation of heat shrink material differs from the options described above. To do this you will need: scissors, a knife, a regular hair dryer and, of course, an assistant. If you have old wooden frames, then it is necessary to seal all the cracks with foam rubber. Ideally, you can dismantle the handles and stick thermal insulating material onto the window frame. Next we proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • stick double-sided tape onto the washed and dry frame;
  • cut the heat-saving material to the size of the window, adding at least 20 mm on each side;
  • take off protective strip from double-sided tape;
  • slowly glue the heat-insulating material onto the adhesive tape and don’t worry about wrinkles;
  • Since the heat-saving material is heat-shrinkable, to give it the necessary smoothness and transparency you need to blow on its surface using a regular hairdryer. Initially, you should not pull the film too tightly, after which it will reach the required tension;
  • If the film has been damaged during use, do not rush to throw it away, since it can be easily restored using ordinary transparent tape.

After heating with a hairdryer, the film acquires the desired tension and transparency.

Instructions for installing thermal film on glass

Insulation of windows and other glass surfaces is very important stage, which determines how warm the room will end up. Let's take a closer look at the mounting instructions.

  1. We will clean the window from dirt and wash away all residues. detergent and be sure to dry the glass.
  2. Next, we glue double-sided tape around the perimeter inside the window frame, then remove protective film on the top part and apply the edge of the thermal film there.
  3. First we bifurcate the “third glass”, since it is sold folded in half, and cut it to the size of the glass.
  4. Soft rubber spatula iron it from top to bottom, simultaneously peeling off the adhesive tape little by little and blowing the surface with a household or construction hair dryer.
  5. When finished, check the entire film for bubbles. If they are missing, the work can be considered completed.

Under no circumstances should you peel off the protective layer of double-sided tape completely when gluing the film. After all, the film can stick tightly, after which it will be problematic to peel it off.

Thermal film is environmentally friendly, therefore suitable for installation in a children's room

Types of thermal film

In more severe climates, the film greatly improves heating efficiency. There are two main varieties, specially designed for insulating buildings: the first type is glued directly to the surface of the windows, and the second is attached to the window strips. The latter are considered much more effective, although they do not have a very good effect on the appearance of the window.

Above quality double glazing no additional work required. It perfectly protects the room from the cold, so the film is used only in those buildings where the quality of window installation leaves much to be desired or insulation is carried out based on climatic features region.

Installation of thermal film is usually not carried out in houses with double-glazed windows located in the temperate zone or in the south.

Below is a video from which you can learn about all the pros and cons of insulating window blocks with thermal film:

Adhesive film

Thermal film for window insulation, adhesive directly to the glass itself, is practically invisible to others. Besides, there will be no glue stains left. Manufacturers claim that this film works in a special way: it reflects ultraviolet and sunlight. Thanks to this, during severe cold weather the material slightly retains heat inside the room, and in summer it will prevent the house from overheating.

Read also: .

Heat-saving film can save windows from condensation

Sellers often lie when they claim that in spring this material allows heat to pass through freely, but the energy of the spring sun is not enough to warm up the room well. And the manufacturers themselves warn about the rather low effectiveness of such a product: leakage will decrease by only 7%. This means that you are unlikely to have a strong effect on the room temperature. It is best to use this film as an additional tool.

In the spring, when the central heating is turned off, the room will not receive the required amount of heat. It will become damp and cold inside.

The installation instructions for heat-saving window film do not recommend using it to build greenhouses or greenhouses. This can be explained very simply: almost all types of plants need to receive infrared and ultraviolet radiation for normal growth.

For this reason, using film on windows can have a very bad effect on all plants placed on the windowsill. This is a huge minus for all lovers of flowers and other flora.

Advantages and disadvantages of heat-saving material

The use of thermal film has many positive qualities, among which it is worth noting:

  1. Strengthening. Heat-saving material increases the strength of glass up to 8 kg/cm². When broken, the glass does not crumble into fragments, but remains glued to the film.
  2. Saving. After gluing the film onto a single-chamber double-glazed window, its energy efficiency becomes comparable to a two-chamber design.
  3. Protection of interior items from fading.
  4. Almost 100% UV blocking.
  5. Blocking IR radiation within 30-99%.
  6. Depending on the type of material, one-way light transmittance.

Thermal film protects well from sunlight and retains heat

However, thermal film also has disadvantages. The most basic is the almost complete reflection of ultraviolet rays, which negatively affects indoor plants. Therefore, if you use heat-saving film, then provide your plants with additional lighting photo lamps that provide the radiation spectrum required for their normal growth and development.

The second drawback is the lack of effectiveness in spring and autumn. During the time when central heating has not yet been launched, the thermal insulation coating will prevent the penetration of heat from the sun's rays into the room.

Also, the film has such an unpleasant property as the reflection of radio waves, which can affect the quality of signal reception going to mobile phone or television receiver. This is due to the fact that metal spraying is used in the production of thermal insulation film.

Since thermal film blocks UV rays, it ornamental plants Additional lighting should be provided on the windows

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal film on windows

A dense protective layer of film is one of the main properties that is responsible for the functionality of the device. In addition, it is advisable to highlight a number of advantages of the thermal layer:

  • ease of repair. For example, if you accidentally damage the integrity, you can simply hide the gap using stationery tape;
  • washes well when necessary and does not react to the use of household chemicals;
  • does not contain materials inert to static electricity, therefore, practically no dust will accumulate on the surface;
  • the film adheres reliably even to frosted glass, and if it is damaged, the fragments remain directly on the insulation, which is absolutely safe for humans;
  • “third glass” creates visibility through the window only from the inside, so it perfectly saves you from unwanted views from the street.

Thanks to the thermal film, glare on the windows in bright conditions sunlight none, which is convenient when watching TV

Like any product used in everyday life, thermal film also has some disadvantages:

  • if it is not fastened correctly, the film begins to inflate and fly away from the glass, letting in cold air;
  • when the heating is turned off, the windows begin to sweat, since the protective layer interferes with the natural ventilation of the window frames;
  • It is not recommended to place indoor plants on windows with thermal film, as they will begin to die because they will not receive the required amount of ultraviolet radiation.

As you can see, there are more advantages than disadvantages; accordingly, using film as a third glass will be more rational than purchasing a three-layer double-glazed window.

When using thermal film, you do not need blinds, since artificial glass is opaque

Good to know! It is not recommended to stick the film before heating starts, otherwise the thermal protection will sag and you will need to adjust its position on the window.