Tree of God: medicinal properties of the plant, use and contraindications. Tree of God: description of the plant, its known medicinal properties, contraindications

God's or dill tree, perhaps, can be included in the list of the most rare perennials in the garden. Botanical name (Artemisia abrotanum) is medicinal wormwood or abrotan. You can see what it looks like in the photo - it is a subshrub up to 1.2 m high with silvery, pinnately dissected leaves. The culture is unpretentious, with correct landing and care, overwinters in open ground. Light pruning is required for decorative purposes.

God's tree: origin and description

Medicinal wormwood, high or lemon, in wildlife grows in southern Europe, Asia Minor, in North America. It is found in the southwest of Russia and in the Altai Territory. Prefers wet places, forest edges. Often forms dense thickets along roads and abandoned housing.

The shoots of the plant are directed strictly upward and do not branch. Flowering in mid-latitude conditions occurs in mid-summer (July, early August). Abrotane inflorescences are formed by small baskets, in place of which seed pods are set in the fall. The fruits fully ripen only in the southern regions. Therefore, most often, dill trees are propagated vegetatively.

God's tree - treatment plant

The first mention of the plant dates back to the 5th century AD. In his botanical works, this type of wormwood was described by the ancient physician P. Dioscorides. Scientists believe that from this time on, the active use of medicinal wormwood in cooking, medicine and for decoration began. There are also records of the holy tree in the Ipatiev Chronicle, dating back to 1201.

Young shoots of abrotan have a bright dill aroma with an admixture of pine needles and citrus, while older shoots acquire bitter wormwood notes.

Planting abrotan and care in open ground

For successful growth, a dill tree needs a place with a good portion of sunlight. The southern plant does not tolerate drafts well and needs protection from the wind; it is better to plant it along a building or fence. In such an area, the shrub will quickly grow a green top and overwinter more easily.
The soil is prepared nutritious, loose, well-drained.

Attention! God's tree does not grow in acidic soil.

They dig up the bed, add rotted compost and manure. For 1 sq. m will require 6 kg of organic matter. From minerals:

  • 25 g superphosphate;
  • 15 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 15 g of potassium chloride.

The holes are formed at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. After planting, young plants are watered, in the first days they monitor the condition of the soil, do not allow it to dry out or become waterlogged. Three more feedings will be required during the season. The latter is done in late autumn, adding organic matter to the site.
For ten years, medicinal wormwood does not need to be replanted. In addition to watering, the plant requires weeding, loosening the soil, and pruning damaged branches.

Wormwood cuttings are carried out at the beginning or end of summer. Cuttings rooted in June are planted in open ground Not later than August. This is necessary so that the plants can get used to new conditions and get stronger. In the first winter, dill tree seedlings are covered with film or agro-fabric. On next year wormwood will overwinter on its own.

Protect the plant from drafts

If the branches were cut at the end of summer, then it is better to leave them in the house for the winter. A cool veranda or glazed loggia. It is quite possible that the wormwood will shed its leaves, this is not a big deal, new shoots will grow from the buds in the spring.

Attention! Winter watering of medicinal wormwood is kept to a minimum.

Dill tree in folk medicine and cooking

The leaves and stems of abrotan contain:

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Bitterness.
  3. Abrotanine alkaloid.

Thanks to this composition, the plant is widely used for medicinal purposes. Homeopathic doctors prepare essences that relieve certain skin diseases and anemia. Antiseptic, hemostatic and analgesic effects have been proven.

Dry powder from the above-ground part of the tree of God is applied to abscesses, bruises, and dislocations. For inflammation of the oral cavity and toothache, use the tincture for rinsing. Based on the rhizome, powders are made against epileptic seizures and tuberculous meningitis.

Lady's tree twigs are used in cooking

Medicinal wormwood is used not only in medicine. It is also a natural air freshener. The cut branches are dried and hung indoors. In addition, green young shoots of abrotan are an original spice for meat and fish dishes. Cooks used it to flavor sauces, broths, vinegar, and added it to baked goods and liqueurs.

Advice. Dill tree branches are used in bath brooms.

For medicinal purposes, harvesting is carried out before the wormwood begins to bloom. Soft branches are cut and dried in a dry and dark place. Store in tightly closed containers.

Abrotane in landscape design

God's Tree is not only useful, but also incredibly ornamental culture. Lush bushes in the garden medicinal wormwood planted in flower beds. Fast growing crop used as a living fence for a site and as a border along alleys. The tart smell will repel insect pests, and the silvery foliage will “dilute” flower plantings.

Abrotane also combines with other perennials. Tall plants will protect heat-loving wormwood from the wind, the main thing is that there is no excessive shading of the dill tree. The spherical bushes of medicinal wormwood will look worthy next to the flowering ones:

God's tree in landscape design

You can place several species of different flowering times nearby. Thus, the composition will always attract attention.

Quite often, gardeners form a tree of God in the shape of a cypress; the cone-shaped crown and carved foliage make the plant even more similar to southern conifers.

Abrotane is also used for landscaping terraces, open verandas, balconies. Wormwood is planted in wide flowerpots or containers.

) belongs to plants from the Asteraceae family. Can be one-, two-, or multi-year. Wormwood is either a grass or a subshrub with a maximum height of 1.5 meters. The root is thick and woody, the stems are either short, sterile, which is typical of two-year-old wormwood, or straight and fruitful, like annual plant. The leaves are arranged in a row, dissected. The flowers are very small, the most common being yellow and red.

To date, more than four hundred are known various types, the most common wormwood is in Africa and America (north). In Russia it is represented by almost two hundred species; only medicinal wormwood grows everywhere - the most popular look God's tree. It has a characteristic pungent odor.

Preparation and storage of wormwood

God's tree is being harvested in the following way: at the beginning of its flowering (April-June), the upper part, no more than 30 cm long, with leaves and flowers, is cut off, and then dried. The last procedure should be performed only in the shade, since the sun's rays can destroy all the beneficial properties that wormwood has.

Storage is carried out only in closed fabric packages, and preferably in conditions of minimal humidity. Maximum term storage of God's tree preparation is 2 years.

Use in everyday life

God's tree has not been used in everyday life for a long time. Previously, bunches of wormwood were used to add a special spicy aroma to living spaces, as well as to prevent flies and moths. Today there are many solutions to these issues on the market in the form of various chemicals and powders.

Composition and medicinal properties of God's tree (wormwood)

Tree of God is the popular name for medicinal or bitter wormwood. It has many beneficial properties and is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the tree of God copes well with problematic cycles in women and is used as a remedy. Relaxes the central nervous system and also acts as a bactericidal agent

The use of wormwood in folk medicine

Here are several folk recipes in which the main ingredient is the tree of God. The list of ailments and various diseases is very extensive.

A mixture for completely ridding the body of worms

You need to mix half a teaspoon of fine dried wormwood and cloves. Drink 1-2 times a day 1 teaspoon of the mixture of these components, washed down with freshly squeezed juice (preferably carrot). God's tree, having bactericidal properties, copes well with worms, but not with their larvae, which have protective covering. The latter are easily destroyed by the cloves included in the mixture.

Infusion to improve appetite

Poor appetite, which is a consequence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the gall bladder. It is necessary to mix wormwood and yarrow herb (dried, of course), then brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture in two glasses of boiling water. Consume warm or cold three times a day, half an hour to an hour before meals. The maximum period of use is 1.5-2 weeks, after which take a break for at least 1 month.

A decoction of wormwood root for cancer in the initial stages. It is necessary to finely chop the dried root of the lady's tree, then boil over very low heat for 10 minutes, but always with the lid closed, otherwise the essential oils that have therapeutic effect, will evaporate and the broth will be useless. After the specified time, remove from heat and, without opening the lid, allow to cool. Then strain and consume 2 tablespoons three times a day half an hour before meals. In fact, the indicated portion is enough for 1 day of such procedures, so you will have to cook it every day. The maximum period is 2 weeks, after which a break of at least 1 month.

Wormwood oil for skin diseases, colds, bronchitis

Lady's tree oil must be prepared at the very beginning of collecting wormwood, since we will need it absolutely fresh. So, in an opaque container with a tight-fitting lid that prevents air from entering, you need to place maximum amount fresh God's tree - its upper part no more than 30 cm long. Then fill it with olive oil to the very top, close the lid tightly and leave for 10-12 days at room temperature away from heat sources. After the specified time, open the lid. The oil mixture should take on a dark green color. We filter it, after which we can only store it in the refrigerator. The maximum single dose for use is 0.5 grams or half a teaspoon. The specified amount is consumed orally, always before meals. Repeat the dose a maximum of 3 times a day, but no more than 10-14 days, after which you need to take a break for 2-5 weeks.

God's tree infusion for unstable menstrual cycle

Finely chopped wormwood must be brewed in one glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let cool completely. This infusion should be consumed 2-3 times a day, especially during periods of disruption, 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach. This use will allow you to normalize cyclical processes already in the 2-3rd month, although after a week of taking it it is advisable to take a break for exactly the same time - 1 week.


  • The most common signs that tell you that you should stop using infusions and other consistencies with the tree of God are the appearance of severe attacks of vomiting and nausea, which indicates individual intolerance. In this case, you should stop using wormwood and find alternative options treatment and prevention.
  • Also, the use of wormwood in any form is contraindicated for iron deficiency anemia accompanied by low level hemoglobin in the blood.
  • The maximum period of daily use of infusions and oils is limited to one month, otherwise central nervous system disorders may occur. nervous system.
  • A similar prohibition applies to anemia, stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  • Also, the use of God's tree is not recommended for children under the age of two years.

Regardless of active development technologies and medications, many people still prefer to turn to recipes that have proven themselves long ago. These plants include wormwood, which is widely used for medical, cosmetic and culinary purposes. According to the world classification, there are more than 400 species of this herb. Each of them differs in chemical composition, appearance and scope, but special attention deserves wormwood abrotan (or as it is called "God's tree").

"God's Tree": description of a medicinal plant

Wormwood or "divine tree"- belonging to the Asteraceae family. It can be not only annual, but also. Externally, the plant is a grass or subshrub, reaching a height of about one and a half meters.

The root of the grass is wide and woody. It is noteworthy that the stems of the plant differ depending on the species. Thus, perennial wormwood is characterized by shortened but sterile stems, while annual plants are characterized by straight and fruitful stems. "God's tree" has a characteristic, very pungent odor. The leaf blades are arranged on the stem in one row. The flowers are quite small and have a characteristic yellow or red color.

To date, in the literature there are many names for this medicinal plant: “wormwood”, “God’s tree”, “medicinal wormwood”, “abrotan”, “dill tree” and others. This is due to the fact that this herb was quite actively used in different regions and the countries in which it was given one name or another.

Over time, experts approved a single “name”, but even in our time there are names accepted by the people. To date, more than 400 species of wormwood have been officially registered, more than half of which can be easily found in the vast expanses of our state.

Chemical composition of wormwood

Useful medicinal properties The benefits of this plant, like any other, are largely determined by the presence and concentration of essential oils with a complex chemical composition.

Thus, in “God's Grass” their share reaches 0.62% (a fairly large volume that determines the strong effect of the herb). In addition, wormwood leaves contain: tannins, flavonoids, bitterness, coumarins, vitamins C and other useful components.

What are the benefits of wormwood ("God's tree")

Regardless Although the medicinal herb wormwood is one of the most famous plants, few people know about medicinal tinctures based on it.

The beneficial properties of "God's Tree" are entirely determined by the chemical composition of this herb. It's no secret that it has a rather pungent, bitter taste, which is evidence of a high concentration of lactones.
However, before you start taking medicinal wormwood in one form or another, you should understand that absolutely all parts of the herb have beneficial properties. When preparing all kinds of healing decoctions, infusions and mixtures, leaves, stems, seeds, and roots are fully used.

Direct indications for the use of drugs based on the “Tree of God” can be very diverse. Its bitter taste is often used to further stimulate the gastrointestinal tract; decoctions of wormwood can cure inflammation of the gallbladder, and oils remove toxins and cleanse the skin.

The healing properties of wormwood are multifaceted and do not belong to any specific area, which is why even today there are many people who prefer to be treated not with pills and antibiotics, but with this unique herb.

How the medicinal properties of “God’s tree” are used in folk medicine

The variety of beneficial properties and a real storehouse of medicinal substances easily explains the wide popularity of the herb and its active use in traditional medicine. But, along with this, we should not forget that there is no universal method from all ailments, since only some of the properties of wormwood are used in the treatment of various diseases.

Did you know? To date, in alternative medicine there are more than a hundred recipes of various interpretations based on wormwood for the treatment of almost all diseases. By total number compositions, ointments, infusions and oils, wormwood is rightfully considered one of the most popular medicinal herbs.

For a cold

Tree of God plant, the herb of which is saturated with useful substances and components, is quite often found in traditional medicine recipes, as a means of helping to effectively fight colds and viral diseases. The best results are achieved when treated with wormwood oil. To prepare the medicinal composition, it is necessary to fill the selected vessel (a 1-liter container is sufficient) with pre-washed wormwood flowers and leaves, and then pour them with olive oil.

This remedy should be infused for two weeks so that the oil has time to be saturated with the substances found in the medicinal herb. After this, the composition is carefully filtered and can be consumed. For colds, sore throat, flu and ARVI, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of infused oil 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of treatment should not exceed one week. Treatment with this plant will relieve irritation, reduce pain and quickly overcome colds.

Important! Properly prepared butter should change color to deep green. Only this infusion has beneficial properties and is safe for use.

To cleanse the body

In modern traditional medicine There are quite a lot of different means and preparations that allow you to quickly and effectively cleanse the body. However, each of them is usually quite expensive and does not always demonstrate the desired result. Great alternative Such remedies may include drugs that contain “God’s Tree”, since the use of such decoctions and tinctures has no contraindications and reliably helps in 100% of cases.

A medicinal plant that perfectly helps in the treatment of all kinds of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, improves appetite. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to mix 1 spoon of dried and crushed "God's tree" with one spoon of dried.

After this, they need to be poured with 400 ml of boiling water (about 2 glasses) and covered, and the resulting infusion (without removing the lid) should be put in a cool place until it cools completely. At the end, the infusion should be carefully strained through a fine sieve and poured into a glass container, where the herb will retain its beneficial properties as fully as possible.
You need to take the product based on the “Tree of God” 3 tablespoons, three times a day, an hour before meals, that is, on an empty stomach. The action of the plant will calm the stomach, relieve cramps and pain, and also help eliminate toxins. The course of such treatment should not exceed a three-week period, and the interval between courses should be less than one month.

Did you know? Among the European elite of the 19th century it was widespread alcoholic cocktail, to which essential oils of wormwood were added. It was called absinthe. However, it was soon abandoned, since multiple side effects of varying severity were noted with excessive use.

The healing properties of "God's tree" for menstrual irregularities

In modern practice, one can find cases where wormwood (“God’s tree”), the medicinal properties of which are determined by the unique composition of substances in the plant, is used to stabilize menstrual cycle.
To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to finely chop the dried leaves of wormwood and pour 1 cup of boiling water over them. It is advisable to cover the mug with the infusion and set it aside until it cools completely. To stabilize menstrual irregularities, you should take the prepared infusion 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

It is advisable to do this on an empty stomach, that is, before eating. Such treatment gives noticeable results after 2-3 months of use, however, to reduce the risk of side effects, it is better to take wormwood infusion every other week.

Use of medicinal herbs for dental treatment

God's herb, the medicinal properties of which make it possible to effectively use it to combat a number of diseases of different nature, has proven itself impeccably in dental treatment.

For the treatment of toothache, there is an almost universal recipe for the infusion of "God's tree", which, in one interpretation or another, is often found in folk medicine. Taking this remedy quickly and very effectively relieves inflammation of the gums and alleviates toothache.

To prepare the infusion, you must thoroughly rinse the previously picked or dried wormwood and place it in a metal container. After this, the collection should be poured with boiling water and tightly closed with a lid. In order for the infusion to be well absorbed, it should be left in shady place and let cool to room temperature.
You should rinse your mouth with this decoction during toothaches, trying to keep the product in the area of ​​the affected tooth as much as possible. A positive effect is observed after several such procedures, and the toothache subsides the next morning.

In some cases, when a mild toothache rapidly intensifies, it is possible to improve the prepared medicinal product: to do this, it is enough to reduce the volume of water, bringing the infusion to the consistency of a thick mass.

Important! Infusion medicinal herb relieves toothache, but does not treat its cause (damage to the tooth and/or gums), so even if a positive effect is achieved, it is strongly recommended to visit a dentist.

"God's tree" in cosmetology

In addition to the almost universal use of this plant in folk and traditional medicine, wormwood (abrotan) is often used in cosmetology, where it is valued for its unique ability to preserve beauty.

It is noteworthy that for each cosmetic case there is a separate recipe for treatment or rejuvenation. For example, to cleanse oily hair, it is recommended to wash your hair with a decoction of fresh wormwood (about 200 grams of “God’s tree” are needed for 3 liters of water). When treating your hair with this product, your hair will become beautiful and silky after 2-3 procedures, but you should not overuse it.

Also, the herb can help slow down skin aging. Baths with wormwood infusion help greatly in this matter. To do this, you need to pour 300 grams of dried and crushed wormwood leaves into 2.5 liters of boiling water, after which the infusion should sit under the lid for about an hour. Following this, the infusion is carefully filtered and diluted in a filled bathtub. Accept this medicinal bath should be taken for 20-25 minutes 1 hour before bedtime.
In folk medicine, cosmetic oil with wormwood is also often found. To prepare it you need 0.5 l sunflower oil(not peeled, homemade is better) add 3 tablespoons of table vinegar and 5 tablespoons of God's tree seeds. This oil, under a hermetically sealed lid, is infused for 3 weeks on a sunny windowsill. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to shake the contents of the bottle regularly. After a while, after careful filtering, you can use the finished oil. It is great for massage and fight cellulite.

Did you know? Even today, many experts prefer to use oil made from wormwood. For example, this composition is actively used in elite cosmetology centers during massage.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Thanks to the unique set useful substances and properties, the plant "Divine Tree" is used by people completely.

At the same time, you need to collect wormwood in the garden at different times, depending on the purposes of further use. Thus, it is advisable to organize the collection of leaves even before the active flowering of the grass begins. It is important that the leaves are separated from the cuttings.

It is more correct to cut the stem part in at the very beginning of flowering. Such a workpiece is dried in a darkened but well-ventilated room. The shelf life of leaves and stems prepared in this way can reach two years.

In medicine, the leaves of the plant are used, collected at the very beginning of summer or before the start of active flowering. Later, you can collect the already flowering tops, since they are also often used in one form or another.
The procurement process is best carried out in 2 stages. Initially, you need to pick the leaves near the roots (but without cuttings and before the end of the stage of formation of wormwood buds). After this, the tops are cut off to a length of 20-30 cm. It is very important not to miss the deadlines for collecting and preparing medicinal raw materials, since otherwise wormwood begins to lose such strong medicinal abilities.

In order to ensure the safety of medicinal herb preparations, the collection, laid in layers, must be dried in a dry, dark place with good ventilation. Some craftsmen resort to forced drying of the grass in drying chambers at temperatures up to +50°C, but in this case it is important not to overdry the grass, for which it should be turned over regularly (every 5-7 minutes).

Raw materials prepared in this way should be stored in wooden boxes, bags or glass containers, where it will easily retain its properties for two years.

"God's tree" (medicinal wormwood): contraindications for abrotane

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of the herb determine its widespread use in almost all areas of cooking, cosmetology and medicine (including folk medicine), the use of "God's tree" in some cases may be contraindicated.

First of all, a direct contraindication is individual intolerance to the substances included in chemical composition medicinal wormwood. It is also undesirable to take long-term large doses of drugs made from wormwood, since this can provoke a disorder of the nervous system, which is a direct side effect of taking this herb. Most often, the recommended course of treatment should not exceed 3-4 weeks, after which a month's break should be taken.
The number of people who are strictly prohibited from taking “God’s Tree” include pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding. Moreover, the use of the plant in any form is unacceptable for people suffering from ulcers, bleeding and anemia.

Medicinal wormwood refers to potent herbs and, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm to the body, therefore, before starting a course of medication with wormwood-based preparations, you should definitely obtain medical advice.

Important! Due to a number of quite serious contraindications and high content active ingredients, it is advisable to take remedies, infusions and preparations based on medicinal wormwood only when necessary.

Now that it has become extremely clear what a dill tree, that is, wormwood, is, its popularity and widespread use in cooking, medicine and cosmetology are completely unsurprising.

67 once already

God's tree is a type of wormwood, which is also called “Turkish tea”. It can be distinguished from other types of wormwood not only by appearance, but also by its pronounced lemon smell.

In general, there are a huge number of wormwoods in the world, at least 400 species belonging to the Asteraceae family. They are annual, biennial, perennial and grow in almost all corners of the globe.

The generic name of wormwood - Artemisia - comes from the Greek word artemis - healthy. The plant is so named for healing properties, valued by the ancients. According to ancient Greek myth, wormwood received its generic name in honor of the wife of King Mausolus Artemisia, who, according to Pliny, was healed of an illness with the help of wormwood. Pliny also wrote that wormwood juice was awarded to winners in running competitions held on sacred days. Wormwood juice was considered a valuable reward, since with the help of wormwood runners will be able to preserve water, which, as we know, is “more valuable than the whole world.” Wormwood was a cult plant that cleanses the physical and spiritual world.

Wormwood - “God's tree”, medicinal wormwood - Artemisia abrotanum L - a beautiful perennial subshrub from the Asteraceae family. This wormwood came to the Slavs from monastery gardens along with other medicinal plants, and for a long time it was considered a “church plant”, hence the name - tree of God.

The root of the “God’s tree” is thick and woody. Straight, somewhat ascending, non-branching stems have a height of 70 cm to 1.5 m. The lower part of the stems is completely woody, like all shrubs. The leaves are small, bluish-green, twice or thrice pinnately dissected, slightly reminiscent of dill in appearance. Upper leaves whole. Yellow flowers form baskets in the shape of irregular balls, collected at the top of the stem and on the side shoots into inflorescences that resemble narrow paniculate sparse racemes. It blooms in August, exuding a bitter, spicy aroma. The fruits are achenes flat, grooved, up to 1-1.2 mm long. IN Middle lane In Russia it does not produce fruit; it reproduces only vegetatively.

Grows wild in Southeast Europe, Asia Minor, Iran, in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, along the entire Black Sea coast, in the Caucasus and Western Siberia.

Medicinal wormwood bushes can decorate any corner of a park, garden, or public garden. Against its background, more look good low plants. Many people grow the tree of God as an ornamental and simply very useful plant. Medicinal wormwood does not present special requirements to the soil, although it prefers one that contains lime, easily tolerates drought, and loves to grow in the sun.

It is easy to propagate by cuttings; cut branches of the tree of God, placed in water, give roots. For the winter, wormwood should be covered. Although it can withstand frosts down to -20C and even when frozen, it easily recovers. To obtain a more lush bush, the growing shoots of the lady's tree should be pinched. During the summer, the soil should be loosened and the plant should be hilled up. Chicken and pigeon droppings can serve as feeding, which some summer residents manage to collect in the attics of five-story old buildings. Medicinal wormwood can also be grown in pots on the balcony.

For medicinal purposes, the tops of the medicinal wormwood herb are cut off. at a height of approximately 30-40 cm from the soil surface. The leaves are separated from the shoots, dried in the shade in a well-ventilated place and stored in bags. Lady's tree grass contains: tannins, flavonoids, bitterness, coumarins and other substances.

IN ancient times medicinal wormwood was grown in gardens Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome how fragrant and medicinal plant. Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides mention it in their works. It enjoyed no less popularity in the Middle Ages, which is documented in medical treatises of that time. In the famous poem by Odo of Mena “On the Properties of Herbs” (11th century), the following is written about God’s tree: “Drink raw with wine, and you will help with many ailments. His child is terrible for snakes, and drinking pacifies their poisons and also calms the cold chill of fever.”

Preparations from the tree of God were used for eye diseases, as a diuretic, for colds and infectious diseases, fever, scrofula, epilepsy, meningitis, rheumatism, as an anthelmintic, for menstrual irregularities, after insect and snake bites.

Decoction for colds

Pour 1 dessert spoon of crushed lady's tree herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain, take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

Decoction for stomach disease with reduced secretion

Brew 1 teaspoon with 2 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil, cool, strain, take ¼ cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For bruises and dislocations, make a poultice from the decoction.

Wormwood herb is used for inhalation. In Japan, a decoction of wormwood leaves is taken for general weakness and during the period of recovery after a serious illness. Medicinal wormwood is part of “Zvezdochka”, which almost all of us use from time to time. God's tree is also used in homeopathy. Aromatherapists use medicinal wormwood for fatigue and depression. 2-3 drops drip into the aroma lamp essential oil wormwood.

Made from wormwood bath brooms, and with their help they treat joints, rheumatism, and obesity. For insomnia, a branch of medicinal wormwood is placed in the pillow.

Attention! Medicinal wormwood, although it is a low-toxic plant, is still poisonous if the dosage is exceeded, so it should not be treated on its own, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

In England, medicinal wormwood is called Lad's love - the love of young men. Because they prepare an alcohol tincture from the tree of God and rub it into the roots of the hair on the head and into the beard for better hair growth. In the old days, it was with the appearance of a beard that a young man was considered a man. To enhance hair growth, a decoction of medicinal wormwood is still rubbed into the hair roots. Wormwood tinctures are added to vermouths and absinthe.

In cooking, dried medicinal wormwood is added to fried meat, game, and baked poultry.

Branches of the tree of God are laid out in dressers and closets to scent linen and protect clothes from. Medicinal wormwood is hung in the house as a natural freshener air. And in the old days, huts and stables with animals were fumigated with the smoke of God’s tree.

In magic, the tree of God is considered a talisman against all bad things and helps protect the home and family. Creates harmony in relationships, and a wreath of God's tree grass, worn on the head, promotes enlightenment and insight.

There are plants that are not very popular, and sometimes unknown to gardeners. Some of them can even grow next to the site, attracting attention with their interesting view, but remaining an unknown representative of the flora. Exactly to such interesting plants One can include God's (dill) tree, the planting and care of which we will demonstrate in this article.

Some have heard of wormwood or abrotane, which belongs to perennial shrubs. Wormwood comes from temperate latitudes, and the most favorite and comfortable place of growth is arid areas. God's tree has a very beautiful leaves, as well as a pleasant aroma that can repel many insects. The plant has long been noted in medicine, and its elegant, unique leaves are used in the design of parks, squares or personal plots. There are evergreen varieties of wormwood, as well as those that shed their leaves for the winter.

What are the known species of Abrotan?

The plant is quite diverse and most of species are still resistant to frost. God's tree belonging to medicinal varieties, is known in almost all countries of the European continent.

Some people grow Wormwood in their own garden to take advantage of its medicinal properties.
There is a tree variety that is more suitable for the Mediterranean climate. A beautiful border plant attracts the gaze of random passers-by.

In the mountainous areas of southern European regions, Caucasian wormwood is found, which grows no higher than thirty centimeters.
The plant known as Tarragon or Tarragon gives the carbonated drink of the same name its name due to its distinctive aroma. A tall variety, reaching up to one meter in height.

In the southeastern regions of our country it is most common low-growing variety called Cold Wormwood.
In China, there is a milky variety that can grow up to one and a half meters and has characteristic small flowers. light shade.
In Latin American countries you can also find a representative of this species called Wormwood Louis.
Overall, the plant exhibits diversity and is distributed throughout the globe.

God's tree is the most common type

This variety is most often found in Europe. God's Tree is a type of wormwood with a strong aroma. The plant can reach up to one to one and a half meters in height. Showcases beautiful leaves and is prized for its medicinal properties.
It should be noted that the shoots of this plant are fragile, so when planting you should allocate less passable places so as not to damage the wormwood. The characteristic color of wormwood leaves is light green with a grayish tint. The shape is openwork. Even this variety can remain evergreen, or even lose its leaves in winter.

What are the benefits of God's tree?

If we talk directly about the wormwood variety called God's Tree, it has been known since time immemorial as a medicinal plant. The shrub was often grown by monks to prepare medicinal potions, which gave the plant its name. Historians know that in Ancient Greece, ointments were prepared and widely used from this variety of wormwood, which healed wounds well and also repelled annoying insects. An infusion of leaves has proven itself to be a cure for sore throats, as well as an appetite-stimulating tincture. Wormwood is also used in cosmetology as a effective remedy, from which hair grows.

How to properly prepare a medicinal plant

The leaves of the tree of God have no bitterness at all, especially if they are thoroughly dried. July and August, when the wormwood flowering period begins, are best suited for harvesting. It is recommended to cut young shoots before flowering, while they are still soft and not woody. A dark, ventilated place is suitable for drying. Finished product exudes a light citrus aroma, and it is recommended to store it in a dry, closed container.

Methods of use

In addition to its medicinal properties, wormwood can offer other ways of using it. For example, due to its pleasant aroma, the plant is suitable as one of the ingredients for marinades, tinctures or sauces. For this purpose, as a rule, not only leaves are used, but also young buds, which are dried and crushed. TO meat dishes Many cooks use wormwood powder, and sometimes even boil a piece of meat in its decoction.
The tincture is effective for treating toothache and intestinal pain. Freshly squeezed juice heals wounds, and wormwood is also known for stopping bleeding.

How to properly grow God's tree

The plant belongs to the heat-loving species, so choose the sunniest places that are not shaded by other trees. The soil needs to be enriched organic fertilizers, and since acidic soils are not suitable for wormwood, it can be neutralized dolomite flour. The choice of planting site must be thorough, since the tree feels great in one place without replanting for ten years.

Unpretentious plant in care, will please the eye all year round. IN summer period You can occasionally loosen the soil without affecting the root system. The mulching process will delay required quantity moisture, and in hot periods it is recommended to organize drip irrigation. Wormwood does not like dryness.

Even a novice amateur gardener can easily cope with this decorative bush, which does not require special care and trimmings. At the same time, to form the desired shape, the plant lends itself well to pruning, for which young shoots should be cut to a height of sixty centimeters. As a result proper care A beautiful bright spherical bush grows.

God's tree tolerates it well winter period even without covering. Before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to prune the shoots a little, and in case of frost below twenty-five degrees, the plant should be transplanted into a container and brought into a room with a low temperature. For wintering wormwood, the air temperature should not exceed eight degrees.

The Tree of God propagates by seeds or vegetatively. In the first option, the main problem will be to get ripened seeds, which, if successful, are planted in special containers for sale. When the seedlings sprout, they are ready to be planted in open ground, which is best done in the spring.
Vegetative method Artemisia propagation is more common and shows excellent results. At the height of summer, you need to cut off young green cuttings and plant them in wet sand. It is recommended to cover the cuttings with a jar to provide the necessary conditions for rooting. As a rule, after a month the root system already appears, thanks to which young plant can be planted in open ground. It takes two years to reach an adult plant, after which God’s tree will delight with its beautiful view all year round.
In addition to this method, cuttings can be carried out a little differently. IN spring period It is better to cut the cuttings before the leaves appear and put them in water. When the roots appear, the cuttings can be planted in open ground.