Strawberry jam for the winter. Strawberry jam - recipes for making strawberry jam

What could be better than brewing a strong cup of tea on a cold winter evening and opening a jar of fragrant strawberry jam, carefully stored since summer? Therefore, today we are talking about how to make strawberry jam so that the berries remain intact.

By the way, not so long ago I wrote about and also. You can also take a look at these pages.

To keep the berries intact when making jam, you should know a few tricks. Firstly, the crop must be harvested in dry weather and immediately begin cooking. Secondly, choose ripe, but not too soft berries. Well, and thirdly, after washing the strawberries should be dried on a paper towel for 10 minutes.

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries without cooking

I recommend using medium-sized berries to make thick strawberry jam. Do not forget that it will actually be prepared without cooking, but only poured with hot syrup. Then it will be completely saturated, and your preparations will easily last all winter.


  • 1 kg of ripe strawberries;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of water.

How to cook:

1. Sort the strawberries, rinse thoroughly running water and remove green stems. Transfer it to an enamel or heat-resistant bowl.

2. Mix sugar and water and place over medium heat. Cook the mixture for 3 minutes, no longer necessary. This is enough for the sugar to dissolve.

It is necessary to ensure that the syrup does not begin to turn white and turn into caramel.

3. Pour hot syrup over the berries, stir gently with a spatula or spoon. Cover with a towel and let cool.

When I make jam, I never stir it with a spoon. I just gently shake the bowl to mix the berries. And it never falls apart for me - it always turns out strong and intact.

4. As soon as the syrup has cooled completely, it must be drained and boiled for 5 minutes. Pour over the strawberries again and let cool again. This point must be repeated 5 times.

Place the prepared jam in a sterile container and roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them up warm blanket and leave to cool. This is an additional sterilization of the jam.

The jars should be stored in a cool, dry place so that the sun does not shine on them.

How to make thick strawberry jam with whole berries. Recipe for the winter

Strawberry jam prepared according to this recipe turns out simply excellent: thick, viscous, “like grandma’s,” berry after berry. At the same time, the strawberries retain their texture. It takes, of course, longer to prepare than. But the effort and time spent are worth it: in winter, delight and stormy applause are guaranteed!


  • 2 kg strawberries;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • freshly squeezed juice of 1 ½ lemons.

How to cook:

1. Rinse the strawberries and leave in a colander to drain;

2. Remove stems. They will definitely be superfluous 😀

3. In a deep saucepan or basin, sprinkle the berries with layers of granulated sugar. Let stand overnight or 24 hours to allow the juice to release.

4. Place on medium heat. Squeeze lemon juice and pour it into the strawberries. When the jam boils, skim off the foam. Cook for 15 minutes.

5. Carefully remove the berries from the syrup with a slotted spoon and place them on a flat dish. thin layer.

6. Boil the syrup without berries for about 40 minutes. Return the strawberries and cook for another 15 minutes.

7. The jam is ready: you can put it in a sterile container and roll up the lids.

Turn the jars upside down and let cool at room temperature.

Delicious strawberry jam

The jam always turns out delicious, and it’s also good because you don’t have to use selected strawberries to make it and maintain its integrity. Berry will do different sizes, and even a little wrinkled. You can simply cut off the damaged areas and put it to work.

Depending on what kind of jam you prefer, you can completely grind the berries using a meat grinder, blender or food processor, mash the strawberries with a fork or simply chop them, leaving small pieces.


  • 1 kg sweet strawberries;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon agar-agar powder;
  • 4 tablespoons of water.

How to cook:

1. Clear the strawberries of debris, rinse in cold water, tear off all the green tails.

Trim everything if necessary bad places. If this is not done, the jam will not last long.

2. Grind the berries to the desired state, mix with sugar and put on medium heat.

3. Leave to simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes until the jam darkens and becomes thicker.

The foam must be removed!

4. In a separate container, let the agar-agar dissolve in warm water 2-3 minutes. Add thickener to boiling jam and stir.

After 5 minutes, the jam will thicken even more and begin to “gurgle” - this is a sign that it is ready.

5. Place into sterilized containers and close with lids. Leave to cool in a warm, dark place.

Don’t even doubt it, the preserves and jams according to my proven recipes will turn out very tasty and aromatic. Be inspired by my experience and enjoy the colors and tastes of summer with your family! Bon appetit and see you again!

Fragrant strawberry jam- one of the most delicious and simple desserts with homemade cakes and tea. By the way, these same baked goods - pies, cakes, pancakes, pancakes, rolls, pies, buns, pastries - can be prepared with strawberry jam as a filling. Agree that store-bought jam, as a rule, is not as tasty as the one you prepare yourself, and this is not surprising, because you cook the jam with love. What do we know about the jam itself?

It is a canned product prepared by boiling fresh strawberries in sugar syrup. There are also strawberry jam recipes, in which strawberries are ground or crushed, and then covered with sugar. Before we move on to strawberry jam recipes, let's look at some of the subtleties of its preparation that every housewife should know.

The taste of strawberry jam depends, first of all, on the quality and variety of strawberries. Most housewives start buying strawberries and making jam from them almost at the end of the season, since the price at this time is much lower. Remember that the first harvests of strawberries are the sweetest and most delicious, while the last strawberries become waterier, smaller and take on a sour taste. It may be better to buy even fewer strawberries, but more High Quality.

Before, how to make strawberry jam, any strawberry must be carefully sorted before making jam from it, while inspecting the berries from all sides. Spoiled, black-sided, rotten berries must be sorted and thrown away. If such berries get into jam, they can cause fermentation processes in it.

The amount of sugar is also important. Sugar should be one and a half times more weight strawberries To prevent the jam from turning out watery, after washing the strawberries must be left in a colander so that all the water drains from them or put them on paper towel. It is necessary to cook the jam in a saucepan or other container that does not oxidize and during its preparation use only a wooden spoon or spatula.

You can often see the presence of citric acid in strawberry jam recipes. It not only acts as a preservative, but also protects the jam from sugaring. If you want to make strawberry jam with whole strawberries, there are two ways to achieve this. First, choose small, not overripe fruits, and the second secret is to cook the jam for 5-10 minutes. That’s why any five-minute jam turns out exactly like this.

There are situations when the jam is already ready, but there is still a lot of foam left on its surface. In order to remove it, simply add a small piece of butter to the pan, then boil the jam for 5 minutes and all the foam will definitely disappear. Do you know how to check whether the jam is ready or not? Many housewives check readiness, as they say, “by eye,” and also based on the time specified in the recipe, but this can be done in another way.

At the end of cooking, drop a little jam onto a plate; if the drop holds and does not spread, then the jam is ready. Do not cook the jam for too long, otherwise it will turn brown. There are situations when the jam just doesn’t want to thicken. In this case, you can add a packet of natural thickener - pectin or agar-agar. You can close the jam with either metal or plastic steaming lids, but in any case, the jars must be sterilized before laying out the jam.

Strawberry jam. Best Recipes

Five-minute strawberry jam - recipe


  • Strawberries – 2 kg.,
  • Sugar – 3 kg.

From the name of this recipe it becomes clear what to cook delicious strawberry jam no more than 5 minutes. The finished jam is made with whole strawberries, which do not have time to soften during a short period of heat treatment. In addition, such jam retains much more vitamins and minerals. Sort out the strawberries. Select spoiled and unripe fruits. Rinse it in two waters. Tear off the sepals.

Cover the strawberries ready for making jam with sugar and leave for 4-6 hours. During this time, she will release juice. Place the strawberries in a deep saucepan and place over low heat. After the strawberry jam has boiled, skim off any foam that has formed and simmer for 5 minutes. Place the jam in sterile jars, which must be steamed beforehand. Roll up with metal lids. Jars of jam are best stored in a cool place, for example, in a basement, pantry, or cellar.

Strawberry jam with lemon - recipe


  • Strawberries – 1 kg.,
  • Sugar – 2 kg.,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

There are many recipes for strawberry jam, in which, in addition to strawberries, you can also find other berries and fruits. One such recipe is strawberry jam with lemon. The acid contained in lemon helps maintain the bright color, and the smell and aroma of lemon will add interesting citrus notes to the jam.

By the way, lemon, like citric acid, acts as a preservative. You can be sure that jars of such jam will not “explode” and will last well until the next season, even in a warm room. Cover clean strawberries, without stems, with sugar and leave them to release juice for several hours. It is best to do this at night. After this, put the strawberries to simmer over low heat. After boiling, pour in the juice of one lemon.

Boil the strawberries for another 15 minutes. Constantly stirring and collecting foam. Remove from heat. Sterilize jars and lids in a water bath. Pour strawberry jam into jars. Roll up the lids. There is no need to turn over and cover the jam.

Strawberry jam with cognac - recipe


  • Strawberries – 2 kg.,
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.,
  • Cognac – 1 glass

With cognac, this is a real delicacy that everyone who tries it will definitely enjoy. Cognac not only gives the jam a special taste, but also helps the berries maintain their integrity and not overcook. Now let's find out how to make strawberry jam with cognac.

Cover the washed strawberries with the stems torn off with sugar. Give them time to release their juice. After this, put the berries to simmer over low heat. After boiling, skim off the foam and add cognac. You need to bring the jam to a boil three times. Pour the finished strawberry jam into jars and roll up. It is recommended to store it in a cool place.

Thick strawberry jam - recipe


  • Strawberries – 2 kg.,
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.,
  • Gelling powder for jam – 1 sachet

According to this recipe, strawberry jam is thick and uniform in consistency, reminiscent of. Sort the strawberries, wash them and remove the stems. Grind the berries to a puree consistency using a blender. Transfer the strawberry puree to a saucepan. Add sugar and place on the stove. You need to cook for about 30 minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add gelling powder for jam. The hot brew turns out watery, but this is not a problem, since when it cools in jars it gels and becomes thick.

Strawberry jam with orange juice - recipe


  • Strawberries – 3kg,
  • Sugar – 4 kg.,
  • Orange juice – 1 glass,
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a teaspoon

Wash the strawberries and let the water drain. Remove the stems from the berries, select overripe berries, it is best to cook compote from them. Cut whole berries in half and place them in a deep saucepan. Cover the berries with sugar and leave them for 4-6 hours. After the strawberries have released their juice, place the pan over low heat. Bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Add citric acid and orange juice. After adding these ingredients, boil the jam for another 15 minutes. The jam should be poured hot into sterile jars.


  • Strawberries – 2 kg.,
  • Sugar – 2 kg.,
  • Pectin – 1 packet.

You can also make equally delicious jam from frozen strawberries left over from last season. Strawberry jam made with pectin after hardening is similar to marmalade or jelly, with whole berries. Sprinkle frozen strawberries with sugar. Wait until they release their juice.

This may take 6-7 hours. Place the container with strawberries on the stove and boil for 15-20 minutes. Add pectin at the end of cooking. Steam the jars and lids over steam. Pour the jam before it cools. Turn the jars of strawberry jam over and wrap them in a warm blanket. May you only get tasty things strawberry jam, recipes that we have reviewed will definitely help you with this.

Jam is made from ripe fruits and berries. Unripe fruits and berries are not filled with a characteristic taste and aroma, and overripe ones are easily boiled. A necessary condition for cooking jam is to ensure uniform penetration of the syrup into the fruit, which is achieved by strict adherence to the ratio of ingredients and sugar during the cooking process and the use of pre-treatment of certain types of jam components.

For fruits and berries that have a thick skin, such as apples, pears, quinces and black currant, blanching and pricking are a prerequisite for obtaining high quality jam. Making jam consists of two main processes: infusing fruits in sugar and boiling fruits and berries in syrup. The jam is cooked in one or two batches.

Previously, all our mothers and grandmothers cooked, but now many are lazy. Boiled jam has been replaced by fresh jam, that is, fruits or berries are ground with sugar, closed in a container and put away freezer. In winter, you can take out any jam and leave it to thaw, and then you can enjoy it.

But anyway, I make a jar of different jams, especially boiled ones, because sometimes I want that. Today, let's make strawberry jam, seemingly ordinary, but with new additions such as rhubarb and orange zest and its juice, as well as red basil, which will add a spicy aroma. You will definitely like this strawberry jam with rhubarb.


  • strawberries - 300 grams,
  • sugar - 300 grams,
  • rhubarb - 150 grams,
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • red basil.

Strawberry jam with rhubarb - recipe

Wash and clean the rhubarb stems. Then cut the rhubarb into pieces. Juicy and quite healthy rhubarb stems are forgotten by many and are not used in cooking, but this is a very interesting vegetable in taste.

Sort the strawberries, rinse well, tear off all the tails. It is better to take small berries for jam, but if you have large ones, cut them in half. Place the strawberries and chopped rhubarb in a bowl and cover with sugar, leaving them to sit for a couple of hours.

During this time, the juice came out well.

Remove the zest from the orange and chop it finely with a knife.

Place the bowl of strawberries and rhubarb on low heat (lower than medium).

After 5 minutes, add the zest and fillets of the oranges, you can squeeze the juice from the orange instead.

Boil all this fruit mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, set aside to cool for 5 hours.

During this time, the berries will be well stretched with syrup.

Now throw a sprig of red or green basil into the future jam.

Cook the jam for another 15-20 minutes over low heat.

Remove the jam from the stove and take out the basil, it has given up all its aromas.

Prepare a sterilized jar and pour jam into it, screw it on with a lid.

Now you will have tasty and aromatic strawberry jam with rhubarb, which you will treat your guests to on winter evenings.

Strawberry jam with rhubarb. Photo

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t like strawberries, so many are now trying to enjoy the delicious berry to the maximum. However, we should not forget about the time when we will happily take a fragrant piece of summer from the shelves in glass jars. Let's talk about how to make strawberry jam, which will bring pleasure to the whole family during the cold season.

For strawberry jam you will need:

1 kilogram of strawberries

1 kilogram of sugar

How to make strawberry jam

1. Sort the strawberries, set aside all rotten berries, rinse thoroughly in several waters and remove the sepals. Very large berries can be cut in half. Place the strawberries in an enamel or large saucepan and cover with sugar. Leave it for at least 4-6 hours so that the berries have time to release their juice.

2. Place the pan with strawberries on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil the jam for 5 minutes over moderate heat, skimming off the foam.

3. Remove the pan from the heat, let the jam cool slightly and cover the pan with a clean towel. Then leave the jam to cool, this may take about 10 hours.

4. Put the cooled jam back on the fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam, boil for 5 minutes and remove from the heat. Leave the jam a second time until it cools completely.

3. Bring the jam to a boil for the third time, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and cool for about an hour. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal with sterilized lids.

Craving something sweet? I remembered a dessert from my childhood - strawberry jam with a crust of roll or bread. So let’s prepare strawberry jam, especially since the harvest of these delicious berries is just around the corner.

Jam is a favorite dessert of many peoples of the world, which is obtained by boiling a wide variety of berries, fruits and vegetables, rose petals and even pine cones. In the process of such, quite simple actions the dish acquires a special consistency because, in addition to sugar, it becomes an incredibly sweet and tasty treat.

Set of required products:

- 4 kg. berries (take ripe but strong ones, there should be no rotten barrels or dents, ideally if the strawberries are approximately the same size).

- 2.4-2.5 kg. granulated sugar.

Making strawberry jam

We collect the berries, wash them, and remove the stems. If the tail of some fruits has not completely unscrewed, you should carefully cut it off with a knife.

Place the strawberries on a towel and let dry a little.

We measure out the sugar (the calculation must be carried out taking into account 600-650 grams per kilogram).

It is best to use granulated sugar for cooking. white, in this case there will be less foam when cooking the dessert.

Place the dried berries in a large metal bowl or pan in layers, sprinkling each with sugar. At the same time, it is important that last layer was sugary.

Cover the food with a lid or regular newspaper and leave it to stand overnight. The berries should release juice.

We take the strawberries that have released their juice into a separate container (this is necessary so that the final version will have smooth, beautiful berries).

Place the remaining sugar and juice in the container on the stove (set the heat to medium), cook, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Now add the berries and, without turning down the heat, cook, carefully stirring the mixture until it boils.

As soon as the mass boils, leave it and let it cool and stand for about 4-5 hours in a cooled state.

To prevent unwanted insects or debris from getting into the sweet dish, I recommend covering the bowl with regular gauze or newspaper at this stage.

After a few hours, put the container with the food back on the stove, turn the heat up to high, and bring it to a boil. When the dessert begins to bubble again, turn it off and let it sit again, now in half the time.

To make the strawberries denser in consistency, the boiling and cooling procedure should be repeated 1-2 more times. Last time cook until the consistency of the delicacy is as desired.

Having obtained the desired thickness, while removing foam if it forms, pour the hot delicacy straight from the stove into sterile containers (we first sterilize in a convenient way) containers.

We close the sweets with lids, roll them up, turn the jars over and leave them in this form until they cool completely. All is ready! Next, we put the dessert away for storage in the cellar, refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

Unusual recipe - strawberry jam in a frying pan

List of things needed for cooking:

- 4 cups of ripe, dense strawberries.

- 1⁄2 teaspoon of citric acid.

- 2 glasses of sugar.

Strawberry jam recipe step by step

Remove the stems from the berries and ensure that no rotten or soft ones get into the jam. Wash the food and leave it for a while to dry.

Wash and dry the pan thoroughly. There should not be any foreign odors coming from it and it must be dry before the process of immersing the berries.

Lay out the strawberries, sprinkle sugar on top, put on medium heat, heat, stirring the food.

When juice appears, as the food begins to release it, reduce the heat to low and cook for about five to seven minutes. Carefully remove the foam formed during the cooking process with a spoon in a saucer, it is also incredibly tasty and then you can eat this delicacy with a bun.

After 7-10 minutes of cooking, add citric acid, stir, turn the heat to low and cook until the desired consistency is thick.

We sterilize the jars, fill them with the finished delicacy, and close them with tight lids, either screw-on or seal-type. Turn the containers over, cover them with a blanket, and let stand until completely cool.

When cooking in a frying pan, place the food in a thin layer, then the jam will turn out more beautiful.

Strawberries in their own juice - whole berries

You should take:

- 3 cans of 0.5 liters each.

- berries for the specified number of cans.

- 300 gr. Sahara.

How to make strawberries in your own juice:

First of all, we pre-rinse the containers with water and soda, pour boiling water over them, and dry them.

I also wash the produce from the garden very carefully so that there is no sand or dirt. We unscrew the tails and cut them out with a knife where necessary. Place the wet food on a clean towel and let it dry.

Place the prepared strawberries in jars and sprinkle sugar on top. For each container there is approximately 100 grams, maybe a little more than 120, but usually 100 is enough. We leave all this beauty overnight, covered with gauze or any loose fabric.

Overnight the ingredients will sit and settle, releasing their juice. Now you need to make two out of three jars, transferring both the strawberries themselves and the syrup from any one container into two incomplete others.

Screw the lids on the jars tightly, put them in warm water and on the fire. It is necessary to sterilize for about fifteen to twenty minutes from the moment the water boils.

As a result of all manipulations, strawberry jam own juice With whole berries you're done! You can store it in a cool place and serve the delicacy to the table as needed.

Products for cooking:

— White granulated sugar – 3 kg.

— Berries – 3 kg.

— Lemon or lime juice – 6-7 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

- Sort through the berries, remove leaves from each one, wash and dry.

— Sprinkle the prepared foods with sugar and leave for at least 6-7 hours, but best of all overnight.

— Place the ingredients over low heat and bring to a boil. then increase the heat and cook the boiling berries (should boil) for 5 minutes. During the process, constantly stir the sweet delicacy and skim off any foam that forms.

When cooking, the food will increase in volume, and therefore it is best to take a cooking container with a reserve.

- After boiling for five minutes, pour in lemon juice, stir, pour into sterile containers. Close, wrap in a towel, and leave until cool. The cooled jam will thicken a little and can be enjoyed immediately or stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months.

On a note! If you want to get thick jam, you need to cook the sweet dish for 5 minutes after each cooling 10 times.

Recipe for strawberry jam without boiling the berries (video)

Very interesting and original way make strawberry jam.

To make strawberry jam as tasty and beautiful as possible, pick the berries in dry weather.

Do not use rotten or overripe fruits.

Brew the treat on the day you pick the berries.

Actively skim off the foam and do not stir the ingredients too much during the cooking process, otherwise you will not get whole berries, they will be mashed.

To get a thick jam, cook more. For a more liquid consistency, it is enough to boil once for 5-7 minutes.

These are very successful recipes for delicious strawberry jam! Cook and enjoy the aroma of this delicious berry.

Good luck and all the best!

It is important for every housewife that her culinary delights are noticed by both family and guests, and, most importantly, that she can show them off to her friends. Bring it from the pantry in a beautiful jar, open it to questioning glances and put your masterpieces into bowls.

Each family has long ago developed its own traditions of making jam. This is due to the fact that the process itself is associated with the container in which the jam is cooked, with the proportions of the ingredients, with the cooking time, with how, when and in what container to put the prepared jam.

And yet - how to make strawberry jam for the winter? What's the best recipe? There are a huge variety of cooking methods. This article will discuss not only recipes and methods for making strawberry jam, but also preparing the berries for cooking and tips for storing jam.

Preparing the berries

Berries for aromatic and tasty strawberry jam must be properly prepared. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to follow all the details.

  • All berries must be carefully sorted by size; only small and medium berries are suitable for jam. Overripe, bruised, unripe berries needs to be removed. Large berries can be used to make other jam, so it is better to put them in another container.
  • Remove sepals from the berries. It is better to carry out this operation with thin rubber (medical) gloves, since the skin on the fingers and under the nails darkens and is very difficult to clean.
  • Weigh the berries, remember the weight: the amount of other ingredients will be calculated from it.
  • Place the peeled berries in a colander and dip them three or four times into a wide and deep container (bucket) with water to wash away debris and soil from the berries. You can’t wash it off with tap water - it doesn’t wash off the debris, and the berries can get crushed under the pressure of the water.
  • Dry the berries in a colander, allowing the water to drain, for ten minutes.

Classic recipe for strawberry jam for the winter


  • Strawberries – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Water – 1.2 l

Cooking method

  1. Pour the measured amount of granulated sugar into a saucepan with a measured amount of water. Heat over heat, stir until completely dissolved, and heat to a boil.
  2. Carefully transfer the dried berries into a wide and fairly deep bowl (based on this calculation: for 1 kg of berries you need a 3-liter pan). The pan should not be enameled (the jam will burn in it); it is better if it is a special brass basin or a basin made of of stainless steel(maybe kept from my grandmother), a simple one will do aluminum pan or a modern saucepan with a double or triple bottom.
  3. Pour hot syrup over the berries, put them on the fire and start cooking. The total cooking time should not be more than 40 minutes. Cook over medium heat for the first ten minutes until thick foam appears. Keep the heat low for the remainder of the cooking time.
  4. When foam appears, take the pan with both hands, shake, remove from heat, and remove the foam. We do this throughout the cooking, carefully making sure that the jam does not burn. To do this, you need to carefully stir it with a slotted spoon, trying not to crush the berries.
  5. Cook the jam until foaming stops or the jam begins to boil more slowly at the same heat. This moment must not be missed, since the readiness and quality of the jam itself depends on it.
  6. To determine the readiness of the jam, we use two methods: take the hot syrup from the pan with a spoon and begin to slowly pour it out; if it flows slowly, and not in a quick thin stream, the jam is ready; take a spoonful of syrup, cool it, pour a drop onto a saucer; If the syrup remains in the form of a drop, the jam is ready.

Important! The finished jam must meet certain requirements:

  • The berries should be transparent or semi-transparent, but not floating.
  • The prepared jam syrup should have a thick consistency.
  • The color of the syrup should match the color of dark strawberries without a brown tint (a brown tint indicates caramelization - that is, the jam has been overcooked).
  • There should be equal amounts of berries and syrup in the prepared jam.

Pour the finished jam into previously prepared dishes.

For any jam you need to take small jars, no more than 1 liter, preferably 0.5 liters or 0.3 liters.

This is necessary for three reasons:

  • if the jam gets spoiled, don’t mind throwing away the small jar,
  • An open jar of jam should not sit for more than a week, even in the refrigerator (the jam is saturated with other odors and may become moldy),
  • finally from large quantity eating delicious jam makes you fat, sad as it may be.

We prepare jars using the hot drying method: rinse hot water With detergent, put in the oven, heat the jars for 5-10 minutes, make sure they don’t burst.

Place hot jam in hot jars, the level of which should not reach 0.5 cm from the top of the neck.

We roll up the jars with lids, previously boiled in water and dried.

Cool the finished jam in a natural way, we take it to a cold room, if there is none, then we store it in the refrigerator until autumn, then on the balcony until frost, then eat it if there is anything left by then.

Jam prepared in the classical way is eaten first, especially by children.

Large berry jam recipe


  • Strawberries – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Water – 0.9 l

Cooking method

  1. Large and juicy berries First, you need to wash it in a colander by dipping it into water three times, let the water drain, remove the sepals, carefully cut the largest berries in half, and weigh them.
  2. Place in a wide dish (can be in any bowl) in a thin layer. Fill with half required quantity granulated sugar, leave for three hours. During this time, the berries will release juice, and the granulated sugar will almost completely dissolve.
  3. We prepare the syrup in the pan in which we will prepare the jam. Pour the remaining granulated sugar into the water according to the recipe, heat it, stir, bring to a boil, carefully transfer the berries with syrup.

The cooking process and determination of readiness are absolutely the same as in classical way.

Cooking jam from large berries requires a certain skill, since the berries can easily be bruised or undercooked, so you need to very carefully monitor the process itself and mix the jam very carefully.

You need to lay out and store the jam in the same way as with the classic method.

Five-minute recipe

The name of the recipe should not mislead those housewives who know how to cook a classic five-minute recipe from currants. Five-minute strawberries are a method of cooking with long cooling. The jam turns out beautiful, with whole, dense berries.


  • Strawberries – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Water – 1.5 l

How to cook

  1. The preparation of berries and syrup is carried out according to the classic recipe.
  2. The first cooking is carried out as follows: cook the jam over medium heat until foam appears, do not remove the foam, turn off the heat, and gently shake the pan until all the berries are saturated with juice.
  3. After an hour, we start cooking a second time. Bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer over low heat for no more than five minutes, do not remove the foam, turn off the heat, and gently shake the pan until all the berries are saturated with juice.
  4. Leave the jam for a day. The third, fourth and fifth time, with an hour break, heat it over low heat, bring to a boil, boil for one minute, do not remove the foam. Make sure that the jam does not burn; check carefully with a spoon.
  5. Leave it for another day. For the sixth and seventh time, with an hour break, heat it over low heat, bring to a boil, and simmer for one minute. We do not remove the foam. After the seventh time, we check the jam for readiness, as in the classic method. If it’s not ready, cook again with a break of one hour, making sure it doesn’t burn.
  6. Pour into prepared jars, roll up the prepared lids while hot.

Jam prepared according to this recipe has a more pronounced aroma, very delicate and beautifully colored syrup, and completely whole berries. But it must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

The method of preparing this jam is suitable for those housewives who cannot stand at the stove for an hour over the jam. Usually this process goes like this: on Sunday they arrived from the dacha, sorted the berries, threw them into a pan, cooked them a little, and on Monday and Tuesday they finished cooking the delicious food. While cooking such jam, even husbands who are indifferent to ordinary jam can eat half (and not always on the sly).