Underfloor radiators (convectors) - inconspicuous heating. Water heating convectors built into the floor: types and characteristics In-floor water convectors

Those. specialist Alexey Potapov

Of course, no matter what and whenever the buyer chooses, he invariably dreams of the most profitable purchase.

The choice of a radiator built into the floor is also complicated by the fact that these devices appeared on the market not so long ago, and therefore the consumer has a lot of questions about the structure, efficiency and other important nuances such heating systems

It is for this reason that before purchasing floor-mounted radiator you need to understand its structure and be sure to think about its use in the future.

Required thermal power

The heat transfer of convectors built into the floor is calculated in the same way as when selecting classic heating radiators. To heat a room of, for example, 10 square meters. we need the heating device to deliver 1000-1200 W.

When selecting an in-floor convector, you must count on 100-120 W per one square meter.

If there additional heating(warm floor, radiator), then the heat transfer of all heating devices is summed up. It is customary to consider 100 W per square, but we count a little with a margin, on average 100-120 W, since heat losses through window frame higher than through a concrete or brick wall.

So we decided: we multiply the square footage of the room by 100-120 and get the required thermal power. For example: 17 sq.m.*120=2,040 W | 29 sq.m.*12=3,480 W | 35 sq.m.*120=4,200 W... and so on.

Be sure to look at the heat transfer at no more than 70 degrees Celsius!

Since dishonest manufacturers on their websites demonstrate heat transfer rates when supplying water to a heating system at 90 C degrees, There is no such presentation anywhere, it’s not real! And then they say that their convectors are the coolest.

With or without fan

Everything is simple here, without a fan you can use an in-floor convector only if its heat transfer is sufficient for the required quadrature. If a convector with natural convection produces 800 W, then it will not be enough for a room of 15 square meters, no matter how much the sales manager tells you that this convector is ideal.

If your room is more than 15 sq.m. - this is usually only a convector with a fan, less than 15 sq.m. There are still options to choose an in-floor radiator without a fan.

The only option is to combine, warm floor + convector without fan, radiator under the wall + in-floor convector with natural convection under the window, and so on.


Convector height - the higher the better.

The most optimal depths for trench convectors are 90-120 mm. But often in new buildings the depth of the screed does not allow achieving such dimensions, and clients have to choose not high ones, with a depth of 70.80 mm. There are such models, but they are less efficient, since proper heat exchange is difficult. But in such cases the client has no choice.

In private construction, in cottages, the screed allows more than 120 mm, here we use our rule, the deeper, the better the heat transfer.

The length of the convector is at least 70% of the length of the window.

In the case of convectors without a fan, it is advisable to place the convector across the entire width of the window. WITH forced convection at least 70%, since there are more variations here, due to the fact that heating convectors with fans give three times more heat transfer and artificially blow the window. Therefore, in this case there is no fixed size for the entire length of the window space.

The width of the convector is optimally 250-350 mm.

This is the simplest size to choose. Focus on the indicated dimensions and the heat transfer that the convectors provide. If there is not enough heat transfer, try choosing a wider convector, as it has larger heat exchanger sizes.

Manufacturer: Russia or Europe

One of the main questions from our clients is which manufacturer to choose. There is no definite answer here, because in our opinion for convectors with natural convection better to buy domestic producers. For the reason that the thermal efficiency is the same as their European counterparts, and the European ones are more expensive in price.

For convectors with forced convection, again in our opinion and experience, it is better to purchase European origin. Yes, the price is almost twice as expensive, but for this price you get twice the efficiency, quality of fans that work more efficiently, more powerfully and at the same time quieter. Possibility of smooth adjustment of the convector, control that brings pleasure. And the most important thing efficient management will allow you to save up to 50% on monthly payments. You will return the expensive price of a European convector within the first two years of operation, but we buy these heating devices for at least 10 years of operation. Therefore, the answer is yes, if it is possible to pay extra for a European manufacturer, then this must be done. You can see the example of Verano VKN5, why this one.

Decorative frame

Each manufacturer offers a decorative grille with or without a frame; it is also called framing and decorative corner. They are divided into F-shaped and U-shaped.

F-shaped - this is when it is necessary to hide the joint flooring and convectors, jambs of installers and more. They are also recommended for wooden flooring, because laminate, parquet and other materials tend to expand, move apart and vice versa. The disadvantage of this system is that the convector will not be at the same level with the floor, but will rise slightly due to the frame.

U-shaped are just frames that cling to the walls of the box; according to convector manufacturers, they look more beautiful with this frame. In our opinion, these frames that do not hide the joints are useless.

How to choose a convector on our website

Buying cheap trench convectors

Considering the materials used for the case, it is worth knowing that the “stainless steel” from which cheaper models are made trench convectors, the solution is not always ideal.

Moreover, they often offer simply low-alloy steel under its guise.

If you decide to go with a galvanized body, give preference to double galvanization, since the one-sided one may disappoint you after a few years.

Housing of the Jaga floor convector made of aluminum. In addition to their original shape, they have exceptional heat dissipation. The strength of the housing (which the buyer will be guaranteed to verify during installation) is ensured by a highly complex profile and transverse partitions.

When you are just deciding what kind of heating system to install in your apartment or house, you can easily fall for advertising from marketers and store managers who will describe in colorful terms all the advantages of this type of heating as in-floor convectors.

This article will discuss in detail all their shortcomings, which are usually modestly kept silent in all stores and on manufacturers’ websites.

Connection to central heating

Firstly, trench convectors are not compatible with central heating. And it doesn’t matter what connection diagram you have:

  • single-pipe
  • or two-pipe

You won't achieve anything with any of them. normal operation. This is due to the fact that inlet and outlet pipes are laid along intricate and complex routes.

And in all these joints, turns and elbows, increased hydraulic resistance occurs.

Hot water does not want to follow a complex path with many joints and narrowings. It is much easier for her to bypass the convector and directly slip into another room or through the wall to your neighbors. That is, where normal radiators are installed and normal resistance is created.

As a result, your convectors remain cold. Of course, you can use a trick when single pipe system turn off the bypass.

This will ensure a forced supply of hot water. However, everything you achieve will be similar to the effect of installing a water floor.

It will be hot in your apartment, and all your closest neighbors will be sweltering.

Accordingly, expect complaints to all authorities. Next, commission checks. Instructions that at your own expense, within 3 days, you need to restore the normal circuit and operation of the system central heating.

And if you make a calculation first, choose the right material (section and diameter plastic pipes, push-on fittings) will the convector work in this case? Yes, it will.

However, not all models will heat normally, but only the most powerful of them, and even those that have a separate fan in their design.

But even in this case, the installation and installation of in-floor convectors, from the point of view of legislation, still falls under the same rules as the installation of water heated floors.

That is, connecting them from the central heating system is strictly prohibited.

Therefore, prepare in advance for inspections, bribes, fines, orders and similar headaches.

In addition, if you connect from the risers and go with pipes under the screed, the risers will still remain.

And you will have to get out in two ways:

  • erect a false wall

Therefore, the main thing you must remember is if you have standard system heating, then you need to forget about trench convectors right away.

Installation depth in floor and fan

Now let's consider a situation where in your apartment the collector wiring and heating are done on the floor.

Firstly, do not take the word of sales managers. Absolutely all in-floor convectors heat very poorly. And the shallower the depth of their installation, the worse they do it.

In fact, in central Russia, only the most powerful models with an installation depth of 120 mm work normally. And only if they have an additional fan.

That is, specimens with a depth of 80 and 100 mm in latitudes with cold temperature practically don't work.

From such work you will get foggy windows, and the temperature in the room will not exceed 17 degrees.

Sometimes mold even appears on the walls and ceiling.

But still, there are those that more or less work (with a fan and a depth of 12cm). Let's look at them.

Let's start with the fact that the presence of a fan is:

  • additional troubles with electrics on the floor
  • additional problems with turning it on and off
  • extra electricity costs
  • and most importantly, the constant noise from its operation

If you want a silent and quiet fan, then don’t be surprised at the price. For such models it starts from 50 thousand. rubles and reaches 200 thousand.

If we take the same ordinary radiator battery for comparison, then with the same heat transfer parameters, all your costs will be limited to 5 thousand.

At the same time, the fan itself is a very short-lived thing. No convector manufacturer provides a warranty of more than 1 year.

It is also very difficult to find manufacturers who sell fans separately. This means that if it breaks, you will most likely have to buy the whole convector again.

Screed thickness and floor level

If your screed thickness throughout the apartment is approximately 5 cm, then to install an in-floor convector, you will have to add as much as 7 cm on top.

And this is approximately 3 bags of mixture per 1 m2. Or 320 bags for an apartment of 100 m2.

As a result, you will receive neither more nor less - 13 tons of screed. A regular Gazelle contains approximately 1.5 tons.

And bringing almost 10 Gazelle screeds into your apartment just to install an in-floor convector is not a very smart decision.

In addition, do not forget that the floor level at the entrance to the apartment and the floor level at the entrance should be approximately the same level. That is, upon entering your home, you should not fall into a hole and should not climb a step.

This means that in approximately 70% of apartments, you simply cannot pour required amount ties for installing the 120th box.

Convector leakage

If your regular radiator is leaking, you will notice it immediately because you will see a puddle underneath it.

And if the underfloor convector leaks, you will discover it only after the entire laminate gets wet and the water rises above its level.

In this case, all neighbors below are guaranteed to be flooded.

When a regular radiator has leaking connections, what do you do? Take a regular adjustable wrench and calmly tighten them.

And when the convector leaks, all connections will be covered with very hot and very opaque water. And soaking this water with a rag is very inconvenient.

Radiators have very sharp edges and when you get water out of there, you are guaranteed to get cuts on your fingers.

Also, do not forget that only convectors with a fan heat properly. A fan is an electrical device that is powered by a voltage of 220V.

And in the case of a leaking convector, the effect will be quite obvious, as if the electrical wiring had been stuck in water.

Also, dirt and dust constantly accumulate in the niche of in-floor convectors, and cleaning there, as we found out, is not very convenient.

Convectors and laminate

Also, the installation of these heating devices is a gross violation of laminate laying technology.

Laminate, to the surprise of some, is not always of high quality. And even among premium brands there are defective batches.

For example, it peels off decorative coating and bends upward.

If he is married, you have the right to call an expert. And not from the supplier, but directly from the manufacturer.

He will check everything, and if the batch is truly defective, they must replace it with a new one free of charge.

And if you installed an in-floor convector, then you can immediately forget about warranty claims.

The expert will come, look at this matter, turn around, and, happy that they don’t have to change anything, go back.

Laminate is a “free-floating” flooring, and by installing such a heater in the floor, you do not give it the opportunity to expand in all directions.

Also, do not forget that laminate not only expands, but sometimes also contracts. Very often it shrinks so much that it no longer even covers the baseboard, which previously covered it by 1.5 cm.

And the decorative sides of the convector are only 5mm wide.

Therefore, in every second apartment, there are either wide gaps around the installation box, or the box is compressed and tightly clamps the decorative grille.

Injury hazard

And most importantly, absolutely all trench convectors are extremely dangerous.

Firstly, socks and tights constantly tear on the frame of these heaters. And if you walk barefoot, your feet will get injured.

Secondly, if you step on the convector grille, it very often breaks and your foot falls inside. All this can result in serious foot injuries.

Thirdly, pets, especially small dogs, constantly break their legs in these bars.

And lastly, and most unpleasantly, small children can be seriously injured in the narrow gaps of the radiator grille. They break fingers, tear off skin, and get stuck in various parts of the arms and legs.

Therefore, trench convectors are very bad decision for heating your apartment. And if you can do without them, that’s exactly what you should do.

One of the latest trends in construction is panoramic glazing. A very attractive solution that many people like. But it is not possible to use standard heating devices to heat such rooms: they spoil the whole picture. Even the most attractive ones. Models were developed specifically for such cases. hidden installation: built-in convectors. Most often they are mounted on the floor, and are also called “in-floor”. They are rarely built into a window sill, more often into a low window sill.

Convectors were not chosen by chance. Radiators built into the floor are very inefficient. They warm the room to a greater extent due to thermal radiation directed towards different sides. The in-floor device is closed on three sides. It turns out that the floor heats up more, not the air. One fourth of the power directed upward (even if a little more due to reflection) is clearly not enough. Convectors in any location most heat is released upward. Only a small fraction goes to the sides, which becomes even smaller due to the use insulating materials: the housing is insulated during installation.

Structure, types and features

The design of built-in convectors is simple: it is a metal box housing in which the heating element is located. To increase heat transfer, a large number of convective fins are attached to the heater. The structure is closed from above with a grille, which is flush with the floor.

In some models, fans are installed to increase thermal power. Thus, the air heating rate (with the same dimensions and power) increases by 70-90%. But with the installation of fans, one problem arises: they make noise. Therefore, in order to reduce noise, the design must include inserts of porous rubber that will dampen vibrations. The units can also operate with the fan turned off: then the processes occur due to natural convection. This function is needed if there is no need for high power.

To regulate the temperature, electronic or electromechanical regulators are used. They are located inside the case, as well as temperature sensors. The same unit also controls the rotation speed of the fans. It is useful if there is a function for switching to “manual” control: suddenly you need to set other parameters, or the control panel is out of order.

Each of the parts performs its functions and is made of different materials. Moreover, the quality of the device must be assessed in its entirety.


His appearance not so important - it is in the floor. But the quality of workmanship must be at its best: the class of the device is determined by the case and one can judge its overall reliability. The metal from which it is made is also important.

For wet rooms, you need a material with increased resistance to moisture - stainless steel. For dry ones, black or galvanized steel is quite suitable. It is still covered with paint that is resistant to external influences and protects against corrosion. Most often these are powder formulations. They protect metal well. Moreover, it is desirable that the internal walls and the parts themselves be painted in dark color- so they are not visible during installation.


It’s worth paying close attention to what the grille looks like. This is the only part that remains visible. She will be responsible for the overall impression. They are made from different materials:

  • aluminum;
  • ordinary steel, galvanized and stainless steel;
  • tree;
  • marble.

There are two types of gratings: linear and roll. Rolled ones are much more expensive, but more convenient to use. They are simply rolled up. Linear ones are cheaper, but they have to be raised completely. With a roll version, the slats are positioned only across, with a linear version they can be positioned both lengthwise and crosswise.

The design of the grating is important if it will be walked on. Then you need to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to the design. In this case it should not contain any plastic parts(sometimes placed at the junction of the slats and the frame). To smoothly distribute the load and make the structure low-noise, some manufacturers install springs at the junction of the lamella and the frame (German company VARMANN). This reduces the noise level and increases comfort.

With increased load, it would be good if the grille itself was the same on both sides. Then, after it is erased on one side, it can be turned over to the other and used further.

Heating elements

Built-in convectors have two types of heating elements:

  1. water in-floor convectors;
  2. built-in electric heaters.

Our most popular models are those connected to water heating. This is understandable, almost everyone has such heating. But electric in-floor convectors can also become the main and additional source of heat in places where water heating is not possible.

Electric models

No news here: a heating element is used closed type- Heating element. There are plates attached to it to increase the area of ​​contact with air. Most often the plates are made of aluminum - this is relatively inexpensive metal, with good heat dissipation. Low-cost models may use steel, sometimes galvanized steel, and expensive ones may use copper.

The material from which the heating element is made is no less important. It is its durability that determines the life of the equipment. European manufacturers often install stainless steel heaters. They have the longest service life.

Since this Appliances, they have high class protection for both current and voltage. They're standing various kinds fuses and circuits that turn off devices in case of failure. These devices are safe under any conditions.

Trench water convectors

The heating element is a hollow tube with welded or pressed metal plates. In them, heat transfer is carried out by a coolant (water or antifreeze, depending on the model). Devices are connected to existing system water heating through threaded pipes. They are used in systems with forced circulation of coolant; the wiring is single-pipe or double-pipe.

For water convectors built into the floor, the materials from which the heat exchanger is made are important. Copper and copper-aluminum models can produce the highest power ( copper pipe, aluminum fins). There are also models made entirely of copper - both pipes and fins. But the price for them is considerable. In more budget options They use stainless steel, and even cheaper ones use galvanized steel.

Despite the greater power, installing devices with copper heat exchangers is far from the best choice. Copper is very capricious during operation, it requires a certain composition of the coolant, a grounding device, and is not compatible with all metals. All this together makes their operation in systems central heating problematic (even though specifications and allow this to happen). It will perform well only in systems individual heating, in which the heating distribution is made with copper, polymer or metal-polymer pipes. In this case, it is also advisable to have a copper heat exchanger for the heating boiler. Fittings and fittings should be installed in bronze or brass, as well as nickel-plated or chrome-plated.

Models and varieties

As in electric floor convectors, fans are installed in water convectors to increase power. This allows, with the same dimensions of heating devices, to obtain much more heat. Fans can be powered from 220 V AC or from a source direct current 12 V or 24 V. To reduce noise levels, they are installed on vibration-proof supports.

Although forced convection units are noisier, they produce more heat. Therefore, they can effectively cut off cold flows coming from the glass. If you plan to use an in-floor convector as the main source of heat, it is better to install just such models - they heat the room faster and prevent condensation from forming on the glass.

There are models that can be used not only for heating, but also for cooling. Moreover, they come in two-pipe and four-pipe types. In four-pipe systems there are two separate heat exchangers connected to different systems- one for heating, the other for cooling. In two-pipe models, the same heat exchanger works with two systems. Four-pipe ones are more efficient, but also much more expensive.

Sometimes there are models that allow you to serve indoors Fresh air- it is taken in through a special hole, cleaned in built-in filters, heated, and goes into the room. A very useful function where double-glazed windows are located - namely the lack of oxygen and humidity - common problem in such premises.

Upon request, built-in convectors can be made angular or with a radius of curvature - this is for rooms of non-standard geometry or for display cases. It is often possible to order a device of non-standard dimensions - specifically for your premises. Some manufacturers make special rotary heating elements- this makes it easier to clean inside the housing; some provide for installing a heat exchanger on flexible hoses - it can be removed and put away.

The inside of the housing and heat exchangers are painted dark so they are not visible through the grille

Separately they produce devices for heating rooms with high level humidity. They use materials that are resistant to such conditions and special electrical equipment. Also in such models there is a drainage drain to remove condensate.

Control the temperature in the room and change the power of the convector electromechanically or electronic thermostats. The devices themselves are located in the housing and are controlled from a remote or remote control. Electronic models have the ability to program the temperature by time of day or day of the week.

How to choose

When choosing an electric in-floor convector, the main factors are its dimensions and power. You will also need to decide whether you want a forced or natural convection device. Here, in fact, are all the subtleties.

The choice of water built-in heaters is much more difficult. There are more parameters to consider here. In addition to the dimensions, housing material, pipes and fins, and the presence of a fan, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

For any in-floor heater, important point— material of the body and heating element. If the room is dry, do not try to install a stainless steel body. Reputable manufacturers have high-quality steel - they need to maintain authority. But little-known campaigns can use so-called “technical stainless steel” to save money. Its characteristics are often not better, but worse than those coated with good black paint.

Installation Features

There are two ways to install in-floor convectors: with the convector facing the glass and towards the room.

If you turn the convector towards the window, cold air will be effectively cut off and no condensation will be guaranteed. But the room will warm up more slowly - a lot of heat is spent heating the glass. But there is a uniform temperature in the room: cold and warm masses mix evenly.

By turning the convector towards the room, we get rapid heating. But condensation may form on the glass. In addition, there are areas in the room with different temperatures, which is uncomfortable.

In-floor heaters are installed in prefabricated gutters in the floor. If the floor is concrete, the distance between the body and the walls of the gutter is filled with mortar, when installed in wooden floor a frame of timber is made around it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to similar wall-mounted or floor mounting they are no better and no worse. Their main advantage is their hidden installation, which gives room for design solutions. However, for panoramic glazing or for heating shop windows, this is the best choice.

The disadvantage is the higher price compared to similar devices of the same power. And several times higher. Moreover, prices are high not only for equipment, but also for installation: it is much more complicated than for conventional models.

When installing this type of equipment, the supply pipes must inevitably be in the floor. This is a popular solution, but from a technical point of view it is very controversial. In addition, for hidden installation it is necessary to raise the floor, which is not possible in all rooms. However, in-floor radiators are a popular trend today. And if you are not afraid of all the difficulties, do underfloor heating.


For modern open interiors, heating appliances often become a problem - there is nowhere to hide them. In addition, many houses and apartments have panoramic windows - here, too, you can’t hang or install a radiator. Then there is only one entrance - convectors built into the floor. They can be electric or water, with forced or natural convection. The choice is yours.

Some owners of private houses, when equipping their homes, abandon traditional radiators and choose instead water heating convectors built into the floor. This one is comparatively new type heating devices will not spoil any interior style, and, in addition, it is perfect for rooms and halls with walls with panoramic glazing.

In fact, convector heating devices cannot be fully called a new invention. They have been installed for quite a long time in the vestibules of large department stores or hotels, creating powerful thermal curtains against the penetration of cold air. Even today, such convectors have not lost their relevance, and they are equipped with entrances to office centers and other buildings with large areas and frequently opening entrance doors. The intensity of the heated air is such that, rising upward, from the floor to the ceiling, it completely blocks the entrance, and the cold air does not have time to get inside the building.

Over time, such devices “migrated” to residential private houses, becoming the main or additional source of heating.

Functions of floor-mounted convectors

For what reason are convectors being increasingly installed instead of the usual radiators, and what functions are assigned to them? There are several answers to these questions:

  • The convector with the help of a thermal curtain creates the maximum effective protection from flows of cold air emanating from door and window openings. For example, the walls of a house with panoramic glazing definitely require a thermal curtain, otherwise the room will quickly cool down.

  • This device is capable of creating even in big hall with high ceiling comfortable conditions for a person to stay in it.
  • For some rooms with a large internal volume, convectors become the only possible effective source of heating, since they are able to evenly distribute heated air throughout the entire space, thanks to additional air supply.
  • If the convector is installed along a glazed wall or window, then it effectively resists the formation of condensation, and therefore the accumulation of dampness on slopes, which is fraught with the formation of mold.
  • Any of the radiators is less efficient than a convector, and is not able to create a proper barrier to the cold from a window or a constantly opening door. In addition, a battery installed near a transparent wall will significantly spoil the view, for which, in principle, the panoramic glazing was installed.

Basic convector design

The word "convection" comes from the Latin "convectiō", which means transfer. In the case of such heating devices, we are, of course, talking about intense flows warm air, receiving heat from pipes laid below heating circuit, through which the coolant circulates.

The design and operating principle of the convector are quite simple and understandable

Modern floor-mounted convectors are improved, aesthetically pleasing and compact devices. If we compare with another hidden heating system - water warm floors, then converters, of course, benefit primarily from simplicity of design. In addition, they differ somewhat in the principle of operation. The heated surface of the “warm floor” mainly works for direct heat transfer, and convection in this case is quite weak. Convectors actively heat the air and promote its free and directed flow into the room. In addition, a dense warm updraft creates a reliable barrier from the penetration of cold from outside and keeps it in the rooms comfortable temperature.

Warm air rises up along the wall, panoramic glazing or window, then passes along the surface of the ceiling to the opposite wall of the room, after which it falls down and enters the convector again, repeating the cycle. This air circulation maintains approximately the same temperature both near the floor and under the ceiling - usually the difference is only 2-3 degrees.

Prices for built-in convectors Breeze

Built-in convectors Breeze

The trench convector has a fairly simple basic design, which includes the following parts and components:

1 – metal casing of the convector;

2 – holes in the housing for connecting pipes with plugs;

3 – mounting brackets or legs necessary for installing the device and adjusting its height. They can be as shown in the figure, or adjustable - screw type (pos. 3a in the figure below).

4 – radiator-heat exchanger, connected to the heating pipes, when air passes between the plates it receives the necessary heat.

5 – outer decorative frame.

6 – upper decorative grille.

In addition to the listed parts of a simple convector, it can be equipped with shut-off and control valves (item 7), a thermostat, and also a fan for forced creation of air flow (item 8).

To understand the purpose of each of the elements, you need to consider them in more detail.

  • The convector body is usually made of stainless steel. It is built into the floor, the surface of which rises to a certain height. Therefore, floor planning and installation of the convector must be carried out simultaneously.
  • The heat exchanger installed in the housing consists of a copper pipe and heat exchange plates, usually made of aluminum, since this metal provides maximum heat transfer. The heat exchanger pipes are connected by line to the heating circuit pipes. Typically, shut-off and control valves are installed between the supply line and the heat exchanger.

Aluminum plates are firmly connected to the convector pipeline using soldering, which is performed using a special solder containing silver. This ensures that losses during direct heat transfer are minimized, and in addition, thermal expansion when heated does not make such a connection of elements less reliable.

  • The upper part of the body is provided seat for installing a frame and decorative grille that covers the interior of the device with an installed heat exchanger. The grille is strong enough to support the weight of a person and can be rigid or rollable. It can be made of stainless steel, high-strength plastic or hardwood.

  • The fan is installed in convectors with forced air circulation function. IN last years Manufacturers are placing increasing emphasis on the production of just such devices - they are characterized by higher efficiency
  • The convector is often equipped with a valve to release air, since air pockets can form in the heat exchanger pipe. A floor-mounted heating device is located at the lowest point of the heating circuit, however, the possibility of such a plug still remains. The valve is able to remove air, establishing normal coolant circulation.
  • Some modern models convectors are equipped with a thermostat with a remote sensor or a thermostat with a servo drive, which allows you to maintain the set temperature for heating the air in the room. In other, more affordable devices, the above-mentioned manual valves or ball valves are installed for adjustment.
  • Holes for pipe connections allow connections from both the front and side of the convector body.
  • The housing of many convectors has special pipes to which, if necessary, supply air ducts are connected, for example, if, for the purpose of additional ventilation, air is taken from the street.

  • Sometimes the convector is equipped with several heat exchangers connected in series (they are called two-level). Such options are selected if a model with increased thermal power is needed. Another option is that each of the heat exchangers has its own connection pipes.

In this case, they can be connected in parallel or used in different circuits - one of the heat exchangers may not be involved in heating, but, on the contrary, connected to the cooling and air conditioning system used in the summer.

Types of floor convectors

Today there are three main types of convectors on sale, operating on the principle of natural and forced air circulation.

  • Convectors with natural air circulation (KVE) have already been discussed above. In this option, heated flows rise upward without additional influence, in accordance only with the laws of physics, due to the difference in the density of warm and cooled air.

Of course, the process of such circulation is quite slow. But the device does not require connection to the power supply, and does not make any noise.

  • In-floor water convectors with forced air circulation (FAC) are equipped with a fan and heat the room more efficiently, since the flow of heated air is forcibly directed upward, moves more intensively in space, and, without having time to cool completely, is again supplied for heating.

Tangential fan…

Tangential fans with a characteristic elongated cylindrical shape, installed in the structure, usually operate on a voltage of 12 volts, which is safe when operating the device.

... and its typical place in the design of a convector operating on the principle of forced circulation

This type of convectors today is the most popular for installation both in private homes and in various public buildings.

  • Double-circuit convectors, with air heating and cooling functions, are the third type of device. Purchasing such convectors, and organizing their connection to heating and cooling circuits, is quite an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford, so the demand for them among private developers is quite “modest”.

This system can well be called “winter-summer”, since in winter period the air is heated by the hot coolant circulating in the heat exchanger, and in the summer, when the rooms need to be cool, cooled liquid passes through the secondary circuit pipes, helping to create a cooler atmosphere in the room. Thus, this type of convector works like a kind of air conditioner.

Prices for built-in convectors Techno

Built-in convectors Techno

In addition to dividing convectors into types according to functionality, the devices have significant differences in other parameters:

  • Height, width and length of the device.
  • Power depending on the size and number of heat exchangers.
  • The convector is equipped with additional control devices and automatic adjustment. Very often, when purchasing a convector, it is suggested that you purchase such devices yourself - these can be built-in or remote temperature sensors, thermostatic valves (taps) with manual preset or servo drives, wall-mounted fan control units, etc.

Features of installation and piping of in-floor convectors

These heating devices can be installed in the floor of almost any room used for various needs. Since stainless steel is used in the manufacture of convector housings, they can be installed even in wet areas of swimming pools, saunas and bathrooms. To get a quality connection, you should follow some recommendations when installing the structure.

An underfloor heating convector is installed in a niche made in advance when arranging the floor or cut out in the right place. Another option is to install the device under a raised floor, which is raised above the base (ceiling) to the level of the decorative grille heating device.

One of the schemes for installing the device is in a niche in the floor prepared for it

When preparing a place for a convector and during installation, some rules should be taken into account.

  • If a niche is installed in the floor (item 1), then it should be wider than the convector body by 5÷7 mm in each direction along its entire perimeter, and by 100 mm on the pipe supply side. (b mouth = b to + 10÷15 mm). The depth of the niche (h mouth) taking into account the thickness of the finishing floor covering (item 5). It should be 10÷15 mm greater than the height of the device (h k).
  • The convector is precisely positioned until complete stability and the desired height are achieved, using adjustable supports (item 3) or special brackets. The device must stand very stable, and for this, after installing and connecting the pipes, it is recommended to fill the remaining space between the body (item 2) and the walls of the niche with a fixing mortar(pos. 4).
  • After laying the finished floor, the narrow gap between the finishing coating and the decorative frame can be filled silicone sealant(pos. 6).
  • Another option is when the convectors are installed and pre-tied, and then the floor is filled to the required height with a screed (taking into account the thickness of the future floor covering).

  • The convector installed in a floor niche is connected metal-plastic pipes, as they may have to be bent.
  • The pipes are embedded in a concrete covering or covered with a raised floor, and they should not have any connections in this area. For this reason metal pipes will not be suitable for this purpose, as they will be unreliable in operation.
  • If the surface is raised by a raised floor, then any pipes for connection can be used, but it is still better to use metal-plastic or polypropylene.
  • The connection of the circuit pipes connected to the convector and its copper heat exchanger is usually made inside the housing using American union nuts, sometimes using high-quality flexible connections (stainless corrugated pipes).

  • If a convector with forced circulation is installed, you will need to connect the device to the power supply. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the connection and cable routing scheme. In addition, you should consider the location for mounting the fan control unit and transformer, since tangential fans that use a safe voltage of 12 V are usually installed in convectors. In this matter, the manufacturer’s recommendations should be taken into account, and it is better to use the services of a professional electrician.

Video: animated example of installing a simple convector followed by pouring a floor screed

Other types of water heating convectors

In addition to the floor-mounted convectors under consideration, there are other varieties that differ slightly in design and installation location - these are floor-mounted and wall-mounted units. It’s also worth saying a few words about them.

Floor convectors

Floor convectors work on the same principle as in-floor convectors and have a similar design. The device is equipped with adjustment elements and can also operate on the principle of natural or forced circulation. These heating devices differ, essentially, only in the installation location, and are equipped with stable legs for placing them and securing them to the floor.

Typically, floor convectors are compact in size, but despite this, they have good heat transfer and are built into the heating circuit instead of conventional radiators.

If the house has panoramic glazing, but it is raised from the floor to a certain height, then floor convectors are ideal for creating a thermal curtain. The devices will prevent condensation from appearing on the glass and the formation of mold spots on the walls around the windows.

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Wall convectors

The wall-mounted version of convectors is hung on special brackets. Heating devices are light in weight, so their installation is quite simple and can easily be carried out by one specialist. In addition, due to its low weight, it can even be hung on plasterboard partition between rooms.

Hanging convectors are given various shapes and sizes, but the most popular are narrow convectors, which protrude from the wall by only 70÷100 mm, as they are excellent for rooms with a small area.

A variety of wall convectors can be considered “ warm baseboards» with water heating. They are distinguished by compact dimensions in height and thickness, a characteristic elongated shape, and are usually installed along external walls premises, right above the usual baseboard or even instead of it.

A very convenient new product among heating devices - “warm baseboard”

Floor and wall convectors can have side or bottom connection, and are selected according to this criterion depending on the supply of heating circuit pipes.

The main advantage of such convectors over in-floor convectors is, of course, much simpler installation, which does not require large-scale general construction and finishing work.

"Pros" and "cons" of water heating convectors

Like any heating devices, convectors have their advantages and disadvantages.

The “advantages” of convectors include the following qualities:

  • Rapid heating of the room due to the uniform distribution of heated air flows throughout it.
  • Savings on energy bills, since efficient heating of rooms is ensured by filling the system with a small amount of coolant, heated to only 60 degrees.
  • The light weight and simple design of wall or floor convectors makes their installation simple and accessible even for non-professionals.
  • By installing in-floor or narrow wall convectors, replacing with them more bulky radiator designs, you can free up a lot usable area rooms,
  • Convection currents from convectors installed under the windows prevent the formation of condensation on the glass, thereby protecting the room from the appearance of mold stains, which are very difficult to get rid of.
  • The modern and neat appearance of all types of convectors allows them to be used in any interior style.
  • Convectors are able to withstand coolant temperatures reaching 90 degrees or more. This thermal endurance is especially useful for installation in buildings located in regions with very low winter temperatures.
  • The pipes of the in-floor convector are completely hidden, and the outer part The appliance (grid) never reaches dangerous temperatures. Therefore, the likelihood of getting burned is eliminated, which indicates their safety for small children.
  • Convectors practically do not dry the air in the room. Heated masses, due to the fact that they are in constant motion, are enriched with moisture. If it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room, you can place a container of water on the convector grille. Some models have built-in capacity for these purposes.

The disadvantages of such convection heating devices include the following:

  • If convectors are installed in the premises as heating devices, then wet cleaning will have to be done much more often, since the circulating air will carry a lot of dust with it from the floor surface. Since circulation will take place constantly, the air in the room will be filled with dust, which is very dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Convectors with natural circulation are ineffective for heating rooms with high ceilings, since due to the slow movement of air, the entire volume of the room will not be fully heated. If the ceilings are too high, then you should only choose devices with a built-in fan.
  • Natural circulation will not be effective even if forced circulation is installed in the room. ventilation system. In this case, the air heated by the convector will simply be drawn out through the ventilation ducts.
  • An obvious disadvantage is the complexity of installing in-floor appliances, since for them you need to build a niche of the required size in the floor and lay grooves for pipes and cables, or raise the floor to the height of the convector body.

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Criteria for choosing a water convector

To choose the right one of these heaters for a specific room, you need to rely on several criteria:

  • In order for heating to be effective, you need to correctly calculate the power of the heating device for a specific room - the convector, acting as the main heat source, must be able to maintain the required comfortable temperature and completely compensate for heat losses. It is generally accepted that the norm is 100 W per square meter of room, with a ceiling height in the room of no more than three meters. However, in reality everything may look slightly different. Such a calculation does not take into account the climatic conditions of the region of residence, the characteristics of the room, which may have one or several external walls, access to the street or to an unheated balcony. The ratio of the area of ​​the room to the area of ​​its glazing has a very serious effect on the level of heat loss. Even the location of the room relative to the cardinal points can make adjustments.

Modern building and finishing materials make it possible to create interiors that Soviet people could not even dream of 30 years ago. But the peculiarities of the Russian climate force one to reckon with the need to equip premises with heating devices. Therefore, often an almost ideal interior has to be “decorated” with radiators and, accordingly, heating system pipes.

Often they do not fit into design plans. But you can’t leave the house without heating... You can use heated floors, but they are often not able to provide the necessary comfort in living spaces.

A way out of this situation can be heating convectors built into the floor.

Trench convectors - their types and design

The convector built into the floor is heating device a new type that fits perfectly into any interior, since it takes up no space at all and is invisible.

Its peculiarity is that the device is placed in a niche located in the floor, which is covered on top with a decorative protective grille mounted flush with the floor surface.

If we talk about the heat source used, these devices are divided into two types: electric and water. Electrical appliance equipped with a heating element and can be used wherever there is access to the power supply. From the point of view of financial costs, it is quite expensive, but any home craftsman can connect such a convector. This does not require laying any communications, which reduces installation costs.

Water heaters are more economical when it comes to operation, but at the same time they are more problematic at the stage of connecting communications, installation and connection to the heating network. The process of their installation requires special calculations, taking into account the cross-section and curvature of the supply pipelines, as well as specific installation skills. Therefore, the installation of such devices should be carried out by specialists.

The convector is not difficult to set up.

It consists of the following structural elements:

  • a housing made of stainless or ordinary steel, in which there are mounting holes for pipe connections;
  • radiator-heat exchanger (which is connected to the pipes of the heating system), equipped with plates between which air passes;
  • legs or mounting brackets necessary for mounting the device and adjusting its installation height;
  • outer decorative frame;
  • protective decorative grille installed on top.

In addition to the listed parts, the convector can be equipped with a thermostat, shut-off and control valves and a fan. The latter is used to force the creation of air flow, which can significantly increase the efficiency of the device.

The convector body is often made of stainless steel, which significantly affects the cost of the device. In fact, experts advise using stainless steel only for rooms with high humidity.

If the room is dry, then you should not overpay, since conscientious manufacturers use high-quality steel to make cases, which is painted with a special paint that increases corrosion resistance.

The heat exchanger can be made of the following materials:

  • black steel - a short-lived option (due to corrosion) with low performance;
  • copper – is not subject to corrosion, has high thermal conductivity;
  • combined - a copper pipe has aluminum fins (costs significantly lower than copper, although it is almost as efficient as it).

The protective grille is the only visually visible element of the heater. It heats up little during operation of the device, so you can touch it without problems, which allows you to use a coolant of a sufficiently high temperature.

For the manufacture of gratings the following are most often used:

  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • tree;
  • marble.

Grids are divided into two types:

  • linear - having a stationary shape, which must be completely removed to access the device;
  • rolled - which can be rolled up completely or partially.

If you have to walk on the grill during operation, then you should choose an option where plastic parts are not used to connect the grill bars.

The operation of any heating device is based on two methods of releasing thermal energy: infrared radiation or convection. In the case of floor-mounted appliances, there is virtually no radiant heating, and the bulk of the heat generated is due to convection.

The operating principle of the built-in convector is simple:

  • cold air, displaced by warm currents rising from the device, falls down and, through the convector grille, literally “flows” into the heater box, located at the lowest point of the room;
  • in contact with a hot heat exchanger, it heats up and goes upward, displacing cool air from there.

Convectors with natural circulation (KVE) work only due to the different densities of cold and heated air. The circulation process here is quite slow, but the device does not require connection to the mains and does not make any noise during operation.

Forced circulation devices (FCD), equipped with a fan, heat the room much more efficiently.

The fans of such devices usually operate from a 12-volt network, which is safe for people.

There are also double-circuit convectors on sale. These are devices designed not only to heat air, but also to cool it. In winter, the heat exchanger circulates hot water, and in the summer - a refrigerant that creates coolness in the room. These are expensive devices.

If the interior of your home requires the installation of such devices, then their choice must be taken very responsibly.

There are a few things to consider:

  • the power of the devices should be selected based on the calculation of heat loss from the premises of the house;
  • you need to clearly understand the geometric dimensions of the convector - length, height and width (not every house has the opportunity to make a niche in the floor of the required depth);
  • the purchased device must comply with GOST and be certified;
  • An important criterion is the testing pressure of the device - it must correspond to the parameters of the heating network (with a small margin).

Most often, built-in devices are installed in those rooms where there is panoramic glazing or where it is necessary to create thermal curtain. They are used in children's institutions, as they completely eliminate the risk of burns in children. On sale you can even find radial-shaped convectors for installation along curved walls. Their cost, of course, is significantly higher than that of conventional devices.

The condition for long service life of a convector is its quality, so you should not buy cheap convectors of unknown origin.

It is better to give preference to companies well-known on the Russian market:

  • VARMANN is a Russian manufacturer that produces several lines of devices with both water and electric heat exchangers;
  • EVA is a Russian-Swedish company that produces convectors with a wide range of capacities (10-year warranty);
  • JAGA is a Belgian manufacturer that produces efficient convectors of various sizes (warranty up to 30 years);
  • KLIMA is an old and reliable company from Slovenia, producing more than 130 models of devices for rooms with different microclimates;
  • BRIZ – Russian convectors with a wide model line;
  • Mohlenhoff is a German manufacturer, famous excellent quality devices suitable for dry rooms.

Pros and cons of floor-mounted convectors

Like any device, trench convectors have both advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, before deciding to use them, it is worth carefully weighing the benefits of their use with the complexity of installation, the rather high cost and problems when repairs are necessary.

So, the main advantages include:

  • Placing the device in the floor improves the interior of the home and frees up additional space.
  • The large heating surface area of ​​the fins allows you to heat the room more efficiently than with other devices.
  • Due to the fact that the heat loss of a convector built into the floor is less than that of a conventional one, its operation does not require a large volume of coolant - usually it is 25% of the volume of a standard radiator of equal power.
  • Built-in devices – perfect solution to create a thermal curtain panoramic window or doors.
  • For efficient work Such a device is enough for the coolant to have a temperature of at least 50 degrees.
  • The equipment is lightweight and does not create additional load on the floor.

  • The air flows generated during the operation of the convector carry a large amount of dust, so you will have to carry out wet cleaning in the room more often.
  • If the rules for installing radiators are violated, noticeable drafts may form in the floor area.
  • In rooms with high ceilings, it is better to use convectors with natural circulation, otherwise the heat, due to the operation of the fan, will be retained in the ceiling area.
  • There is a danger that in multi-storey building It will not be possible to install such a device. This is due to low ceilings in apartments and the inability to provide a sufficiently deep niche in the floor.

The most the best option proper installation trench convectors is heating design at the stage of developing a house project or apartment renovation. This makes it possible to determine in a timely manner whether such a heating option is possible at all. And if it is possible, then select devices with the necessary geometric and thermal characteristics.