We grow sage in the country. Sage (Salvia perennial) - “decorative healer”: planting and care in the garden

Sage, also known as salvia, is another wonderful representative of ornamental and medicinal plants. It belongs to the glorious family of Lamiaceae, which has produced many beautiful and useful flowers. I love its beautiful, narrow foliage and blue flowers.

After articles by one author about sage, I wanted to learn as much as possible about such a familiar and beautiful plant. It turned out that the shapes and colors of sage are different: from the usual to the most outlandish and unusual. There are 700 different species of sage in the world.

Sage is a perennial, but there are both annual and biennial species. Sage inflorescences are collected in panicles or spikelets. The stems are erect, can branch and reach a length of 120 cm.

Sage is an excellent assistant in cooking and medicine. IN ancient Rome It was used in the treatment of many diseases, and it is just as relevant today.

Planting sage

Most types of Salvia officinalis love soil normal acidity(5.5-6.5 pH). Plant sage in a well-lit area. It will grow better on light, fertile soils. Loamy soils are well suited for this.

To enrich the soil before planting sage, humus or compost, as well as phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers, are added during digging in the fall. When spring arrives, the soil is leveled and broken with a rake, after which nitrogen fertilizers are also added.

Sage has been growing in its place for more than 8 years. This crop germinates well, so you don’t have to use the seedling method, but sow the seeds directly into the ground in early spring(March - early April, using film) or in the fall under snow. It doesn’t matter, if you are late with planting, you can sow in May, then there is no need for a film cover for seedlings. In this case, stratification and any other measures for seed germination are not necessary. You can make a ridge for sage, make a furrow and plant the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Sage grows as a bush, so it is better to leave about 30 cm between plants, and take about 50 cm between rows.

You should not sow sage after relatives from the Lamiaceae family. The predecessors of sage can be potatoes, cabbage, onions, and legumes.

Sage care

Trimming. In the second year after planting, like many spices with dense inflorescences, sage is renewed by cutting (10 cm from the soil surface).

Watering. Sage tolerates drought well, but it needs moisture to keep the greens juicy and tender. Otherwise, the leaves will simply become very hard. But you shouldn’t overwater it, he doesn’t like it.

Fertilizer application. In the spring before flowering, fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out. mineral fertilizers, in the fall, after the plant is pruned and prepared for winter, many gardeners fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in accordance with the standards on the packaging.

Sage collection

It is customary to use and harvest sage during its flowering period. The leaves can be used in fresh, or can be harvested for the winter, in bunches or spread in a dark, warm, ventilated place (in the attic).

Types of sage

After the research, the Novosibirsk Research Station selected 12 species resistant to steppe conditions. But they turned out to be so different in their characteristics that they were divided into three groups:

1. Plants of American origin were included in this group; their usual environment is subtropics. In their natural environment, such plants live for several years. IN middle lane In winter, the plant dies, so it is cultivated as an annual. At least 100 days will pass from germination to flowering. Therefore, sage of this group is grown mainly as seedlings.

2. This group already includes varieties of Mediterranean sage. In their natural environment they are perennial, but in the middle zone in the open ground they will die in winter, so they have to be grown as annual plants. But from germination to flowering it will take about 40 days. This suggests that you can do without seedlings.

3. Our most popular group. This group includes varieties of sage that winter well in our open ground. They are perennial plants temperate zone. This group also includes Ethiopian sage, which is cultivated as a biennial. The most unaffected by research are Salvia muscadine, swamp and lavender.

Salvia adhesive

Salvia viridis

Salvia microphylla

Salvia dolomitica

Varieties of Salvia officinalis

Since this article mostly dealt with medicinal sage (vegetable), we will consider varieties that are suitable for different climatic zones and have excellent taste and irreplaceable medicinal properties.

Sage Breeze

This variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, recommended for consumption in fresh and dried form (young shoots and foliage), and is used for preparing desserts, salads, soups, sauces, meat, and fish. Plants of this variety reach about 60 cm in height, with erect shoots and dense foliage. The leaves are pubescent, jagged at the edges. In the second year after planting, the bush of the variety reaches about 280 g. The flowers are violet-blue in color. The seeds are small, brown-black in color.

Sage Aibolit

Just like the previous variety, it is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Used both fresh and dry. The plant is larger than the previous one, 60-120 cm tall. The leaf is dark green, finely toothed along the edge, wrinkled, and has strong pubescence. The variety is usually used in the second year after planting, after a month from the beginning of the growing season. But it is not as resistant in winter as the previous variety, so in the middle zone it is better to cover it for the winter.

Sage Nectar

The variety, included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, is very popular in combination with cheese and in aromatic culinary compositions. Its height is about 100 cm, the stem is erect. The foliage color is light green with pubescence. The flowers are blue-violet.

Sage Patriarchal Semko

The variety is used in dry and fresh form and has been included in the State Register since 2000. The height of this variety is 50-80 cm. The erect stems are woody at the bottom. Dense foliage up to 10 cm long. Towards the top of the shoot the leaves are smaller. The seeds are spherical, the flowers are blue-violet.

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Sage, also known as salvia, is another wonderful representative of ornamental and medicinal plants. It belongs to the glorious family of Lamiaceae, which has produced many beautiful and useful flowers. I love its beautiful, narrow foliage and blue flowers. After articles by one author about sage, I wanted to learn as much as possible about such a familiar and beautiful plant. It turned out that the shapes and colors of sage are different: from the usual to the most outlandish and unusual. There are 700 different species of sage in the world.

Sage is a perennial, but there are both annual and biennial species. Sage inflorescences are collected in panicles or spikelets. The stems are erect, can branch and reach a length of 120 cm.

Sage is an excellent assistant in cooking and medicine. In ancient Rome it was used to treat many diseases, and today it is just as relevant.

Planting sage

Most types of salvia officinalis love soils of normal acidity (5.5-6.5 pH). Plant sage in a well-lit area. It will grow better on light, fertile soils. Loamy soils are well suited for this.

To enrich the soil before planting sage, humus or compost, as well as phosphorus-potassium minerals, are added during digging in the fall. When spring arrives, the soil is leveled and broken with a rake, after which nitrogen is also added.

Sage has been growing in its place for more than 8 years. This crop germinates well, so you don’t have to use the seedling method, but sow the seeds directly into the ground in early spring (March - early April, using film) or in the fall under the snow. It doesn’t matter, if you are late with planting, you can sow in May, then there is no need for a film cover for seedlings. In this case, stratification and any other measures for seed germination are not necessary. You can make a ridge for sage, make a furrow and plant the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Sage grows as a bush, so it is better to leave about 30 cm between plants, and take about 50 cm between rows.

You should not sow sage after relatives from the Lamiaceae family. The predecessors of sage can be potatoes, cabbage, onions, and legumes.

Sage care

Trimming. In the second year after planting, like many with dense inflorescences, sage is renewed by cutting (10 cm from the soil surface).

. Sage tolerates drought well, but it needs moisture to keep the greens juicy and tender. Otherwise, the leaves will simply become very hard. But you shouldn’t overwater it, he doesn’t like it.

Entering . In the spring, before flowering, fertilizing with nitrogen mineral fertilizers is carried out; in the fall, after the plant is pruned and preparing for winter, many gardeners fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in accordance with the standards on the packaging.

Sage collection

It is customary to use and harvest sage during its flowering period. The leaves can be consumed fresh, or they can be stored for the winter, in bunches or spread in a dark, warm, ventilated place (in the attic).

Types of sage

After the research, the Novosibirsk Research Station selected 12 species resistant to steppe conditions. But they turned out to be so different in their characteristics that they were divided into three groups:

1. Plants of American origin were included in this group; their usual environment is subtropics. In their natural environment, such plants live for several years. In the middle zone, the plant dies in winter, so it is cultivated as an annual. At least 100 days will pass from germination to flowering. Therefore, sage of this group is grown mainly as seedlings.

2. This group already includes varieties of Mediterranean sage. In their natural environment they are perennial, but in the middle zone in the open ground they will die in winter, so they have to be grown as annual plants. But from germination to flowering it will take about 40 days. This suggests that you can do without seedlings.

3. Our most popular group. This group includes varieties of sage that winter well in our open ground. They are perennial plants of the temperate zone. This group also includes Ethiopian sage, which is cultivated as a biennial. The most unaffected by research are Salvia muscadine, swamp and lavender.

Salvia adhesive

Varieties of Salvia officinalis

Since this article mostly dealt with medicinal sage (vegetable), we will consider varieties that are suitable for different climatic zones and have excellent taste and irreplaceable medicinal properties.

Sage Breeze

This variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, recommended for consumption in fresh and dried form (young shoots and foliage), and is used for preparing desserts, salads, soups, sauces, meat, and fish. Plants of this variety reach about 60 cm in height, with erect shoots and dense foliage. The leaves are pubescent, jagged at the edges. In the second year after planting, the bush of the variety reaches about 280 g. The flowers are violet-blue in color. The seeds are small, brown-black in color.

Sage Aibolit

Just like the previous variety, it is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Used both fresh and dry. The plant is larger than the previous one, 60-120 cm tall. The leaf is dark green, finely toothed along the edge, wrinkled, and has strong pubescence. The variety is usually used in the second year after planting, after a month from the beginning of the growing season. But it is not as resistant in winter as the previous variety, so in the middle zone it is better to cover it for the winter.

Sage Nectar

The variety, included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, is very popular in combination with cheese and in aromatic culinary compositions. Its height is about 100 cm, the stem is erect. The foliage color is light green with pubescence. The flowers are blue-violet.

Sage Patriarchal Semko

The variety is used in dry and fresh form and has been included in the State Register since 2000. The height of this variety is 50-80 cm. The erect stems are woody at the bottom. Dense foliage up to 10 cm long. Towards the top of the shoot the leaves are smaller. The seeds are spherical, the flowers are blue-violet.

Growing sage in the garden- a simple procedure that does not require special conditions for planting and care. In Russia, it is best to grow it in regions with a tropical and subtropical climate.

There are about 700 species of sage that grow in different climatic conditions. For example, for the territory Western Siberia The type of sage whorled and ringed is suitable. And in the Moscow region many species grow, but the most popular are decorative and medicinal sage.

Botanical description of the plant:

  • Sage (popular name - Salvia) grows in the form of a subshrub.
  • Most species are annual plants, growing up to 75 cm.
  • The root system is located in top layer soil.
  • The leaves are ovoid in shape and rich green in color.
  • The flowers are red with small red fibers. But there are inflorescences of other colors: from white to dark purple.
  • Flowering is quite long - from the beginning of July until the beginning of frost.

How to grow sage in the country?

The conditions for planting and growing in open ground are simple.

Choosing the right place

The quality of grown sage depends on the location and soil in which it grew. Since they are considered the homeland southern countries, the plant will respond well to sunny areas with sandy, perhaps even rocky soils. Clay soils are undesirable for growing salvia.

When choosing a location, it is important to consider that the plant should not be subjected to frequent waterlogging or lack of air. Before planting, add nutrients - humus, river sand. It is important not to overdo it with beneficial minerals.

Generous flowering is achieved only in well-lit areas.

Favorable neighborhood

It's important to choose right neighborhood for a plant. It is not recommended to plant sage after Lamiaceae plants.

But planting in place of these crops will have a beneficial effect on the flowering of salvia:

  • legumes

Time to Plant Sage

If the variety is perennial, the plant can grow in one place for up to 9 years. Grow seedling method and sown directly into the soil.

The latter option is used more often due to the fact that sage seeds germinate quickly and well. But you may need to cover it with film.

To start growing sage, it is better to choose the end of March - mid-April, but sowing is also allowed in May. In the region with temperate climate You can also sow in the fall before winter.

How to grow sage from seeds and seedlings?

One of the popular ways to grow most crops. Seeds for seedlings begin to be planted in late March - early April. Seeds should be planted in the soil to a depth of about 1.5 cm. While waiting for germination and growing seedlings, it is important to monitor constant normal soil moisture. Whether gatherings will appear depends on this.

At favorable conditions(average temperature should be 22-26°C) the first shoots appear in 12-14 days. Picking time is after the appearance of 2 leaves.

If open ground not warmed up enough, but the seedlings have already grown, they are transplanted and grown in larger containers before planting.

Sage propagation

Less popular methods for obtaining sage:

  • Dividing the bush. After autumn digging from mother bush separate required quantity parts. In this case, both the above-ground part and the roots should remain on the small bush.
  • . Any cut sage branches (healthy ones) can be placed in a bowl of water and wait for the roots to appear. Then plant it for rooting in the soil.

It must be remembered that for normal growth and development of the plant, the distance between the bushes should be 26-30 cm.

Rules for caring for sage in the country

The main factors that influence the healthy growth of a flower are:

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Diseases and pests of sage

Sage bushes are considered disease and pest resistant because this herb and medicinal plant can fight disease.

The reasons for sage damage may be improper care:

  • Excessive humidity threatens mold. Therefore, it is important to monitor moderate soil moisture and avoid stagnation of water. You can get rid of mold by spraying the plant with a sulfur solution.
  • Thickened plantings provoke slugs. As a “treatment” they use a tincture of onion skins, garlic with the addition of a solution of laundry soap.

How to grow at home?

Growing sage at home in a pot on a windowsill is not much different from growing a bush in open soil.

Let's look at the main features:

  • Use good drainage in pots.
  • Do not flood the plant. Watering is carried out only when the soil dries out.
  • The flower should be on good lighting at least 8 hours a day.
  • Do not place pots in a draft.
  • Conduct a contrast shower 2-3 times a month.

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The system waters the garden itself, which of course has a good effect on the harvest. I have never had such tomatoes and cucumbers before! Now I want to take another one to the greenhouse. I recommend."

Sage varieties

Most types of sage are considered decorative and are used in landscape design.

View Description
Drug Reaches a height of up to 70 cm. The leaves are narrow - up to 1.5 cm wide. Used in cosmetology, cooking, medicine.

Popular varieties of the species:

  • Breeze;
  • Aibolit;
  • Nectar;
  • Semko Patriarchal;
  • Vegetable breeze;
  • Dobrynya.
Forest Mostly found in the Mediterranean. It has narrow leaves and a herbaceous stem. Most of the inflorescences are blue or purple. It has low-growing (up to 50 cm in height) and tall-growing (up to 90 cm in height) varieties.
(Apiana) It has a rich, strong aroma and a bitter taste. Fragrant and often used as incense. It has long been believed that its aroma cleanses the room of negative energy. This medicinal plant native to California. It is used as an essential oil and as an antibiotic, antifungal and antispasmodic agent.
Perovskia Russian Counts Russian view sage The plant has become popular due to its long and colorful flowering. The unpleasant small flowers are compensated by inflorescences of panicles, which give the salvia a special effect.

Plant valued for its aromatic essential oils and as a special seasoning for many dishes. Petrovka differs from other varieties in its long flowering.

Muscat For several centuries it has been considered medicinal plant, which is used in the treatment of female diseases and prevents inflammatory processes. The essential oil of the plant has a wound-healing and antibacterial effect.

Common varieties of the species:

  1. Krimsky early– resistant to drought and frost, ripens early, with a high content of essential oil.
  2. Salvia moldavian– has mostly decorative use, perennial. Valued as a good summer one.
  3. Voznesensky variety– compact with large, slightly pubescent leaves, the growing season lasts up to 110 days.
Lugovoy Valued as ornamental plant thanks to the bright green color of the leaves and inflorescences of bright shades.

Popular varieties:

  1. Dubravny Caradonna(Caradonna) – oblong leaves, inflorescences up to 35 cm in diameter, purple flowers, decorative variety.
  2. Forest– an ornamental plant with medicinal properties.
  3. Adhesive– grows only in forests, on rich soils, distributed throughout Asia and Europe.

Collection and storage of sage

The tops of stems and leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. Best time for collection - flowering period. In this case, in young plants (1-2 years after planting), only the upper foliage is used.

It is advisable to air dry in the shade or in well-ventilated rooms. An oven or a special electric dryer can also be used, without exceeding the drying temperature of 50-60°C. The finished dried herb should not be black. Such raw materials retain their beneficial features throughout the year.

Areas of application of sage

Sage has become very popular in many areas:


By paying a little attention to the question of how to properly grow and care for salvia, you get an amazing flower for the garden and a product that will become an assistant in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. And having planted sage in a pot at home, they enjoy its aroma and decorative look not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Unpretentious and beautiful plant not very common yet summer cottages. But in vain! Sage - another name for it is salvia - has attractive appearance, is an excellent honey plant, and its medicinal qualities have been known since time immemorial.

Its decoctions are used in dentistry, used as a mouth rinse for toothache and gum inflammation. Douching is prescribed for gynecological diseases. Aroma oils used to treat colds. Sage is included in many medicines and culinary seasonings.

So, sage - planting and care in open ground.

Sage: growing features

At the same time, growing sage is not difficult. This can be done even in room conditions. But still, a more suitable option for the plant is open ground. In warm countries, sage is grown as a perennial plant. In Russia, it is often bred as an annual, since cold winters, and even with little snow, can cause sage to freeze. But with careful care this will not happen.

In Russia you can grow clary sage, medicinal sage, meadow sage, and oak sage.

Planting in open ground

Many gardeners grow sage from seeds using seedlings, or purchase seedlings at the market. But unpretentious plant can be planted directly into the ground. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How and when to plant?

To grow seedlings from seeds, planting begins in the first ten days of March. If all the rules are followed, seedlings will appear in 14-20 days. Seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse in May, into open ground - in early June.

Seeds can be planted directly into the ground either in the fall - in October, or in the spring (preferably), during May.

Soil and site preparation

Sage does not require particularly fertile soil and grows in almost all types of soil. It responds best to planting in loam, especially if lime and humus have previously been added to it.

Before planting, you only need to “lighten” clay soil. Otherwise, in such heavy soil in a rainy summer, the roots of the sage will rot, and in winter they may freeze. To prevent this from happening, they dig up the ground ahead of time, adding humus to it, and only then begin planting.

It’s good if a summer resident can allocate space for his sage “plantation” on the south side of the site, in a sufficiently lit place. But you shouldn’t plant it near the house. Icicles melting in the spring and rain flowing from the roof in the summer will create excess moisture in the soil, which will negatively affect the condition of the roots.

Hello, dear friends! We welcome you to our virtual dacha. Today we grow sage in the country as not only decorative, but also useful plant. This decorative, medicinal and very tasty arouses sympathy and love among many summer residents.

Sage or salvia is one of the most striking representatives of the Yasnotkova genus, of amazing beauty perennial shrub with numerous erect stems up to 50 cm high, narrow foliage and small blue flowers.

Currently, there are many of the most outlandish and unusual varieties of this culture - over 680 species. Among them there are not only perennial, but also annual and biennial species.

Sage varieties

How to grow sage?

This question has been and remains relevant for many.

Growing sage can actually be done in several ways - by seed in open ground, by seedlings, and by dividing the rhizome.

Sage is a light-loving crop that grows successfully in well-fertilized and moist soils. Preparing the site for planting seeds is carried out in early spring. The soil is fertilized with compost and ash.

For a plot of 1 m2, use 3 kg of compost and 3 tablespoons of wood ash. After this, deep digging of the soil is carried out. You can plant sage in a sunny area with slight shade.

Planting and care

Before sowing, the seeds are germinated and planted in shallow and well-moistened furrows. Sage can be planted before winter. Dried seeds are planted at the end of November to a depth of 4-5 cm. In the process of growing this crop, it is necessary to adhere to a certain planting pattern: the distance between seedlings is 16-19 cm, between furrows is 50 cm.

Growing seedlings from seeds is carried out at home. In order for the seedlings to germinate together, before planting they are soaked in a growth stimulator - Energen (10 drops of the substance are dissolved in 500 ml of water). The seed material is wrapped in a fabric bag and dipped in a nutrient solution for 24 hours.

The next day, the seeds are laid out on the surface of a dry cloth to dry, then planted individually in peat pots. Sage is grown in peat pot until it is planted in open ground. Young plants are transplanted to the site in mid-May, when the threat of the last frost has passed.

Propagating sage by dividing the bush is a fairly simple and not labor-intensive process. In the fall, the bushes are removed from the soil, divided into parts so that each division has roots and an above-ground part, and planted in previously prepared holes with nutritious soil. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly.

Some gardeners propagate sage using layering in the summer. A well-ripened and lush branch of a bush, located close to the ground, is bent down, fixed with staples and sprinkled with soil.

After 2-3 months, roots will appear on the stem. The stem is separated from the mother bush and planted in a pot. On next year, spring, young plant planted on permanent place in the garden.

Basic care for sage involves regular weeding, removal of weeds and timely watering.

Sage is responsive to feeding. First plant nutrition organic fertilizers It is held in early spring and every year. In addition, it will not be superfluous to fertilize the plantings twice summer period. The drug Agricola-Vega is ideal for good nutrition this culture.

Perennial sage can grow in one place for up to 7-8 years. In the second year of life, the bushes undergo a rejuvenating haircut. Cut off all stems, leaving 15 cm in length from the soil level. This manipulation promotes the formation of numerous young shoots and good bushiness of plants.

Sage - medicinal properties

  • This is a unique and valuable plant that has found its use not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.
  • Sage greens are a source of organic acids, phytoncides, alkaloids, vitamins A, P, PP.
  • Sage leaves are a source essential oils and tannins. This excellent remedy, which relieves inflammation and eliminates infectious diseases. The use of a decoction of sage leaves is very effective for colds, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the lower respiratory tract. It is very good to use sage for sore throat. Medicinal herb helps even with the most advanced stage of the disease.
  • What are the benefits of sage herb for a woman? This plant has a calming effect on the female body. Sage can be used as an infusion during pregnancy planning. Healing herb It has positive impact on one of the most important hormones female body– estradiol. Therefore, its use in gynecology is quite wide.
  • In addition, there are some contraindications. Sage is strictly prohibited for use by women during pregnancy, as this herb can cause miscarriage.

Sage in cooking

Dry sage greens are used as a seasoning for first courses, salads, meat and fish. Sage is added to minced meat from pork, duck, goose and lamb. IN Food Industry sage is used as a flavoring in the production of sausages, in home cooking - for baking meat pies, as well as pies with cabbage and egg-rice filling.