Matte paint for heating radiators. Enamels for radiators: characteristics of compositions and recommendations for selection

Many owners of houses or apartments are in no hurry to replace old-style cast-iron batteries, which function normally, with new models. Despite their venerable age, these radiators can serve faithfully for many more decades. True, it is necessary to periodically put them in order. Over time they lose their aesthetic appearance, cracks form on the paint layer and paint peels off. And in these places traces may appear, which may not be dangerous for cast iron, but very much spoil the overall picture of corrosion. This means it’s time for another coloring.

Other types also require updating of the protective and decorative coating, especially since for steel batteries or convectors, pockets of emerging corrosion can generally become fatal. Yes, and aluminum or bimetallic heating devices also sometimes have to be “refreshed” over time or even repainted in a different color, in accordance with the intended decoration of the room.

In this publication we’ll just look at how to paint a heating radiator yourself? The main nuances regarding preparation for this procedure, the choice of paint and its practical application will be discussed. And this information needs to be known even before the planning stage of such work.

Paint for heating radiators

Criteria for choosing paint for batteries

Not just any paint is suitable for heating radiators. It's all about those special conditions operation, which are typical for these heating devices.

Therefore, when choosing a composition, you need to choose one of the options made specifically for application to heating radiators. If the manufacturer has not specified the purpose of the paint, then you should pay attention to such characteristics as heat resistance.

So, when purchasing paint, you need to study the following parameters:

  • Resistance to elevated temperatures. The paint layer applied to a metal surface must be able to withstand heating up to 80÷90 degrees, without losing its protective and decorative qualities and without emitting odors.
  • High adhesion. This quality will help create reliable adhesion of the paint to the surface of the battery - the coating will not begin to peel off under the influence of temperature changes.
  • Anti-corrosion protection. The paint must contain components that can protect the metal from external aggressive influences. This is especially true for steel and cast iron radiators.
  • Color resistance to fading or yellowing. This is very important quality paint, and if it is not taken into account, then it is possible that soon the coloring will have to be done a second time.
  • Resistance of decorative coating to abrasion. When the radiator comes into contact with various hard objects (for example, when rearranging furniture or during children's games), as well as items of clothing, which are often dried on radiators, the paint layer should not become covered with small scratches, become thinner and begin to “see through.”
  • Environmental Safety. The paint should not contain components that, when heated, can emit toxic fumes that can harm the health of residents of the house or apartment. The coating should not create any odors in any operating mode of the batteries.

Selectable paint good quality must meet all of the above criteria in combination. However, for some of the characteristics, such as adhesion, to really work, the surface of the radiator must be properly prepared. If you miss this important stage of painting, the coating may not last long, and the entire process will have to be repeated, taking into account the mistakes made.

What paints can be used for radiators

If previously oil paints were mainly used to paint batteries, but in best case scenario enamel options (simply due to the paucity of the assortment on sale), today the choice of compositions is so wide that it is worth understanding their characteristics and identifying the optimal one.

Oil paint

Despite the availability of other types of paints in specialized stores, some homeowners prefer the “old fashioned way” to purchase time-tested compositions made from organic oils for painting batteries. This line of paints belongs to inexpensive options, perhaps that is why it is not losing its popularity.

Characteristic features of oil compositions:

  • They have excellent hiding power and create a layer on the metal surface that has high density and strength.
  • The paint is resistant to high temperatures.
  • The compositions do not emit toxic fumes after drying.
  • The coating demonstrates good resistance to mechanical loads and abrasion.

Compositions made on oil based, have their own quite numerous disadvantages. Therefore, many homeowners have long abandoned them:

  • When painted, the compositions emit a specific tart odor that does not evaporate from the premises. long time.
  • The paint takes a very long time to dry, leaving unsightly marks, especially on vertical surfaces.
  • The composition has a rather thick consistency and poor spreadability, so it is not easy to apply it in an even layer.

Over time, a layer of oil paint takes on an unrespectable appearance, turning from white to a dirty yellow or cream color.
  • White oil-based coatings are prone to yellowing, which means that the decorative value of such a coating will be very doubtful after a couple of seasons.
  • The material does not have high anti-corrosion qualities, so rust often forms under its layer, showing through in spots.

Despite the fact that oil paints are affordable, today literally only a few consumers choose them - all because of the above-mentioned disadvantages. In addition, they are significantly inferior in their characteristics to analogues made on other bases.

Conclusion - it’s better not to mess with it, despite the affordable price.

Alkyd enamels

This type of paint composition contains pigments and additives embedded in pentaphthalic or glypthal varnish. Alkyd paints have a number of advantages that make them a fairly popular material:

Alkyd enamel specially designed for painting batteries, as reflected on the label
  • The alkyd composition creates a uniform, smooth coating on the surface of radiators, giving them an aesthetic appearance.
  • The paint does not turn yellow or fade, and also has high adhesive properties.
  • The coating can reliably protect the metal from external aggressive influences.
  • Alkyd paints are highly wear resistant.
  • The ability to withstand high temperatures makes this decorative coating durable.
  • The wide range of shades available for sale allows you to choose the paint most suitable for the intended finish.
  • The advantage is the affordable cost of such paints and varnishes.

Alkyd enamels are divided into several types, depending on the base on which they are produced. Moreover, each of the options has both its “pros” and “cons”.

  • Solvent-based enamel (white spirit) creates an aesthetic glossy layer on the surface. However, when applied, the composition emits a sharp, pungent odor. Despite this, the material remains in demand due to its affordable cost and relatively quick drying.
  • Organosilicon-based enamel creates a matte layer on the surface of the batteries. The paint is heat-resistant and can withstand heating up to 600 degrees without damage (which is impossible in principle on heating radiators). Such formulations are offered both in the form of a suspension, packaged in jars, and in the form of an aerosol.

If you plan to purchase odorless paint, then the solvent-based option should be immediately rejected. White spirit, which is part of the paint, gives it a sharp, unpleasant odor that persists for a long time even after painting. In addition, when the batteries are very hot, the smell can also appear even after some time.

Prices for “Krafor” enamel for radiators

Krafor enamel for radiators

Acrylic enamels

Heat-resistant acrylic enamels are very popular among consumers, as they have a large number of advantages, which include the following characteristics:

Acrylic enamels can create a matte, semi-matte or glossy finish on the surface
  • Acrylic enamel creates a smooth and even coating on a metal surface. As the composition dries, polymerization of its components occurs, as a result of which the applied layer visually resembles plastic.
  • Acrylic heat-resistant paints do not emit a sharp unpleasant odor both during their application and during the operation of heating devices.
  • This type of paint composition dries quickly - their setting period ranges from 10 to 90 minutes, depending on the components and production technology. The complete drying of the layer occurs approximately 5 hours after its application.
  • Acrylic enamels have a medium thickness; they are convenient to apply to vertical surfaces, as they adhere well to them, do not spread and do not create smudges.
  • A large selection of acrylic paints from different manufacturers allows you to choose the option that suits the buyer most, both in terms of cost, composition and shade.

Despite a considerable number of advantages, acrylic enamels also have their disadvantages, which include the low resistance of the coating to mechanical stress.

Having chosen acrylic compounds, when purchasing them you should Special attention pay attention to such characteristics as the operating temperature range, as well as the specific purpose of the paint.

To obtain the proper coloring effect, the enamel is applied to the prepared surface in two layers. In addition, after applying both the first and second layers, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is protected from moisture during the drying period.

Among acrylic enamels, popular compositions can be distinguished - these are “VD-AK-1179” and “Thermakrill”.

  • “VD-AK-1179” enamel is applied to the well-primed surface of the battery. The first coat of paint dries for about two hours, after which the second coat can be applied. Complete drying of the composition occurs one day after applying the second layer.

Universal acrylic enamel “VGT VD-AK-1179” is fully suitable for painting heating radiators
  • “Thermakrill” paint of the “Alp Enamel” brand differs from its analogues in the anti-corrosion additives it contains. This type of enamel is designed for application not only to cast iron radiators, but also to batteries made of stainless steel, aluminum, titanium alloys and low-carbon steel. The paint has a specific smell, but it dissipates fairly quickly. The applied composition sets within 30 minutes, and complete drying occurs two days after applying the second layer of enamel.

Dispersion acrylic paint

This type of acrylic paint is different in that it can be used during the heating season, that is, when the radiators are heated to high temperatures. Dispersion acrylic compositions are practically odorless, easy to apply in an even layer and dry quickly.

The paint has high decorative and performance characteristics, does not change color during operation and does not crack under the influence of high temperatures. It is capable of creating matte or glossy surfaces - this is what the store pays attention to when choosing.

One of the popular compositions of this type is paint for radiators “Dulux Master Lux Aqua 40”

Master Lux Aqua 40 paint from Dulux is especially popular among consumers. When applying it, some features should be taken into account. So, for the first layer, the paint is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 - this turns out to be a kind of primer that prepares the surface for the next painting layers. And they are already applied with undiluted paint.

You can name a few more compositions that, according to consumer reviews, have proven themselves to be the best - these are “Aqua-Heizkorperlack” from the Dufa company, “Element” from the Eskaro brand, as well as “Tiora”, “Thermo” and “Dufa” Retail." All these paints do not have unpleasant odors, dry quickly and create very durable and neat coatings.

Silicone paints

These types of paints are made on the basis of silicone mixed with aqueous or organic solvents.

The features of silicone compounds include the following qualities:

  • High temperature resistance. Silicone coating can withstand any temperature conditions heating systems without losing the integrity of the layer and its aesthetics.
  • Convenient and easy to apply. If you choose this coating option, then it doesn’t even require additional preparation. metal surfaces radiators.
  • Long service life. Silicone is resistant to mechanical influences, including abrasion. The surfaces are easy to clean. Including using detergents.
  • It is not at all afraid of ultraviolet radiation - the surfaces will not fade. It’s not for nothing that silicone paints are widely used to decorate building facades.

The only drawback of silicone compounds is their high cost. But, considering the duration of operation without loss of external data, the fact that you do not have to spend time and money on painting batteries every two to three years, the price seems quite justified.

Other paint options for radiators

In addition to the types of paints listed above, suitable or specially designed for painting batteries, other paints and varnishes made on other bases can also be used. Or modifications of the already mentioned compositions with additional ingredients.

From a variety of paints for radiators, you can choose the one that suits both characteristics and price
  • Paints made on the basis of silicate resins . This version of paint forms an elastic and dense layer on surfaces that is resistant to temperature changes. The compositions have excellent adhesive properties and do not require additional training surfaces. The disadvantages of this material include an unpleasant, pungent odor during the period of applying the paint and until it dries completely.

One of the texture options created with hammer paint
  • Hammer paints - This is a type of alkyd composition, but it creates not a traditionally smooth coating, but interesting textured patterns small cracks or a surface with an embossed effect. This option is impossible would be better suited for older models of cast iron batteries. The texture they create will perfectly hide the roughness that is always present on these radiator models.

  • Some homeowners prefer to paint the batteries - silver coin , which consists of aluminum powder and varnish or drying oil. This composition withstands high temperatures well and can be applied both to a prepared base and to old paint. It is necessary to immediately warn that the composition has a persistent, pungent odor, so after painting the room must be immediately well ventilated. As for the decorativeness of this approach, let everyone decide for themselves how appropriate such decoration is, say, in a residential area.

Preparing batteries for painting

The process of preparing radiators for painting is a very important stage of work, as it is necessary to perform several tasks:

  • One of the tasks is to increase the adhesive properties of materials, as well as protect the metal from corrosion.
  • If the batteries are old, covered with several layers of paint, cleaning them is necessary to increase heat transfer.

It is recommended to carry out all work both on preparing surfaces and painting them at the end of the heating season. An exception may be the use of paints and primers designed for application to hot surfaces.

So, preparing radiators for painting consists of several operations:

  • Cleaning surfaces from dust and greasy deposits. Dust accumulated inside the sections is removed using a vacuum cleaner with a crevice nozzle or a narrow brush. You can also use the wet cleaning method using water with detergents. If grease stains have formed on the battery, which often happens in kitchen conditions, then you can remove them with dishwashing detergent. If necessary, apply a damp cloth to heavily soiled areas, under which the greasy stains will soften and will be easier to clean off.

  • Cleaning rust and old paint . Next, new batteries must be cleaned of rust, and old batteries must be cleaned of numerous layers of paint. There are two cleaning methods - mechanical and chemical.

— Mechanical method more labor-intensive and will take quite a lot of time. It is carried out using a metal brush mounted on a grinding machine or in a chuck. electric drill. However, this method is only suitable for . Modern batteries made of thin sheet steel or non-ferrous metals can be seriously damaged by a hard wire brush. In any case, you should work at low speeds. The paint on the surface of the batteries must be completely removed.

Another cleaning method is to use chemical compositions, with the help of which paint or rust is washed off from surfaces. The compositions are produced in the form of a solution, paste, gel or aerosol.

Remover for removing paint from wood and metal surfaces

Each of the chemical composition options is used differently - on the packaging the manufacturer gives instructions for their use, which must be strictly followed. For example, paste-like substances are applied to surfaces using a natural bristle brush, after which the battery is closed plastic film for a period determined by the manufacturer. The exposure time can vary from twenty minutes to several hours. The paint should soften, after which it is removed from wide surfaces with a spatula, and its remains are removed mechanically using a metal brush.

Aerosol versions of washes are convenient to use, since when sprayed they penetrate into the most inaccessible places in the radiator sections. The principle of operation of these compositions is comparable to any type of remover - the paint is softened, then removed with a spatula and brush.

However, it should be warned that chemical compounds are not harmless. They have a pungent, pungent odor, so the room where they are used must be well ventilated. In addition, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator, and your hands with protective gloves. When choosing this cleaning method, it is necessary to purchase compounds that indicate that they are safe when applied to metal.

  • Radiator priming . The next step Primer is being applied to cleaned surfaces. This treatment is intended to prevent the appearance of corrosion pockets, as well as to create optimal conditions for adhesion of painting materials. The composition chosen for priming must be intended for metal surfaces and be compatible with the paint that will be used to paint the radiators.

If you buy paint domestic production, then GF-021 soil is well suited for it. When using paint compositions from foreign manufacturers, you can use Sigma or Dulux primer.

The final stage of painting begins after the primer layer has completely dried.

Painting radiators

When starting coloring, it is recommended to adhere to next rule- apply paint in thin layers. If you try to paint radiators with one thick layer, you will hardly be able to get a neat finish. smooth surface. A large amount of paint, once applied to the vertical surfaces of batteries, creates unsightly smudges and unevenness. Therefore, the best option is to paint the devices in two thin layers: the first will create a base and cover the natural color of the metal or primer, and the second will finally even out the finish and give the radiators an aesthetic appearance.

Cast iron radiators

These are perhaps the most inconvenient batteries to paint - due to their complex shape, pronounced ribbing and visible internal cavities.

To paint cast iron radiators, you will need several brushes of different widths, and most importantly, attached to handles of various configurations.

In order to get to hard to reach places Inside the sections you will definitely need a brush with a curved long handle, which will greatly simplify the painting process.

The first step is to paint the upper areas inside the batteries, then the lower ones. Next, they move on to the external, front surfaces.

Painting facade surfaces, after finishing the interior areas, will seem like a real vacation

The outer surfaces of the radiator also begin to paint from the top, gradually moving down. This technology is explained by the fact that in the event of a careless mistake or leak, it can be immediately picked up with a brush, that is, the defect can be corrected.

The first layer should be thin, but cover all surfaces of the radiator without leaving unpainted areas.

The second painting is carried out only after the first layer has completely dried. The setting and drying time of the paint is indicated by the manufacturer on its packaging.

If after the first layer has dried, smudges or unevenness are detected, then before the second painting the surface should be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Since cast iron radiators, as a rule, most often require regular painting, to help home handyman Below is an online calculator that allows you to calculate in advance the required amount of paint. The necessary explanations for the calculations are also attached.

Heating radiators in the house require mandatory painting. The best paint for radiators will protect surfaces from adverse external influences, will give the room a presentable appearance. From the variety of coating options for pipes and heating radiators, it is better to choose paints and varnishes in accordance with the type of room, operating features, and surrounding design. Basic requirements for paint and varnish materials: durability, reliability of the coating without compromising the integrity of the outer layer during the stated period, resistance to sudden temperature changes, aesthetics, environmental safety without the release of unpleasant odors.

The aesthetics and beauty of painted heating radiators depend not only on the cost of paintwork materials, but also on the correct choice of paint based on its chemical composition. Manufacturers of paints and varnishes produce paints on various bases. When choosing the most suitable option for a particular battery, it is necessary to take into account the positive and negative characteristics of each substance.

Depending on the material used to make radiators, paints are selected from the following categories:

  1. Oily.
  2. Water-based.
  3. Alkyd.
  4. Silicone.
  5. Powder.

The variety of paints suitable for painting radiators is truly surprising. In addition, products are constantly being improved, so it is recommended to study the available catalog and make the right choice.

The best oil paints for radiators

Oil paints are no longer in demand, because they usually have a pronounced smell and the result obtained after a short time ceases to be noticeable. The main advantage is the affordable price category.

These products are ideal for painting metal radiators. It is offered in different colors, so the heating device can be painted taking into account the features of the interior. Products are manufactured in Ukraine with mandatory consideration of current standards and basic quality requirements.

  • guaranteed high level protection of heating batteries from adverse external factors;
  • it is possible to give an attractive appearance to the radiator, focusing on the design features of the room;
  • It is offered only in bright shades, thanks to which its special beauty is noted.
  • At first, there may be a pronounced smell of paint and varnish products.

Oil-phthalic enamel Sniezka Supermal

Suitable for painting steel and cast iron batteries. Recommended for use in public spaces, including medical, educational, industrial. The Polish product has proven itself only from the best side.

  • increased resistance to adverse atmospheric and mechanical factors;
  • optimal consumption, which ensures decent savings;
  • the paint layer is particularly resistant to external factors, so long-term preservation of its original condition is guaranteed;
  • bright colors, with 23 shades available to choose from;
  • compliance with current standards, making the product ideal even for public buildings, including the medical field.
  • not detected.
  • Such materials are of high quality, because technologies are gradually improving.

The best water-based paints for radiators

Acrylic paint for heating radiators Radiator Festek

The products are offered by a Ukrainian manufacturer. The type of composition is one-component, but it guarantees increased resistance to the adverse effects of water. Allows you to improve external condition radiators thanks to a pleasant matte snow-white shade.

  • absence of any odors;
  • increased resistance to water washing and dry abrasion;
  • the ability to completely paint heating batteries without further influence of external factors;
  • resistance to yellowing;
  • the ability to withstand heating up to 95 degrees Celsius;
  • minimal drying time, which speeds up the procedure.
  • vulnerability to high operational loads

Washable odorless semi-matte paint Remontti Assa Tikkurila

These paint and varnish products are offered by well-known Finnish manufacturer, which takes into account current standards and successfully produces high-quality modern paints for the further processing of heating batteries.

The composition is created using an acrylate binder. At the same time, the manufacturer refused to use organic solvents. This approach to the creation of paint and varnish products contributed to the receipt of the “Eco-label” of the European Union. The Association of Allergy and Asthmatic Disease Specialists of Finland participated in the development, as a result of which the products are completely safe even for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

  • created from high-quality components and modern technologies;
  • high level of safety, due to which the use of products is justified in most cases;
  • resistance to washing and abrasion.
  • very high price, so such products are not available to all potential buyers.

Acrylic enamel for heating radiators Farbex Polisan

The products are offered by the famous Ukrainian manufacturer Polisan, which tries to take into account current standards and offer only high-quality paints and varnishes. It is assumed that it is possible to carry out decorative and protective painting of heating devices.

  • requires minimal time to dry;
  • It has a snow-white hue and a pleasant glossy finish, and the original color remains for a long time;
  • optimal adhesion to various types of surfaces is guaranteed;
  • there is increased resistance to frequent repeated washing;
  • additional treatment with pigment concentrates is available, as a result of which the heating device can fit perfectly into the design of the room;
  • no pungent odor;
  • volatile content organic compounds complies with current standards, so the products are recognized as safe.
  • the radiator must be thoroughly treated before further painting, and dust, rust, scale, grease and other contaminants must be excluded;
  • surfaces that were previously painted with alkyd or oil paint must be carefully treated until matte and degreased;
  • preparing paint requires a careful approach and effort, strict adherence to the instructions and certain room conditions (air humidity should not be lower than 80%, and the surface temperature should be from +10 degrees).
  • Correct use of paint justifies its choice for further use and successful treatment of used heating radiators.

Paint for radiators Balakryl Radet

The Czech brand Balakryl offers high-quality paint that is ideal for processing heating radiators in modern heating systems of residential and industrial premises.

  • increased resistance to the adverse effects of water;
  • possibility of use in rooms where there is a high level of humidity;
  • The heat resistance exceeds 100 degrees, therefore the safety and long-term preservation of the original condition of the heating batteries is guaranteed.
  • not identified.

The best alkyd paints for heating radiators

The paint is offered by a well-known Finnish manufacturer. A ready-made concentrate and a special thinner, white spirit, are used. Alkyd paint is semi-matte and high quality.

  • there is no risk of the slightest smudges when painting radiators;
  • optimal adhesion to metal pipes is guaranteed;
  • even the slightest odor is eliminated;
  • there is the possibility of painting heating devices in the desired colors and shades;
  • The paint layer is easily and quickly applied.
  • requirements for indoor conditions (temperature should be from 5 degrees Celsius, air humidity – from 80%);
  • thorough preparation of the radiator is required for further successful painting;
  • relatively high consumption of the finished solution (10-12 liters per square meter).

The Swedish manufacturer offers high quality alkyd paint for metal batteries. The paintwork will have a semi-matte, pleasant shine.

  • guaranteed protection of the surface from rotting, corrosive changes, mildew and mold;
  • even the slightest smudges are eliminated when treating batteries with paint;
  • there is increased resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • provides abrasion resistance;
  • fits perfectly on almost any surface;
  • can be painted in any color and shade.
  • has a smell (weak, but you will need to ventilate the room after the event);
  • high price.

High-quality paint from a British manufacturer is ideal for working with metal heating devices. The product is based on a durable alkyd resin that helps create a durable coating.

  • creating an ideal paint coating;
  • pleasant shine due to the special texture of the paint;
  • increased resistance to adverse external factors: temperature, shock.
  • high price.

When choosing paint, it is advisable to take into account the features of its composition and main characteristics.

  1. Oil paints are offered at affordable prices. In addition, their range surprises with its diversity. You need to prepare for a long drying time and an unpleasant odor.
  2. Acrylic paints dry quickly and are odorless. However, the perfect color is not always obtained.
  3. Alkyd paints have increased resistance to high temperatures and adverse mechanical factors. However, when painting, there is a pronounced smell. In addition, it takes a long time to dry.
  4. Heat-resistant paints are ideal for hot batteries, because they do not turn yellow and can withstand even the highest temperatures.

There are a variety of battery paints available these days, so it is important to carefully review the available products, their features, pros and cons. By choosing the right paint and taking into account the basic recommendations when applying it, you can count on successfully updating the condition of your heating radiators.

Which battery paint is best to buy?

In order not to make a mistake in making the right choice paint material suitable for specific conditions, you need to read the labeling and chemical composition selected product. The owner of the apartment decides which paint for pipes and radiators is best suited for a given room. At the same time, it doesn’t hurt to read the recommendations of experienced specialists and user reviews.

The paint for painting radiators must withstand high temperatures, i.e. be heat resistant. It is also good if it meets environmental requirements, i.e. does not emit harmful or unpleasant-smelling substances when heated.

The role of paint:

  • Giving an aesthetically beautiful look
  • Corrosion protection
  • Protection from aggressive environmental influences

How to remove old paint from a radiator

Before applying new paint, it is necessary to prepare the surface. To begin with, use a vacuum cleaner to remove large dust; fine dust can be wiped with a damp cloth. Grease stains are easily removed by solvents and dishwashing detergents.

If the old coating is well preserved, does not peel off, does not swell, and no rust stains appear through it, then to simplify and save time, you can simply go over it with sandpaper so that the new layer of paint adheres well to the old one.

If the old paint has a completely unpresentable appearance, then you will have to get rid of it.

You can remove the coating from the battery as follows:

  • A drill with an attachment in the form of a stiff brush - a brush
  • Solvents - washes
  • Sandpaper.

Mechanical means of removing old coating guarantee a large number of dust, and if used carelessly can damage the battery itself.

Paint removal attachments

Chemicals in this regard are safer, but you should work with them in a ventilated area and using protective equipment- gloves, respirator, goggles, etc. Also, do not smoke or light a fire because solvents are flammable.

Typically, solvents come in the form of a thick liquid or gel. They are applied in an even and not too thin layer evenly over the entire surface of the battery. For application, metal or wooden spatulas or brushes with natural bristles are used. Spatulas made of rubber or plastic will simply dissolve from aggressive chemical exposure.

The gel is left on the surface for the time specified in the instructions, after which it is cleaned off with the same spatula along with pieces of softened paint. The remaining solvent is washed off with water.

Rust can also be removed by mechanical sanding or corrosion inhibitors. Large gouges or chips should be repaired with putty.

After this, dust and dirt from the old paint should be removed and the battery should be allowed to dry. Next, apply a primer suitable for the given type of metal of the radiator and the selected paint. It contains small sand-like particles, the role of which is to increase the adhesion (adhesion) of the surface to the paint.

There are also paints that already contain substances similar to the primer, which perfectly protect the battery metal from corrosion and adhere well to the surface.

Dyeing process

It is better to paint batteries outside the heating season, then the paint will dry evenly and there will be no smudges, cracks, swelling, etc. If this is not possible, then apply as thin a layer as possible. Ideally, if the battery is not yet installed, or you can remove it to paint everywhere.

Important ! All water based paints must be applied over a primer. When applied directly to the metal of the battery, you will have to deal with the rapid appearance of rust through the paint.

To keep the floor clean, you should lay unnecessary cloth or newspapers under the radiator. If the dye is applied from a spray can, you will also have to cover the adjacent surface of the walls with something.

Painting the battery with a brush

For work, it is better to choose brushes with soft bristles; they will create less splashes. A regular old toothbrush will help you get to those hard-to-reach places. To avoid getting dirty on an already painted surface, it is better to first paint the internal parts of the radiator. Paint should be applied from the top of the radiator downwards.

You shouldn’t try to immediately paint the battery evenly in one layer, it’s still unlikely to work. It would be better to use two neat thin layers, because one thick one will take much longer to dry and may leak. The time it takes for the dye layer to dry completely is usually indicated on the packaging. You should not apply the second layer ahead of time; the coating will turn out uneven and sloppy.

Painting can be done not only by hand, but also with a spray gun or from a spray can.

Battery paint in a can

Paint selection

Although conventional paints intended for walls, floors and ceilings are used for heating radiators, this is not the best solution. They are not designed for temperature exposure, and therefore will crack much faster and acquire a yellowish tint.

Heat-resistant paint for radiators

When choosing between matte and glossy paints, you should keep in mind that a shiny coating will greatly attract the eye and highlight all the imperfections and unevenness of the surface. A light matte finish will turn gray over time because dirt will accumulate in the porous structure of the paint.

Although the usual color of batteries is still white, this is rather a tribute to the Soviet past, when the choice of colors was not rich. In fact, white radiators will only look normal in interiors light colors. For bright or dark rooms, you should choose a different paint color.

Interesting ! The battery can be turned into a noticeable and eye-catching interior detail if you paint it in bright colors, draw patterns or entire pictures.

Painting aluminum radiators

Aluminum batteries themselves have a neat-looking and even finish and do not require additional painting. If the convection plates of the radiator are located very often, then painting them will significantly reduce the heat transfer of the device.

If their appearance hurts the eye, then it is better to cover them with a screen or force them with furniture. If for some reason these options are not suitable, then the radiators, of course, can be painted. But paints suitable for cast iron batteries will not adhere well to an aluminum surface. Such radiators should only be painted using a spray can. Moreover, this should be done in heating season, because on cold batteries when room temperature The paint will take a very long time to dry.

Important ! Please note that most manufacturers aluminum radiators consider their unauthorized coloring to be sufficient reason to terminate warranty service.

Types of paints


Alkyd paint for radiators can be organic, silicon-organic or water-based. In the first few hours after application it has strong smell, which then completely disappears. With the start of the heating season and appliances heating up, the smell may return briefly.

If selected White paint, then it is best to purchase one that contains titanium pigment. Options containing chalk, although they will cost significantly less, will quickly turn yellow during use.


Acrylic paints for radiators look and feel very much like plastic. This coating holds up well and is easy to clean. If the acrylic dye is water-based, it will be completely free of unpleasant odor.


Hammer enamels allow you to obtain shades of the same color and different texture options. A non-uniform coating will perfectly hide unevenness and other surface imperfections.

Preparation for application and the painting itself will be no different from usual. The only thing that is required is to sand the radiator to create a rough surface.


Many people wonder whether it is possible to paint batteries with water-based paint. Of course, it is possible, because... it combines resistance to high temperatures, quick drying and the absence of an unpleasant odor. However, it is significantly inferior in durability to other species.


The so-called powder coating. The dry mixture is applied from a special gun due to the small difference in electrical potential between the radiator and the powder itself. After application, such paint must be polymerized. Indoors, this can be done using a heat gun, or if the radiator is removed from the wall, it can be placed in the oven. There are also options for powder dye that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. However, ordinary sunlight is not enough for this; you need to use an ultraviolet lamp.


Paint for batteries based on silicate resins and aluminum is designed to work even with very high temperatures, which in practice do not occur in a heating system. After hardening, the material forms a dense, durable, but plastic layer, due to which no cracks will occur during thermal expansion and contraction of the metal. This paint does not require prior application of a primer and has very high adhesion to the surface. The only disadvantages of this option are the high price and the strong odor that takes a long time to dissipate.


Silver paint, a mixture of varnish and aluminum powder, has long been used for painting radiators. This paint can withstand high temperatures very well. It should be applied either over a layer of old coating or onto a base in the form of a primer. Since silver oil contains petroleum products among the varnish components, it has a fairly persistent strong odor, i.e. the room will have to be thoroughly ventilated.

Advice ! Automotive enamels in cans are very suitable for painting heating appliances, because... They are also designed for strong heating during operation and application to metal surfaces.


What paint to paint the heating radiators is ultimately up to the buyer to decide. You just need to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each possible options. For a room in which people currently live, it is better suited quick drying paint for radiators without odor.

In a non-residential space, paints that take a long time to dry, but have a longer service life, are also suitable. You should not save on material; it is better to give preference to proven and well-known brands. User reviews, which can be easily found on the Internet, will help you check how well the performance of a particular paint actually corresponds to the declared ones, and decide which paint for batteries is better.

Most of us grew up in apartments with cast iron radiators or heating registers. IN Soviet times Such heating devices were installed “forever”, they were periodically repaired, washed, cleaned and painted with their own hands. There was practically no alternative to such a battery. The need sometimes arises even now.

We welcome the regular reader and offer an article on how to paint heating radiators with your own hands - such a banal, but at the same time difficult look repair work. All metal radiators and registers require periodic painting.

From the point of view of common sense and to ensure safety, it is mandatory to paint heating devices that are susceptible to corrosion, that is, made of steel and cast iron. But there has long been a tradition that window slopes and window sill niches are painted in White color, radiators also prefer white ones. In any small store, the entire range of heating appliances is painted white, and only in construction hypermarkets can you occasionally see aluminum or colored radiators.

Cast iron

When they talk about painting batteries with their own hands, the first thing that comes to mind is cast iron radiators - reliable, heavy, “eternal.” If you have heating system If such radiators exist and suit you for the safety of heating your house or apartment, then perhaps you shouldn’t change them. If you live in apartment building, then replacing the heating system in general may lead to disagreements with the heat supply organization. In a private home, cast iron has its drawbacks, but changing it without reason also makes no sense. But periodic cleaning and painting with your own hands is necessary for cast iron.

Aluminum and bimetallic

You can also paint aluminum and bimetallic heating devices yourself, but this painting is mainly done for aesthetic reasons. To paint aluminum yourself, you need special primers. In bimetal, the steel core is usually not visible, and the aluminum shell is painted.


Copper batteries oxidize, darken and become less attractive. Therefore, copper radiators and pipes are also painted with your own hands. For copper heating systems, a special primer for non-ferrous metals is used.

Is it possible to paint hot batteries?

Definitely not possible. Paint, even alkyd, will dry very quickly, literally “on the brush.” The coating, if there is heating, will have many defects: hardened streaks, uneven coloring, a thick layer of paint; when covering very hot radiators, the paint will simply bubble; during the first wash, the heating devices will peel off (or sooner).

If you really, really need to paint hot batteries, you need to turn off the taps and wait until the battery cools down to 30 °C. If the heating season is in full swing and it is impossible to turn it off, it is better to wait until the heating is turned off. There are also special paints for applying to hot surfaces, but how to paint the inside and back with your own hands is a big question. Even special paints for heating appliances should be used in aerosol form - this will ensure uniform application (from the front side).

In any case, painting an undismounted battery with your own hands is practically possible only from the front side, which means it’s easy redecorating heating systems.

Requirements for paintwork

Batteries - a rather atypical element of the interior - are almost always in plain sight, heated to a temperature of 70-90 °C for six months, air convection constantly occurs nearby and brings dust, things are often dried on them.

Therefore, special requirements apply to paint for radiators:

  1. Heat resistance. The paint should not swell or peel during operation, that is, during heating. It is very important that the paint looks beautiful for a long time, does not turn yellow or lose color - after all, batteries are often placed in a very visible place under the windows; they play a significant role in the interior.
  2. Do not lose color, do not turn yellow, do not peel off under the influence of high temperatures due to heating and at the same time be safe for humans - the coating of heating systems after drying should not release harmful or odorous substances into the room air (the drying process does not count).
  3. Good adhesion. The paint should have good adhesion to the surface of the radiator and not peel off during heating or during alternating heating and cooling.
  4. The battery coating should create a dense airtight film and prevent corrosion of steel and cast iron radiators. It is also desirable that the paint contains corrosion inhibitors - additives that inhibit oxidation.
  5. The coating must be durable and wear-resistant, withstand drying of things and vigorous washing of batteries, including with detergents (non-abrasive!).
  6. Sufficient thermal conductivity. The paint should form a fairly thin coating - after all, the thicker the layer, the less heat from the battery is transmitted into the room.

Types of paint

Many years ago, heating systems were painted with oil paints. After a few years they cracked, the batteries were painted with their own hands in the second, third... and subsequent layers. As a result, after 30 years, heating radiators, reliably insulated with a thick layer of paint, practically stopped heating. The modern range of paints for batteries is very large and allows you to cover heating devices with your own hands with a thin, durable coating of a wide variety of colors, while the durability of the coatings can reach 10 years.

a brief description of various colors is given below.


Acrylic dyes appeared relatively recently. The most common acrylic paints are a water emulsion of particles suspended in water. acrylic resin and pigment. After drying, the acrylic resin merges into one mass, forming a strong wear-resistant layer that firmly holds the pigment.

  1. The coating is smooth, uniform and slightly reminiscent of plastic.
  2. The bright color of the battery will remain unchanged for 7-8 years, the white will not turn yellow; The paint perfectly withstands elevated temperatures of the heating system, does not crack or peel.
  3. After drying, the coating becomes insoluble in water and most solvents and is not afraid of moisture.
  4. It is especially worth mentioning that acrylic mixtures on the battery dry in literally half an hour, and there is no sharp odor that irritates the respiratory tract and eyes, like other paints.
  5. The good adhesion of acrylic resin allows it to be used for painting both steel and aluminum heating surfaces. There are varieties of acrylic paints based on organic solvents; the quality of the resulting surface of these paints is better than that of alkyd and water-based acrylic paints, and color fastness is also excellent.


Alkyd paints have anti-corrosion properties, good adhesion, elasticity, high heat resistance, and form an even, smooth coating on the battery, which is stronger than acrylic resin.

  1. Alkyd compounds dry within 24 hours, the evaporating solvent has a strong unpleasant odor and dissipates within a few more days. After painting the battery, the room must be intensively ventilated. You cannot stay in it - the solvent (especially when the heating is on) is not harmless to humans.
  2. The second significant drawback of alkyd compositions is the low color fastness; after 3-4 years, the white color will begin to turn yellow, and the colored color will begin to lose its brightness. It is better to choose glossy paint - it will preserve the whiteness or brightness of the color on heating appliances longer.


This modern variety acrylic compounds. They form a very durable original coating with an interesting texture. The surface looks as if it was beaten with a small hammer and painted. An uneven, “speckled” surface hides chips in the battery well - this is especially true for rough cast iron.

Other types of paint

To paint radiators with your own hands, they often use silver paint - a suspension of aluminum powder in varnish. Serebryanka forms a durable coating that is resistant to elevated temperatures and abrasion. It can be applied over primer and over old paint.


  • Strong, persistent odor.
  • The mixture is explosive and should be used with caution.

In addition, a radiator of a specific “aluminum” type will not fit into every interior.

Compositions based on silicone resins are also used for heating appliances. They form a dense and elastic coating, resistant to abrasion and very high temperatures during heating. Moreover, elasticity does not depend on the aging of the composition. Silicone compounds have high adhesion to any surface and do not require prior priming. These paints also smell very unpleasant when drying.

The most durable elastic coating is formed by polyurethane paints. This paint is a complex suspension of pigments and vinyl chloride copolymers in polyurethane compositions. Polyurethane paint is used to protect heating structures outdoors and in industrial workshops. It has high temperature resistance, high resistance to humidity. For interior works A two-component paint is used to create a beautiful glossy finish.

Epoxy and pentaphthalic enamels are also used for heating devices.

Which one is better to choose?

For a high-tech or perhaps loft-style interior, you can choose silver. For other cases, they are chosen based on the requirements for the radiator: wear resistance, the need to preserve the color longer, and the location of painting.

They are more familiar and reliable, and modern hammer ones generally look very expensive and interesting.

But if you want to decorate the radiator in the nursery or other rooms with your own hands and you don’t plan to dry a mountain of diapers on the radiator, you should try acrylic: it gives a lot of scope for creativity. Acrylic is not chosen because it is not yet very familiar - the very idea that you can paint a battery with your own hands using water-based emulsion is still new. Water-based acrylic also has almost no odor and dries quickly (especially if the heating is on).

The most durable are polyurethane paints and acrylic compositions based on organic solvents.

Advice on choosing the color of a radiator is a very thankless task. We are accustomed to the traditional white color, but in modern interiors, heating devices of the same color as the walls look great, or vice versa - bright, painted with patterns or stylized as a picture, an animal or something else.

The color depends on the taste of the owners and the purpose of the room - in a strict classic living room, white or antique styling would be appropriate, in a nursery you can give free rein to your imagination, in the bathroom and kitchen - a white radiator will have to be washed twice as often as a tinted one in color walls The choice of how to properly paint a radiator with your own hands is yours.

Necessary tools for painting a battery

To paint a heating radiator you will need:

  • Brushes with natural bristles - straight and slightly curved.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Grinder or drill with a wire brush attachment.
  • Putty knife.
  • Wash.
  • Remover remover.
  • Primer.
  • Metal brush with metal bristles.
  • Dye.
  • Possibly a spray gun.
  • Personal protective equipment - suit, respirator, goggles, gloves.
  • Rags.

Preparatory stage

The quality of battery painting primarily depends on surface preparation. Before applying the primer, you must turn off the heating, clean the radiator with your own hands from old paint, dust, dirt and thoroughly degrease. Areas of old paint that are very firmly adhered to the surface and have not peeled off or cracked do not need to be removed.

Methods for removing dust and grease

A used heating radiator must be thoroughly washed and degreased. Treat with warm water; if there are stains of household grease, wash with a good dish soap. Sometimes in hard-to-reach places you can remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner, but it is unlikely to remove stuck dust particles from the battery.

Particular attention to stains of all kinds of technical oils (the battery was in the garage, dripped during transportation) - such stains can only be removed with solvents, white spirit, acetone, gasoline. The surface must be thoroughly dry before applying the primer.

Mechanical removal of old paint coatings

Mechanical removal of old paint - removing paint from a battery manually using sandpaper, metal brushes or using a drill/grinder with special attachments. In some places on the battery it is difficult to reach the paint; cleaning even one radiator with your own hands takes a lot of time and patience, so the chemical method is often used.

The best way to get rid of old paint on heating appliances is sandblasting. Some heating companies provide just such services.

How to get rid of old paint using chemicals

The chemical method of removing old coating from a heating device makes it quicker and easier to prepare the radiator for priming and painting.

There are a large number of effective types of removers for all types of paints:

  • Alkyd.
  • Oily ones.
  • Perchlorovinyl.
  • Bitumen.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Epoxy.
  • Latex and many other compounds.
  • For removing powder compounds from metal.
  • Universal means.

It should be borne in mind that almost all of these products are not very safe, are often flammable and are not intended for use in a home or apartment. All work on cleaning, priming and painting the battery is best done outside the home - in a garage, shed or under a shed.

If the instructions are followed exactly, these products are relatively safe, but in any case, glasses, gloves and, if necessary, a respirator are required.

When calculating the amount of product per radiator, you should keep in mind that one layer softens 1-2 layers of paint, and if there are a lot of them, then a lot of product will be needed. Section area cast iron radiator equal to 0.244 m².

The battery will have to be processed several times. It is difficult to calculate the surface area of ​​the battery - it makes sense to buy a remover with some reserve.

To soften the paint, a remover is applied to the surface of the radiator and covered with polyethylene. Withstand required quantity time according to the instructions, carefully clean off the paint with a spatula, then with a brush. If there are many layers of paint, the operation will have to be repeated several times.

Then the surface of the battery is treated with the product specified in the instructions, wiped, washed, and dried.

Thermal method

This method uses heat using blowtorch or construction hair dryer. This method practically does not work on metal.

For those who like to experiment, we inform you that sudden heating can lead to a crack in the cast iron battery and “waves” metal sheets from which they are made modern radiators. Yes, and scale stains on the surface of cast iron and steel of a heating device will not please you.

Surface priming rules

Before priming the surface of the heating device, you must carefully remove the paint remover using the product provided in the instructions, wash off dust and scraps of paint and thoroughly dry the radiator. Then the defects are sealed with a special putty and primed. Keep in mind that putty, primer, and each layer of paint reduces the heat transfer of the radiator the next time you turn on the heating.

The strength of adhesion of the paint to the radiator (adhesion) depends on the quality of priming of the battery.

For cast iron and steel, choose a metal product with anti-corrosion additives and suitable as a base for paint.

Do-it-yourself quality dyeing technique

The traditional and time-tested technology for high-quality battery painting involves applying thin layers of paint twice. It should be borne in mind that for most paints, priming the heating elements is a desirable, but optional step.

Don't forget to use personal protective equipment:

  • Gloves.
  • Points.
  • Respirator.
  • Thick clothing with long sleeves.

Before painting, clean the radiator from dirt, and then degrease and dry the battery (be sure to do so in that order). Don't forget to turn off the heating first.

General dyeing technology

High-quality painting is always done in two layers. Before applying the second layer, the first layer on the battery must dry. With this order, there will be no unpainted areas, drips, or uneven coloring. Heating radiators are painted either with a brush, or an aerosol, or using a sprayer. There are curved brushes for painting hard-to-reach areas. Painting is done starting from the inside of the battery - this way less paint will get on your hands.

For better color It is necessary to paint one side of the battery, dry it, turn it over, and paint the other. Then the second layer is applied in the same way.

The radiator can only be properly painted when it is removed and the heating is turned off.. If it is impossible to remove, you should clean it, paint the damaged areas with a small brush and paint on the front side with an aerosol can or spray gun.

Painting aluminum radiators

Aluminum batteries (and bimetallic ones) have a non-peeled factory coating with some damage. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it completely; it is enough to clean the damaged areas with your own hands and paint them with aerosol auto enamel.

For aluminum you can use all the paints that are used for ferrous metals. Only the primer must be special - for non-ferrous metals.

Painting copper radiators

Copper darkens over time. Therefore, it is primed with a primer for non-ferrous metals (lead-lead No. 81; urethane; HS-010, GF-032, GF-073, FL-03K, FL-03ZH, VL-02, EP-0126, UR-0116, EF- 094).

To paint the copper surfaces of batteries, the same paints are used as for aluminum, steel, and cast iron.

Copper is often coated with varnish with an aluminum base or simply varnish (VL-51 or ethinol varnish). Water-based acrylic paints are usually not used for heating systems.

Interesting battery color ideas

There are many interesting design ideas for heating radiators. There are two main trends when painting batteries: to match the color of the walls or to make bright accent in design.

Artistic painting

In addition to plain painting, artistic painting of heating devices with acrylic paints (or any other) and decoupage are becoming popular.

There are many options for painting the battery:

  • Under animals.
  • Pictures from cartoons.
  • Bird-flower plants.
  • Variations on a rainbow theme.
  • Geometric patterns.

Even more vibrant finishing options are provided by decorating batteries using the decoupage technique. With this technique, a drawing is glued onto the surface of the heating device to be decorated with PVA glue - upper layer napkins, rice paper with a pattern. Then the drawing is dried, if necessary, it is completed and covered with transparent varnish. The battery decoupage technique is shown in detail in the video.

Antique painting

Antique batteries are painted in gold, copper or silver with patination in a variety of patterns. A copper heating system coated with varnish or gold varnish looks stylish.

You can decorate heating radiators with your own hands using stucco molding from a self-hardening mass, and then paint them. The mass is produced painted in different colors, including silver, golden, metallic.

And finally, there is a whole series of bulky decorative batteries on legs for retro-style interiors. These heating devices come in the most unimaginable colors and patterns. There will be no need to paint them for the next 15 years - a very durable coating is applied at the factory.


If you, our dear reader, have a need to take on the task of painting heating radiators with your own hands, give free rein to your imagination and boldly get down to business - our article will help you. Good luck in all your renovation endeavors. Subscribe to our newsletter, bring your friends to the site, share information on social networks.

Over time, old batteries lose their aesthetic appearance, rust appears, cracks appear in the coating, and paint peels off. Agree, changing the radiator in this case is not the best idea. It is much easier, faster and more economical to repaint the battery. Moreover, it is quite easy to update the appearance of the heating device.

We will help you choose the appropriate enamel composition, explain how to prepare and how to paint the heating radiator correctly. We will also outline the nuances that should be taken into account when working with different types of radiators.

The proposed photo ideas will inspire you to choose an interesting solution and implement your design idea.

It is not always possible financially, and in many cases even technically, to install a new radiator. It is easier to refresh the outside of the heating device if it is still capable of serving. If the battery has already had to be repaired or does not heat well, then it is better.

The painting process as such is not particularly difficult, but this does not mean that you can buy any composition and immediately begin restoring the attractiveness of the radiator.

The paint must be selected according to certain parameters, and the battery must be carefully prepared. If this is not done, the new coating will not last long, and you will soon have to repeat the process again.

Old cast iron battery with peeling paint it looks very unaesthetic. In addition, the material of its body is subject to oxidation and rusts.

When choosing a composition, it is best to focus on options specifically designed for heating devices. But if there is no such inscription on the label, you should carefully study the instructions and find data on its heat resistance.

Requirements for paint coating:

  • Heat resistance. The composition applied to the radiator body must withstand temperatures up to 80-90 degrees and be flawless for the time promised by the manufacturer.
  • Adhesion. It is necessary that the composition has good adhesion to the surface to be painted. Did not peel off when heated and alternating heating/cooling.
  • Corrosion protection. The composition must contain anti-corrosion substances so that the coating in direct contact with the body does not cause its destruction.
  • Color fastness. Unconditional condition, because Radiators are painted for aesthetic purposes, among other reasons.
  • Abrasion resistance. From direct contact with various furnishings, drying items, etc. the coating should not become thin.
  • Safety. It is very important that the composition does not contain any components harmful to health.