Meals to avoid colic in a child. Diet for nursing mothers so that babies do not have colic

Colic is pain and pain in the tummy of young children. A nursing mom's diet for colic in a child is necessary to alleviate the condition of the infant. Colic appears around the 3rd week of a baby's life. At this time, children are often naughty, screaming and showing other signs of indisposition, and nothing can calm them down. However, in this case it does not hurt to take the baby in your arms and try to pump. Colic is often manifested in the evening. The baby suffers from colic for about 3 months, in some cases up to 4-5 months.

1 Is treatment possible without a special diet?

In medicine, there is no precise definition of a diagnosis of colic. Doctors ascribe it to any nervous condition of a child. Different parents have their own special methods of treatment, including a diet with colic. They really help, but only for a short time. Feeding a child with two breasts at a time, an uneven flow of milk from the breast and foreign proteins in breast milk are just some of the reasons that can also be the cause of the child’s indisposition, provided that the baby is healthy and has no problems gaining weight.

2 What are allowed to eat the mother during breastfeeding?

A diet for a nursing woman with colic in newborns is made according to proper, balanced diet. Only then will breast milk be useful for the baby and give him all the necessary nutrients. A woman’s consumption of approximately 4000 kcal / day is considered normal. It is worth remembering all the rules of proper nutrition. A large amount of energy is required for the production of breast milk, because of which the caloric content of food must be appropriate.

In the diet of the mother must be present meat products. You just need to choose low-fat varieties - beef, poultry, veal, rabbit. Meat does not need to be fried in butter, it will be much more useful to boil it or steam it. The same rules apply to fish dishes.

In order for breast milk to be produced in sufficient quantity to feed the child, the mother must drink plenty of water daily. It is possible to use both pure water, and infusions of herbs, slightly sugared fruit drinks and fruit drinks, as well as green brewed tea.

The following foods are allowed to eat:

  • porridge from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • butter;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, etc .;
  • biscuits, crackers;
  • soft-colored vegetables cooked without oil;
  • boiled or steamed meat;
  • fresh fruits: apples, pears;
  • various cereals;
  • wholemeal bread.

Infants often experience pain, bowel spasms and irregular stools. This is due to the formation of the digestive system, lack of enzymes and improper feeding of the child. Constipation in newborns is caused by a lack of water in the body and an error in the nutrition of the mother if the baby is breastfed. Therefore, it is important to choose a diet for nursing mothers, so that there is no colic and constipation in infants.

  Diet for a nursing mother

When feeding on breast milk, the baby receives everything necessary for development and growth, therefore the nutrition of the nursing mother should be balanced. The basic rules of the diet:

  • five meals a day (hearty breakfast and lunch, light dinner and two snacks between them);
  • food and drinks should be warm;
  • to ensure the intake of protein from lean meat, fish and dairy products;
  • limit animal fats, meat broths, fried and spicy dishes;
  • carbohydrates should come from seasonal ripe fruits, whole grain cereals, dried fruits. Limit pastry, white bread;
  • source of fiber should be vegetables and greens;
  • observe drinking regime, drinking at least two liters of clean water.

  Prohibited foods for colic and constipation in babies

Products that cause increased gas formation and astringents, nursing mom should exclude from the menu for constipation in a child. For the period of feeding you need to abandon:

  • alcoholic beverages of any strength;
  • chocolate and cocoa, coffee and all products with their content;
  • spicy seasonings (pepper, garlic, horseradish, raw onion). Babies may refuse breast milk because of the taste of garlic or onions;
  • carbonated drinks and kvass, packaged juices;
  • sweets, cakes, pastries, honey;
  • exotic fruits (mango, kiwi, pineapple);
  • citrus, except lemons;
  • seafood, sushi;
  • radish, radish, cabbage, cucumbers;
  • mushrooms;
  • grapes and melons, blueberries, persimmons and quinces;
  • rice and semolina.

In a limited amount, legumes, eggs, salt, pasta and milk may be present in the diet (not more than 250 ml per day). To build a diet of a nursing mother with constipation, it is recommended to keep a food diary, noting the reaction of the infant to food. If you have allergies or spasms of the intestine, such products should be removed from the diet.

  What to eat nursing mom with constipation in infants

Nutrition nursing mother should be made up of simple natural products grown in their native area, with sufficient protein, vitamins and fiber:

  • First courses - vegetable broth, soups - mashed potatoes, soup with chicken or turkey on the secondary broth, beetroot soup.
  • Lean boiled or baked meat: beef, veal, rabbit meat, turkey or chicken;
  • White lean fish: carp, pollock, crucian carp, catfish, pike perch. Cooking fish can be steamed, stew in the oven.
  • Vegetables in the first month in boiled form, the best white or green.
  • Fruits and berries after the third month are allowed everything except red (plums, apricots, bananas, apples). Dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, figs and raisins.
  • Groats - oats, buckwheat, wheat. Prepare porridge and casseroles.
  • Lactic products are fresh, better cooked at home without additives. Yogurt, yogurt and kefir no more than 2% fat, cottage cheese up to 9, sour cream up to 15. In the finished dishes you can add a little butter (up to 30 g per day) and non-sharp cheese (up to 50 g).
  • Vegetable oil for salad dressing - olive and sunflower.
  • Bread and bread, drying, biscuits.
  • Fruit drinks, fruit stews, berries, dried fruits.

  Healthy recipes

The diet of a nursing mom with constipation in a child should be tasty and varied. Recipes of dishes are better to choose simple ones with fewer components in order to notice in time a child's intolerance to the product.

Pumpkin porridge with apples and prunes.


  • Pumpkin 500 g
  • Apples 4 pcs.
  • Prunes 120 g


  1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and put on a small fire for 20 minutes.
  2. Apples cut into large slices, adding also prunes to the pumpkin. Cook for another 15 minutes. If desired, you can use oatmeal.

Zucchini baked with potatoes.


  • Zucchini (or squash, squash) 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes 2 pcs.
  • Dill seeds, ground 0.5 tsp.
  • Dill greens 30 g
  • Adyghe cheese, 50 g
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l


  1. Boil the potatoes, peel and cut into slices.
  2. Zucchini cut into slices and mix with potatoes, dill seeds and vegetable oil. Salt to taste.
  3. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped dill. Cook for another 7 minutes.

Apple-oatmeal smoothie.


  • Oatmeal 2,5st. l
  • Apple (better than green) 2 pcs.
  • Banana.
  • Milk 100 ml.

Apple and banana cut into pieces. Put everything in a blender and beat.

Buckwheat porridge with vegetables in a pot.


  • Buckwheat 1 cup.
  • Zucchini 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper 1 pc.
  • Pumpkin 100 g
  • Salt, dill or parsley.


  1. Rinse the cereal and pour 2 cups of hot water.
  2. All vegetables cut into cubes and mix with buckwheat. Salt and place in a pot with a lid.
  3. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with greens.

Dried fruit sweets.


  • 100 g of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs, dried cranberries and oatmeal.
  • Coconut chips 20 g
  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  2. Dried fruits pour hot water   for 7 minutes.
  3. Twist the dried fruit through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  4. Mix dried fruits with ground flakes and form small balls.
  5. Roll the balls in coconut chips.

Cottage cheese.


  • Milk 1 l.
  • Yogurt or kefir 10 tbsp. l
  • Salt 0.5 tsp.
  1. Milk bring to a boil. Mix yoghurt with milk and boil over low heat until a clear whey appears.
  2. Strain through a colander with two layers of cheesecloth.
  3. Put the cheese in gauze under pressure for 4 hours. The longer it will be under the yoke, the denser the structure of the cheese. It is better to use homemade milk.

Compliance with the diet will help the child to improve the work of the intestines, and at the same time the mother's body is cleared, weight and immunity are normalized. For the prevention of constipation, tea made from fennel seeds or dill is very useful: pour a teaspoon of fruit with a cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a cup warm two or three times a day. This tea stimulates lactation, reduces bloating, stimulates bowel emptying with atonic constipation.

Crying baby from colic breaks maternal heart. Mom feels her helplessness and guilt. What can help a diet for nursing mothers, to avoid colic?

Revise the diet

Several decades ago, domestic pediatricians believed that colic provokes dysbacteriosis of newborns. In modern pediatrics, colic is believed to be the physiological norm in infants during the first 3 months of life. They are found in 70% of newborns.

How intestinal colic manifests itself:

  • an attack occurs at about the same time every day;
  • baby's belly is tense;
  • baby cries, frowns;
  • for the rest of the time, the baby is not worried.

The gastrointestinal tract of a newborn child is not mature enough and cannot produce enough enzymes that will be enough to digest milk. Children are born with sterile intestines, the bacteria in it are gradually colonized, and the normal intestinal flora will be formed only after a few months. And therefore, any violations in the diet of the mother cause increased gas formation and, as a result, intestinal colic.

Therefore, having given birth to a baby, a woman should reconsider her diet, learn how to eat right. If during pregnancy it was possible not to deny yourself anything, there is something that you want in any, sometimes incredible combinations, then with the birth and breastfeeding other times come.

Everything is important: the choice of dishes and products for their preparation, their quantity, type of heat treatment. Equally important are drinking regime and meal times. Freshness and quality of products are not even discussed at all.

Principles of diet

To avoid bloating, the diet of a nursing mother with colic should not be based on several principles of nutrition:

  • in the choice of protein foods to give preference to lean meats, poultry and fish, dairy products;
  • learn how to eat separately: incompatible products of the mother’s daily diet will cause digestive disorders in the child;
  • supplement the diet with new products should be carefully, gradually, in tiny portions;
  • abandon delicacies and all sorts of exotic products;
  • the bulk of the diet should consist of local, seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • fractional meals in small portions;
  • drink as much pure water as possible.

Vegetables are better to stew, steam or bake. Apples as the main fruit for nursing mothers bake in the oven and eat without the peel.

It is better for a while to refuse whole milk and cream, preferring fermented milk products. Eliminate sweet yogurts with all sorts of additives. After a time, you can drink milk, but you need to enter it gradually, in small portions.

Under the strictest prohibition of sparkling water, sweet soda and all store juices.Spicy dishes, all smoked meats, pickles and pickled foods are prohibited.

Nursing mom with colic in newborns is forbidden to use legumes, nuts, fresh white and rye bread.

Under the ban are also chocolate, cocoa, strong tea, coffee.

For a while you need to forget about mayonnaise, ketchup and all sorts of sauces.

Food diary

What should be a diet for nursing mothers:

  1. Every day you need to eat a piece of lean bird, beef or veal. Meat is best steamed, boiled or baked.
  2. In the diet must be present cottage cheese or low-fat varieties of cheese. Useful kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt with a short shelf life (without preservatives). It is better to refuse milk soups and cereals with milk for a while.
  3. Vegetables are required. Better boiled or steamed. These are zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes.
  4. Berries, dried fruits and nuts, if the mother is not prone to allergies, you can. Start with very small portions (2-3 pieces) and watch the baby. Allergic manifestations or an attack of colic can begin 2-4 hours after feeding.
  5. It is better to prefer whole-grain bread and lightly dried. Bread in large quantities provokes colic. On the day - 2 slices of bread.
With the growth of the baby, the mother begins to eat more diversely, introducing new foods into the diet with care and gradually.

If the baby suffers from colic, and the mother does everything possible, but she still cannot determine the cause of the distention, it is better to keep a food diary. Daily in a special notebook you need to write down: what time, what, and how much the nursing mother ate. According to the diary, it will be clear from what the next day a newborn will suffer from colic, and exclude this product.

How else to help the baby?

There is an opinion that during colic the child should not contain dairy products in general. This is explained by the fact that the foreign protein provokes bloating. If the child suffers, then the mother can follow this advice and observe. If indeed the baby has become calmer, it is better to wait a little with milk.

So you can do with any other products, acting under the scheme "exclude-observe-cancel". If nothing helps, you need to consult with a specialist. Perhaps the cause of colic is related to the peculiarities of the mother's body.

To avoid colic, before applying to the breast, mother should lay the baby on her stomach and stroke her back. This will gradually strengthen the abdominal muscles, and the gases will move better. In order for breast milk to digest and stimulate the digestive organs, the baby must be upright for several minutes after feeding.

From colic to a baby’s belly, a warm diaper can be applied or the baby’s belly should be pressed to the mother’s belly. If the baby is screaming from colic for more than 3 hours a day, it is better not to postpone it and go to the doctor’s appointment. The doctor should exclude other pathologies.

If the baby is healthy, in 3 months the stomach will be developed well enough, and colic will pass. Colic and bloating in the baby are inevitable. Parents need to have patience, strength and survive this time.

Indeed, there are foods that can cause allergies or colic in a child. But this does not mean that they should be completely abandoned. Try to improve the quality of purchased products, perhaps the child is allergic to fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or food additives. If the baby is prone to allergies, then try to buy vegetables and fruits in the village, eggs and meat from proven vendors, as well as products with the least amount of food additives.

It is necessary to give preference to vegetables and fruits according to the season, otherwise you can get an undesirable dose of nitrates. In the "no season" it is better to eat frozen vegetables, and if you prepare them yourself, it will be just great! Agree that the zucchini grown in the summer is much more useful than the winter greenhouse or imported brother! In fact, the question is the topic of a separate article. And now we will tell you what to eat.

What can not eat when breastfeeding?

These foods should be generally excluded from the diet of a nursing mother:

  • strong coffee,
  • alcohol,
  • spicy sauces and seasonings,
  • canned fish, meat, dairy,
  • convenience foods from the store,
  • meat with blood, poorly roasted and not past a thorough heat treatment.

Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers

What should not eat a nursing mother with colic - foods that cause allergies in newborns:

  • white bread,
  • cow's milk,
  • chicken eggs,
  • poultry meat
  • sausages, sausages,
  • red fish
  • seafood,
  • fish and crab sticks,
  • smoked meat
  • caviar,
  • mayonnaise,
  • wheat flour pasta,
  • tomatoes,
  • red berries and fruits
  • exotic fruits,
  • nuts,
  • mushrooms,
  • chocolate,
  • coffee, cocoa,
  • products in vacuum packaging.

The list of products that cause allergies, turned out rather big. But do not worry, it does not mean that you should abandon them altogether. If you do not eat kilograms of red fruit or drink glasses of milk, nothing terrible will happen. Try to eat the way you ate during pregnancy (if you eat right!) Most likely, this will be a normal diet for the baby. The main thing is to appease your appetite for delicacies and various goodies. Introduce new products in small portions, for example, one spoonful of raspberry jam, two strawberries, half a mandarin fruit. If the child does not respond, then you can gradually increase the volume of these products. Also do not forget that you need to eat a little bit and not to overeat.

Diet nursing mom with colic

Quite often, children have colic in the first three months, and this is considered normal. One of the causes of colic in newborns is the poor diet of the mother, eating foods that cause flatulence. What can not eat a nursing mother with colic - products that cause bloating:

  • cow's milk,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • white cabbage,
  • cucumbers,
  • bulgarian pepper
  • grapes
  • pears
  • peas,
  • beans,
  • raisins.

In order for the child not to suffer from colic, it is necessary to exclude or reduce to a minimum the gas-forming products. If this does not help, then you need to treat mom. Perhaps the mother does not have enough enzymes to break down food, therefore, the child will also have problems with the absorption of milk. For example, a mommy has eaten a very healthy, oatmeal cooked in water, and because she suffers from gastritis, constipation, bile stasis in the intestines, dysbacteriosis or something else, this porridge will not be able to be digested to those particles that are accessible to digestion. child In this “unfinished” form, porridge is alien and difficult for the child, which means it will cause colic and allergies.

How to keep a nursing mom's food diary?

It will be just great if you keep a food diary. With it, you will be able to record what products cause certain changes in the baby:

  • skin rash, itching, swelling;
  • in the respiratory organs - cough, shortness of breath, runny nose;
  • in the digestive organs - regurgitation, vomiting, stool changes (color, consistency, mucus), colic.

In the morning, try a new product, and then observe the child for 48 hours and enter the data in such a table.

So summarize. You have learned that you can not eat a nursing mother. Yes, it is necessary to abandon delicacies and "snacks", follow a diet, try to buy organic foods, keep a food diary. But what can you do for the sake of the smile of your healthy baby! Right?

Probably the most common nuisance that bothers newborns and their parents in the first months after the maternity hospital is children's cramps.

In this article, we will learn whether a nursing mom's diet helps with colic in a child to reduce these unpleasant symptoms and how to prevent their occurrence.

To make the right decision, to combat the problem of many moms and dads, you need to find out the cause of this unpleasant and fairly common phenomenon.

Colic is an accumulation of gas in the gut of the gut, a problem that 90% of babies face. Usually they start from the 3rd week and pass after the 3rd month of the baby’s life. But how can parents survive these difficult first months?

This phenomenon of increased gas formation is considered the norm for infants. The kidney’s digestive tract is not mature enough, it is not able to produce all the enzymes necessary for digestion, it lacks the necessary flora. All this is the main cause of colic.

During attacks, the baby feels a strong pain in the abdomen, which subsides after the discharge of gas or emptying of the intestines. At the same time, the picture on the part of the parents looks like this: the baby has legs, pressing them against the swollen tummy, clenching the fists, blushing and screaming loudly. Is it possible in some way to alleviate the sufferings of the crumbs?

Ways to eliminate colic in children breastfed

The immaturity of the intestine in infants contributes to its sensitive response to the slightest changes in mom's diet during breastfeeding. But she may well help her baby avoid painful sensations, adhering to some rules in her diet and feeding her baby.

Ways to reduce seizures in a baby with guv:

  • Reduce the likelihood of attacks capable of strict diet mom
  • After feeding, it is recommended to hold the baby up to 10-15 minutes vertically in order for it to burp out the excess air.
  • To avoid colic, massage the child's belly in a clockwise direction.
  • Press the baby's tummy to your or put a warm diaper or heating pad on it
  • To prevent the baby from swallowing extra air, keep it upright a little
  • Sometimes, for an otkhozhdeniye of gases from a children's intestine it is possible to use an enema or gas outlet tubebut these are extreme measures
  • Do not let the baby get very hungry. With greedy sucking breasts, he will swallow excess air, which will lead to gas and seizures.
  • Try to avoid swaddling. Physical activity of the child prevents gas formation in the intestine.
  • Do not overheat the child.
  • Dill water, decoction of fennel or a special preparation will help reduce the gases. Give them from the spoon before eating.
  • Spread the baby on the stomach and do gymnastics with legs before feeding.
  • Feed often and in small portions, so the milk is better absorbed, do not overfeed the baby.
  • Sustained emotional state of a nursing mother, without anxiety and anxiety, is also the prevention of painful attacks in infants.

Nursing mom's diet

The composition of breast milk directly depends on the nutrition of the woman. It is especially important to follow a diet in the first weeks of the life of the crumbs. There is a group of products that can, either alone or in combination, cause severe gas formation.

A list of such gas-forming and prohibited when breastfeeding products will be given below.

It is often necessary to eat a woman during breastfeeding often in small portions, 5-6 times a day.

To prevent attacks, you can drink tea from chamomile, fennel or a special pharmacy.

Enter each new type of food should be carefully, starting with a minimum amount, while tracking the reaction of the baby tummy. For convenience, it is recommended to keep a food diary in order to identify foods that cause allergies and gas formation.

Prohibited Products

If you want your baby to be less disturbed by seizures, feeding the nursing mother with children’s colic should be thoughtful.

Junk food during lactation:

  • Fried, spicy and smoked products
  • Pastries and sweets
  • Soda, juice and kvass
  • Whole milk
  • Mayonnaise
  • Raw fruits and vegetables (grapes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pears, watermelon and others)
  • White and other varieties of cabbage, especially raw
  • Nuts and raisins
  • Legumes: beans, peas and other
  • Rye bread
  • Potatoes and pasta (in large quantities)
  • Coffee, cocoa, strong tea

Especially gassing are from the list: cabbage, milk and legumes.

The rest can be entered with caution after the 1st month of birth, while keeping an eye on the condition of the child for several days. Do not forget that some food causes increased gas formation in combination: juices and main dishes, beans with bread, dessert and main food, dairy products with meat, fish, sour fruits and bread.

The rejection of many products does not mean that the nutrition of the nursing mother should not be complete. So, a few helpful tips.

Food during lactation:

  • It is better to eat vegetables in stewed form, fruit - in baked (apples, pears)
  • Replace carbonated drinks and store juices with compote, mors, kissel and homemade herbal tea
  • Choose lean boiled meat: beef, chicken, veal, turkey, pork
  • Cottage cheese and various cheeses are welcome, as well as plain yogurt.
  • Bread should be eaten raw, preferably yesterday
  • A variety of cereals are very helpful.
  • Dried fruits are necessary to saturate the body with various trace elements

The popular Ukrainian doctor Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, is convinced that the cause of infantile colic is not fully understood and is completely independent of the mother’s diet. But overfeeding and overheating of children significantly increase their likelihood. None of the existing hypotheses, not confirmed by science. The main thing is not to worry about this, this phenomenon will disappear with time.

Opinions of foreign physicians are different. Canadian doctor Jack Newman believes that gas formation in infants occurs due to excessive consumption of animal protein (milk, yogurt, ice cream) by a nursing woman. Many foreign doctors call the theory of the connection of colic and diet obsolete. American experts consider this phenomenon to be something like a migraine, with a headache.

How to deal with bouts of the baby, you decide. But now you know exactly what should be the diet of a nursing mother with colic in a child. The main thing is not to despair, and remember that this phenomenon resolves itself in 3-4 months without any treatment. Health to you and baby!